View from London
Report by International Chapter President, Dik Jarman
Brexit emotions have rolled over the UK in the past days like a slow relentless tsunami. Sitting in my office in the Midlands it feels as if everything will be rearranged by this decision and the general mood is currently one of loss rather than the excitement of a new beginning.
Even though legal changes to free movement and education are at least two years away there will be immediate effects in the decisions people make and there will be new pressures on the construction and design industry as the pound is devalued and London is seen as a less secure investment by foreign entities. In its response the RIBA has announced that it will be championing its members as well as increasing its collaboration to other relevant institutions such as the RAIA to strengthen its global position.
This action is in keeping with recent development with the RAIA to strengthen its capabilities internationally by reaching out globally with the newly ratified RAIA International Chapter whose raison d’etre is to improve connectivity between Australian members who are living and working overseas. This includes creating links to the Institute back home and to other people and bodies in the field of architecture such as the RIBA. This past month the Chapter put on the third “Boarding Pass” in as many years in London, this time hosted at the RIBA Council Chamber room and balcony and included talks by new RAIA President Ken Maher and Earle Arney head of the London Office of Arney Fender Katsalidis as well as the announcement of the winners of our RAIA International Chapter Awards.
Please read Janine Campbell’s full report below.
Whilst in London I was able to introduce Ken to senior members of RIBA International where we had an excellent meeting discussing how both Institutions can work together strengthening our combined ability to make the world a better place through architecture as well as to create a better value proposition to our respective members. These conversations were a development from those started in 2013 when we had our first International Committee meeting in London and now, post Brexit vote, are more valuable than ever.
Part of the opportunity of liaising with other countries’ Institutes for members is that we have agreements to have some reciprocal services which helps the value proposition of becoming a member. This is true of the RIBA and now I am glad to say that the American Institute of Architects London Chapter (AIAUK) have also agreed to allow RAIA members to attend their events in the UK at membership rates.
In addition to assisting with the above, our (and NT’s) Chapter Manager, Joshua Morrin, has worked on the Venice Biennale as Acting Project Manager helping see it through to a very successful completion.
Congratulations to all the winners of the International Chapter’s Awards, the standard was terrific this year. These are relatively new awards for the Institute and we have recently greatly expanded the number of categories so if you have some work your office has done overseas that you are proud of please put an entry in.

International Awards news
Report by International Chapter Vice President, Janine Campbell
The International Chapter Architecture Awards are gaining popularity with Australian architects abroad. In recent years new categories of projects have aligned with the national and state chapters, including the categories ‘Small Project’, ‘Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing’ and ‘Interior Architecture’ to encourage smaller or emerging Australian practices and practitioners abroad to submit.
Although Asia is a significant growth area for Australian practices, opportunities in recent years for Australian Architects in the UK and across Europe are also emerging. Since the inaugural ‘Boarding Pass’ in 2012 in Singapore, the format has attracted over 600 attendees in 4 different cities (Singapore, London, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur) boosting the profile and connectivity of Australian architects abroad, with this year’s third London event once again held at the RIBA, with the International Chapter Architecture Awards presented by the Institute’s National President Ken Maher and myself, the event chaired by the Institute’s International President Dik Jarman, and featuring Earle Arney from the London studio of Arney Fender Katsalidis as guest speaker.
Despite sometimes uncertain and volatile economic conditions across the globe, such as the current ‘Brexit’ and in recent history the GFC, Australian practices have emerged with projects to submit including locations from Russia, Italy, Colombo, Vanuatu, Germany, California, New York, Malaysia, Denmark, Sweden, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Switzerland, to name a few.
Stay tuned for future Boarding Pass events.