Category: ACT enews

ACT Chapter President’s Message – February 2017

ACT Chapter President’s Message – February 2017

Events, publications, awards, and nominations. The Chapter is as busy as bees at the moment as we lead into the month of madness that is March. 

Our committees have had their first meetings of the year and are planning big things. New members are always welcome. The Planning committee has started its Housing taskforce, the Heritage committee is working on improved cataloguing of our significant buildings, the Small Practice committee have a great list of discussion forums set up, the Gender Equity committee is organising an International Women’s Day breakfast, and the list goes on. Please check out the “What’s On” emails, go to “events” on our website, or call the Chapter for more information. 

On Friday we launched our 2016 Year in Review publication, the first ever edition for the Chapter. I was thrilled to get such positive feedback from our members. The publication is available at the below link if you missed it. 

View: 2016 Year in Review

Download: 2016 Year in Review

The awards entries close on Friday 3rd March. That’s right…. this Friday! I expect that there will be some frantic architects and photographers this week capturing their projects in the best light and poetically describing the design intent. Our jury chairs, Janet Thomson and Philip Leeson, are probably hoping for a small number of submissions, but I suspect we might have the opposite. Good luck. 

We were excited to receive a letter from the ACT Heritage Council last week confirming our submissions to nominate the Belconnen Library and Urambi Village have both been accepted and listed as nominated places on the ACT Heritage Register. Thank you to the Heritage committee for their ongoing work in putting the submissions together. It is a very time consuming task and we appreciate your efforts. The submissions are available below. 

Belconnen Library

Urambi Village


Rob Henry 

ACT Chapter President


ACT Chapter President’s Message – January 2017

ACT Chapter President’s Message – January 2017

So you are back at work and ready to tackle another year. Over the break, you made some resolutions – get fit, spend more time with family, learn a language, keep your desk neat, wear more colour, and offer to support your industry! Ok so I might be wishful thinking with the last one, but the Institute could do with our members help.

Here at the Chapter we are planning for the year’s events and we need your ideas. The option to do the same old stuff isn’t overly appealing to me, so I am hoping that we can enliven Mugga Way with some new (cost neutral!) initiatives. Please send through your thoughts to:

Ken Maher’s foreword in the first issue of the Architecture Australia magazine discussed the importance of improving housing quality, affordability, and density. Our Chapter has set up a ‘task group’ to directly address this issue in the ACT and will be strongly advocating to the ACT Government for change. We are planning on creating a booklet of case study projects, taking key MLA’s on a bus tour of local projects, and continuing the push for a demonstration project that would meet the objectives that we outlined in the NEAT Housing competition. If you know of an exemplar project, or would like to be part of the group, please feel free to contact me.

Last week we met with Caroline Le Couteur, greens member for Murrumbidgee. The discussion included issues around affordable housing and planning matters in the ACT. Specifically, we discussed options for more affordable and better quality housing, progressing the NEAT project  and perhaps adopting some of the principles of the Nightingale project in the ACT.

Caroline informed us that the Legislative Assembly will have a number of focussed inquiries this year, including community consultation mechanisms, a review of the Statement of Planning Intent and a reviewed look at redevelopment of the suburbs and zoning requirements. We raised other issues around introducing design review panels, under-resourcing of ACTPLA and its independence as a statutory authority and unsolicited proposals and the standards required.

Overall, it was a very fruitful discussion. Caroline will be meeting with the Sustainability Committee in the coming months around issues such as the solar fence, and other energy efficiency issues of concern to our members

The Architecture Awards are quickly coming up, so please start getting yourselves prepared. Online submissions of entries are due on Friday 3rd March. This year we will be requesting to hold onto your panels so that we can curate some exhibitions throughout the year to promote your work. As usual, we will also be working with the Canberra Times to have the work featured. EmAGN and SONA have agreed to collaborate and create another beautiful display on the awards night and we are workshopping a theme for the evening.


Rob Henry 

ACT Chapter President


Stewart Architecture – Job Ad

Stewart Architecture – Job Ad 

Stewart Architecture is an award winning firm consisting of 20 professional staff. We specialise in strategic planning, urban design, architecture and interiors. Our current residential, commercial and mixed-use projects are located across Canberra, Sydney and Newcastle – for both private and public sector clients.

Project Architects

We are seeking talented architects to join our team. You will ideally have at least 5 years’ experience leading larger scale projects (including design and construction documentation stages) and be fluent in both AutoCAD and Revit. You will be self-motivated and work collaboratively with a team environment to optimise project outcomes.

Graduate Architects

We are seeking talented graduate architects to join our team. Experience in Revit is preferred. You will work collaboratively within a project team and be provided with the opportunity to expand your experience in preparation for professional registration.


Applications should include;

– current CV

– portfolio of relevant experience


Remuneration is commensurate with relevant industry experience.


Please contact Marcus Graham at our office (02) 6228 1200


ACT Chapter President’s Message – December 2016

ACT Chapter President’s Message – December 2016


The last post for the year…. and what a year it has been. As you frantically go about reducing the pile of tasks that have accumulated over the year, we encourage to find some time to destress and reflect on the good times with your peers at our Christmas Party on the 15th. I promise that it will be lots of fun and the speeches will be minimal!

We have just come out of Canberra’s most ambitious ever design festival which ran for the month of November. CraftACT, and in particular Rachael Coglan, are to be thanked for their extraordinary efforts in advancing the understanding of design and its benefits to society. The ACT chapter ran a series of successful tours and we were delighted to see hundreds of people come and visit Mugga Way. Thanks go out to the numerous members who volunteered their time.

At a recent National Council meeting we discussed how to rebrand/reposition the AIA to ensure it is adapting to meet the needs of members in this ever changing climate. Over the course of 2017 you will begin to see some tangible changes to how we address advocacy via a clear and targeted communications strategy. We will see an increased role in education through mentoring programs for both students and architects. And we will be working towards updating our technology so that we can better deliver our message to both members and the public, whilst also making it easier for members to access our many online programs and resources. Expect to also see the rollout of some clearly defined national committees that address some of the core issues like the practice of architecture. 

We look forward to seeing you at the Christmas Party. If you don’t make it, then enjoy the festive season, the hot weather, and time with family and friends. Thank you for your involvement in the Institute and may 2017 find you every success in the world of architecture. 


Rob Henry

ACT Chapter President


From the Chapter 21 November 2016

We are in the midst of the Design Canberra festival and the Chapter has been quite busy conducting bus tours, living room exhibitions and the Griffin Lecture, all of which have been a huge success. We would like to say thank you to Rob Henry for his huge involvement in all the Design Canberra events particularly the sell-out bus tour on House and Gardens, and for being our ‘tour guide’ in the Living Rooms Exhibition at the Chapter. We would also like to thank Bronwen Jones, our Design Canberra representative for all her efforts and assistance throughout the events across the festival as well. Our bus tours on ‘Works by Architects Abroad’ and ‘Innovative Architecture by Emerging Architects’ were fantastic and were thoroughly enjoyed by all attendees. These tours were pulled together by Yuri Leong-Maish, Shoba Cole, Reine Williams and Annette Pogas and we would like to thank them for all their help as well as thanking the architects and property owners who opened their homes to so many members of the public. 


ACT Chapter President’s Message – November 2016

Design Canberra is in full swing with many exciting events being delivered by our members over the month of November. The ACT Chapter is opening its Mugga Way doors to the public as part of the ‘Living Room’ exhibition series. Artist Estelle Briedis will showcase a series of hand screened printed textiles in our living room space for the public to view. Go to the Design Canberra website for further details.

Last weekend we had a very successful ‘House and Garden’ bus tour where several architecturally designed houses with gardens designed by Harris Hobbes Landscape Architects were opened to the public. Many thanks to Pedro, Philip and Tony for sharing your stunning projects with us. Please support the upcoming tours which will showcase work of our International Architects and Emerging Architects.

With the ACT election wrapped up and the new line-up of ministers back at work, we will be continuing to advocate for improved tendering processes and the use of local architects for publicly funded projects in the ACT. One of the more exciting commitments during the election campaign was from the Green’s party whom wish to establish a Nightingale project here in the ACT. I hope to meet with Shane Rattenbury soon to discuss how the ACT Chapter can support this initiative.

The Gender Equity Taskforce (GET), currently led by Sander de Vries and Sarah Herbert, recently presented to the Small Practice Group a series of initiatives that are aimed at improving equity and diversity within practice. Please take the time to read their article and think about how you can deliver some of the initiatives in your workplace.

If you haven’t done so already, please pencil in the ACT Chapter Xmas party on Thursday 15 December.


Rob Henry

ACT Chapter President

Quick Chat – October 2016



Shoba Cole


Where do you work?

May + Russell Architects


Current job title and function?

Job Title – Senior Architect

Function – Project Architect


Why did you choose architecture as a profession?

From a young age I would drive my parents crazy, forever creating shelters from sheets, boxes and chairs. And then endlessly drawing instead of doing my homework (or reading like my older sister). I think I was 13 (early high school) when I found architecture, at the time the idea that I could have a career filled with drawing and creating really set the fireworks off.

I guess the more important question is why have I kept with it, and the simple answer is that I love design, but the greatest buzz is when you work with the construction team to see your work being realised in the built form. Moreover, this profession is about collaboration and contributing to the community, which can be challenging but makes for an interesting day.


What are you working on now?

It’s been a crazy year with a number of projects ranging from a commercial project in the city, Geoscience Australia Childcare Centre and refurbishment of the Royal Hotel QBN.


Most challenging or interesting project you’ve ever worked on and why?

Canberra College Cares Facility has been my most interesting and rewarding project to date. The brief was to design a specialist education setting catering to the needs of pregnant and parenting young people as well as their children within a school based setting. A facility that provides a supportive and collaborative environment for this unique group of students who are endeavouring to complete their educational pathways. This meant that we were no longer looking at traditional educational models; the resulting place had to be both inviting, engaging and without barriers. We created a place that was much more than an educational setting, it was their home.

It was a pleasure working with this client group (Directorate, educators and students) in the delivery of this unique facility which belonged to all.


Who is your role model?

I don’t have role models in the true sense of a role model, but there are certain characteristics of a number of people who I find amazing and think to myself, if I try to be more like them, then at least I am trying to be a better person.


Any advice for young architects just starting their career?

Be passionate and never give up. Always fight for what you believe in, but understand that collaboration is the key to a successful project. And most of all look at every challenge as an opportunity.


What is your favourite piece of art?

My favourite is the Teacup Ballet by Olive Cotton. Beauty and drama created through the simplicity of an everyday object arranged in space utilising the play of light and shadow.


What do you see as one of the biggest issues facing the architectural profession?  

I found it hard to pick between the three main issues what I feel is the biggest facing our profession, so I have been brief in my response.

Professional services:

  • Ensure fair payment for services provided (Interactive tendering process).
  • Ensure continuity of the design architect through the construction stage.


  • Maintain a voice in our community regarding the direction of the built environment, our city, etc.

Professional Skills:

  • Utilising new technology – don’t be a slave to it or be limited by it. Ensure time to think and consider.
  • BIM – Ensure the profession embraces this tool in its entirety and not hand it over to others. Ensure across our profession we are strengthening our skills.


If you weren’t an architect, what do you think you would be doing?

I would be a photographer specialising in travel (total fantasy).

Here is my flicker page:


What is your most underrated talent?

Falling asleep within 20 minutes in any moving vehicle at the start of a journey.


What is the most used app on your phone?

Other than the map app, it would be Tetris.


What are you addicted to?

Chocolate (classic, but true)


What do you wish you were told before starting in this profession?

That sometime things go a bit crazy.


 The World needs more of laughter and mangos.

The World needs less of selfishness and pork.



ACT Chapter President’s Message – October 2016

ACT Chapter President’s Message – October 2016


The ACT election process is in full swing. Recently we held a very informative ‘Meet the Candidates’ forum at the ACT Chapter in conjunction with PIA and AILA.

Convened by Annabelle Pegrum, the Q+A session allowed the candidates (Mick Gentleman – Labour, Alastair Coe – Liberal, and Shane Rattenbury – Greens) to put forward their agenda in regards to the future of planning and design in our territory. Whilst they all struggled to put forward a recently constructed exemplar project, they did all have encouraging ideas for densification and urban renewal. All candidates also showed a level of commitment to improving building approvals processes and the ethical procurement of design services. With good ‘ideas’ (not necessarily commitments) put forward from each party, I left not knowing where to cast my vote. And then I remembered that I live in NSW. I call on all ACT residents to make the right choice! Many thanks to Annabelle and the Chapter for all your efforts.

In addition to our election forum, the ACT Chapter launched a website with responses to a series of questions that we provided to each party, some useful questions that you could ask your local candidates, and a portal for you to provide feedback. Visit:

The Contemporary Australian Architects Speaker Series (CAASS) is sadly over for another year. We had four excellent speakers in James Russell, Blainey North, Cumulus, and KIRK that presented everything from an extreme penthouse suite with custom designed fabrics for furniture and flooring to a humble low budget packing shed renovation. Each practice had their own unique processes for designing and ways to negotiate the best outcome. If only there were more of these speaker series throughout the year! Thanks to Dom, Nathan, BCA (Ian), and the NGA (Edie) for making our favourite speaker series excel yet again.

DESIGN CBR is galloping towards us. The ACT Chapter has several bus tours planned for you, and the general public, to take part in. Book your tickets soon as seats are very limited. To see the full list of events planned, visit:

Enjoy the spring season. Hopefully there’s no more construction delays due to inclement weather in the next few months!


Rob Henry

ACT Chapter President


“Designing Canberra’s Future”

“Designing Canberra’s Future”

The 2016 ACT election campaign is underway and politicians are developing strategies designed to win your vote.

The ACT Chapter raises issues with government throughout the year, but the election provides us with an opportunity to raise the level of discussion.

We held a political roundtable last week in conjunction with the Institutes of Planning and Landscape Architecture, where we had the opportunity to put questions to Mick Gentleman MLA, Minister for Planning and Land Management (ALP), Alistair Coe MLA, Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Canberra Liberals), and Shane Rattenbury MLA, Leader of the ACT Greens, and spokesperson for Environment, Climate Change and Water, and Energy.

We have already written to the major parties asking them questions on specific issues and we will be posting the responses on our dedicated website.

Tell us what politicians need to hear in this year’s election. Go to our website and post your comment on what you think the future ACT government should be focusing on and what you think the key issues are for the profession and the ACT.

If we want a bigger voice for architects in the community, I would strongly encourage you to start conversations with your local candidates, to discuss their position on various issues around the importance of architecture and good design to Canberra’s future.

All you need to do is write to your local candidates or meet with them and have a discussion about Designing Canberra’s Future. Go to our web page to download some questions to start the conversation.

Share the results of any conversations you have with candidates on the comment section of the web page, or upload a related photo to Instagram, or mention it on Twitter with the hashtag #DesignOurFuture16. Help us generate conversations about our issues!

Rob Henry, ACT President, Australian Institute of Architects


Changes to the Solar Envelope

Draft Variation 346 – Residential Solar Access Provisions (DV 346) and the associated changes to the Planning and Development Regulation 2008 have been approved and commenced 7 September 2016.

On 1 August 2016 the Minister for Planning and Land Management approved the revised version of DV 346 which only applies key changes to the solar envelope and glazing requirements to blocks approved on or after 5 July 2013. The approved variation was tabled in the Legislative Assembly on 2 August 2016 and was passed on the 11 August 2016. Following this, on 23 August 2016 the Minister approved changes to the Planning and Development Regulation 2008 relating to exempt developments and construction tolerances in areas where V346 applies.

Documents in relation to V346 can be found through the following link:

Documents in relation to the changed regulations can be found through the following link:

The planning and land authority will continue to work with the community and industry with regards to a solution for suburbs established before 5 July 2013. Any policy changes for blocks approved prior to 5 July 2013 will be subject to a separate Territory Plan variation process and further consultation.

For advice on how these changes may affect current development applications, please contact the Gateway Team on 02 6205 2888 or at If you have any questions about the variation itself, please contact 02 6205 0864.