Nominations for Fellow of the Institute

Nominations for Fellow of the Institute

Nominations for Fellow of the Institute

Did you realise that qualifying for nomination to Fellow within the Institute may be simpler than you realise. Achieving the status of Fellow, displays to the profession, clients and others your high standing within the profession and your advanced level of skill and contribution. It also brings you one step closer to Life Fellowship which is a privileged honour bestowed on members who are confidentially chosen by the Honours Committee for this honour.


There are three key criteria to be recognised as a Fellow:

1) Time: a minimum of 12 years as a Corporate Member

2) Contribution: significant contribution to the profession; and

3) Endorsement: recommendation by two Corporate Members as well as the recommendation of Chapter Council


This is explained in more detail on the attached application form.

There are quite a number of members who would meet these criteria but for various reasons have not been nominated. You can nominate yourself (with support from two others) however a number of our members have not felt comfortable about doing so and prefer that someone else within the profession initiate the nomination in the first instance.

If you work with a colleague who meets these criteria we would encourage you to look into nominating them. It may well be that an Associate or Director in your practice could become a Fellow with your support. Perhaps you believe you meet these criteria in which case we would encourage you to consider your own supported nomination.

For any assistance with the process please contact us at the SA Chapter on 8402 5900 or