The Sir Zelman Cowen Award for Public Architecture
- Perth Arena – ARM & CCN – Joint Venture Architects (WA)

National Awards for Public Architecture
- Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law – Architectus in association with Guymer Bailey Architects (Qld)

- RMIT Design Hub – Sean Godsell Architects in association with Peddle Thorp Architects (Vic)

- Swanston Academic Building – Lyons (Vic)

- Translational Research Institute – Wilson Architects + Donovan Hill; Architects in Association (Qld)

- Waterloo Youth Family Community Centre – Collins and Turner with City of Sydney (NSW)

- West Kimberley Regional Prison – TAG Architects and iredale pedersen hook architects; Architects in Association (WA)

National Commendations for Public Architecture
- Hamer Hall – ARM Architecture (Vic)
- The Braggs University of Adelaide – BVN Donovan Hill & Hames Sharley in association (SA)
- The Kinghorn Cancer Centre – BVN Donovan Hill (NSW)