ACT Chapter President Message

ACT Chapter President Message

The ACT Chapter is encouraged by promising engagements with government, community and industry colleagues in 2016.

The Institute is discussing and making representation to:
– The ACT Government, about government procurement practices;
– AILA’s Living Cities Workshop. AILA’s aim is to develop an agreed advocacy agenda on “green infrastructure industries” with industry colleagues. The Institute’s aim is to promote a sustainable synergy of built and landscape environment; and,
– The Environment Planning Directorate’s invitation to “Improving the ACT Building Regulatory System”.

The Institute makes the case that, when fairly engaged to exercise our full capabilities, Architects drawings, schedules and specifications – are ‘the documents’ – that are the “prior preparation and planning prevents poor performance.”

With the extensive need for, and likely regeneration of significant parts of the Capital, the Government, community and industry are searching for ways to achieve quality in design and built outcome.

Issues that influence the outcome are:
– Public leadership;
– Planning policy and instruments;
– Economic conditions;
– Regulation and terms of engagement for client/developer/designer/builder;
– Clarity of briefing, consultation, inspiration to evoke change and improvement in the quality in design and built outcome; and,
– Designer and builder capability and influence.

National and local architects are the most capable to effectively design what is ahead for the Capital.

Local architects are an essential part of this community. We live, work, play and pay taxes and rates in the ACT. We have proven our capabilities through our collective work. There are the public spaces where we gather to celebrate; schools where our children learn; health centers and hospitals where our sick get well; nursing homes in which older members of our community live; and, the workplaces where we work that are designed and built by Canberra’s architects and builders.

In some cases, the specialisation required for a particular project necessitates importing skills. Yet, Territory architects have the skills, are proven to be efficient and responsive to client needs, providing affordable, efficiently planned, sustainable buildings with a record of exemplary design and built outcome quality.

While many local architects export their services, gaining work interstate and overseas, it is important that we ensure an economically viable local architectural profession. To not engage local architects translates into millions of dollars in lost activity for the local economy.

All members are invited to contribute to making Canberra a highly desirable place to be an architect, by getting involved in the Institute.

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