Category: NSW enews

NSW Chapter President


Chapter Council Elections

I know this is the time of year that members are winding down and checking that their party gear is up to scratch. But as colleagues in a voluntary professional organisation, we have two of the most important tasks within the Institute that now require our attention – the Chapter Council election and entries for the 2015 NSW Architecture Awards.

The management and policy directions of the Institute depend on willing and capable Chapter councillors – but only if we as members make the right choices from the available candidates. The election process begins this month and continues until February next year.

I urge you all to vote carefully and responsibly in these elections. If you want the forward momentum and clear policy directions of the past few years to continue, make sure you exercise your democratic vote wisely.

2015 NSW Architecture Awards
Entries are now open for the 2015 NSW Architecture Awards. I strongly encourage you to enter all projects eligible for an award so that the breadth of recently completed projects across the state is recognised. In 2015 a new category for education buildings has been established. For more information on this exciting announcement and to enter the awards, please go to the awards segment in today’s e-news. The announcement of 2015 jury members will be made shortly.

City of Sydney Competitive Design Policy

The Institute supports the City of Sydney’s Competitive Design Policy, which is buttressed by the design excellence provisions of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan. Together they have created a procurement regime that has seen the quality of major city buildings and urban design projects rise substantially in recent years.

The Institute welcomed the opportunity to invite some architects who have participated in the competition process to discussions with the City’s Director City Planning, Development and Transport, Graham Jahn, last week. The conversation was wide-ranging and productive. We are currently putting together a series of observations and recommendations for consideration by the City.

Joe Agius


NSW Chapter President

Chapter Council Elections

I know this is the time of year that members are winding down and checking that their party gear is up to scratch. But as colleagues in a voluntary professional organisation, we have one more important task to do before the silly season begins. Two of the most important processes within the Institute now require our attention – nominations for Chapter Council and entries for the 2015 NSW Architecture Awards.

The management and policy directions of the Institute depend on willing and capable Chapter Councillors – but only if we as members make the right choices from the available candidates. I urge you all to vote responsibly in the forthcoming elections. If you want the forward momentum and clear policy directions of the past few years to continue, make sure you exercise your democratic vote wisely.

2015 NSW Architecture Awards
Entries are now open for the 2015 NSW Architecture Awards and I strongly encourage you to enter all projects eligible for an award to ensure that the breadth of projects recently completed across the state is recognised. In 2015 a new category for education buildings has been established. For more information on this exciting announcement and to enter the awards, please go to the awards segment in today’s e-news. The announcement of 2015 jury members will be made shortly.

City of Sydney Competitive Design Policy

The Institute supports the City of Sydney’s Competitive Design Policy, which is buttressed by the design excellence provisions of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan. Together they have created a procurement regime that has seen the quality of major city buildings and urban design projects rise substantially in recent years.  The Institute welcomed the opportunity to invite some architects who have participated in the competition process to discussions with the City’s Director City Planning, Development and Transport, Graham Jahn, last week. The conversation was wide-ranging and productive. We are currently putting together a series of observations and recommendations for consideration by the City.

Joe Agius
NSW President

From the NSW Chapter President


It was a pleasure to welcome Planning Minister Pru Goward to our awards ceremony last month – and an opportunity to congratulate her and the Premier on their decision to establish a Greater Sydney Commission that will provide a whole-of-government framework for the future planning and development of the Sydney metropolitan area. This is something the Institute has been advocating for many years in our submissions on reforms to the NSW planning system.

I also took the opportunity to remind the Minister that, as the city’s development increases, we need to focus on making the place better as well as bigger. Intensive development is an opportunity to re-define the public domain with imaginative and well resolved public projects like the award-winning Prince Alfred Park + Pool Upgrade, The Wayside Chapel and Darling Quarter.

I am meeting with the Minister this week to put the Institute’s case for the commission to be given a clear urban design mandate and access to design expertise. We have an opportunity to emulate the example of Chicago, where the visionary 1909 city plan by architect Daniel Burnham has been updated to 2040 by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency For Planning.

Design needs to be one of the key points of focus of the commission’s strategic planning role. It is also fundamental to the successful implementation of the revised Metro Strategy, in making Sydney not only bigger, but also better.

Joe Agius
NSW Chapter President


From the NSW Chapter Manager


Congratulations once again to all winners at this year’s NSW Architects Awards. I’d also like to thank and congratulate the Awards Committee and staff responsible for organising such a memorable night. Under the guidance of Alex Kibble, Matthew Pullinger, Graeme Dix, Shaun Carter and Joe Agius, Gillian Redman-Lloyd together with Eleni Ragogo and Laura Wise created an event to be remembered. On the day, they were ably assisted by Dominique Kelaher, Monica Love, Noni Boyd, Murray Brown, Eoghan Lewis and Mija Brkic – a very big thank you to everyone.

An important task group has recently been formed to review the NSW mentoring program. Mentoring is high on the agenda for SONA, DARCH and the newly formed Gender Equity group (GE). Senior practitioners Mark Boffa, Agi Sterling and Monica Edwards (GE) as well as Laura Meyer (DARCH) and Estelle  Rehayem (SONA) have been reviewing many mentoring programs and developing a survey which will be distributed in August to find out more about what members and non-members would like from a renewed Institute mentor program. So please take time to complete the survey as we value your opinion. It is anticipated that the new 2015 Mentor Program will be launched in December.

A reminder about tomorrow’s Tuesdays @ Tusculum talk “12 x 12” when twelve of this year’s award winners will be presenting. Hosted by Joe Agius, you will hear from Ed Lippmann, John Choi, Peter Tonkin, Rachel Neeson with Sue Barnsley, Brian Bass, Jerome Cateaux, Guy Lake, Andy Harding, Tone Wheeler, Paul Van Ratingen, Richard Weinman and Mark Curzon.

Roslyn Irons
NSW Chapter Manager

NSW and NT Architecture Awards announced

The 2014 awards program is in full swing. Last week saw the presentations of the NSW Architecture Awards in Sydney and the NT Architecture Awards in Darwin.

Presented at the historic Jones Bay Wharf on Thursday 26 June, a total of forty-two awards, nine prizes and eighteen commendations were given to recognise the very best in NSW architecture. Read more.

Meanwhile, a weekend of architectural celebration kicked off with NT Awards, held on Fri 27 June. Read more.


From the NSW Chapter President


I’m looking forward to welcoming Planning Minister Pru Goward, Environment & Heritage and Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore to the Chapter’s NSW Architecture Awards on Thursday. Institute alumni Jon Clements, National President-Elect, and NSW Government Architect Peter Poulet will also be welcome guests. Your presence is also welcome. I’m looking forward to a record roll-out of the NSW architecture fraternity at the biggest event in our annual calendar. Other than the Awards themselves the evening offers a opportunity to catch-up with colleagues we rarely see due to our busy professional lives.

Last month’s highly successful Student and Graduate Awards confirmed the abundance of talent in the next generation of young architects. The continual renewal of our ranks is one of the key means of achieving forward momentum and change in the profession. Of course we need wise older heads to lead our practices, but without a new generation’s fresh ideas and impatience for change we will be in danger of stagnation. Judging by the standard of entries in this and previous years I don’t think there is any chance of that. It is good that the other chapters are looking to our student awards as a model to be replicated.

Joe Agius

NSW Chapter President



PTW 125 Graduate Talent Prize

Celebrating 125 years of architecture; and the evolution of PTW as an international premium design firm.

2014 marks the 125th anniversary of the establishment of PTW, the proud recipients of the first Sulman Medal in 1930 for Science House in Sydney. Today comprised of 220 designers working in dynamic, collaborative offices in Sydney, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Taipei, PTW are delighted to partner with the Australian Institute of Architects NSW Chapter, in recognising graduate design talent.  To celebrate this milestone in our history, we are recognising the talents of Graduates in awarding this prize and providing valuable vocational experience both locally, in Australia and overseas.

PTW will be offering the successful winner/s of the PTW 125 Graduate Talent Prize, employment in both the Sydney and one overseas PTW office for a defined period of time.  This engagement will be to support their ongoing development in the field of architecture, supported by the PTW distinctive brand and history.

The new PTW fluidly traverses geographical, language and cultural barriers. Our renewal has expanded our opportunities, invited new design collaborations and importantly, has enabled us to participate more strongly in an international context.  We collaborate with integrated work methods across 7 PTW offices.  Our aim is to work in unison; developing a rich international architectural design culture is our goal.   We look forward to welcoming the winner/s of this Prize, an experience on our journey.


From the NSW Chapter


We are pleased to report that the Institute’s involvement in the recent trade mission to the China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) was a worthwhile project for the Chapter. Together with the City of Sydney, Screen NSW, Destination NSW and UTS, the government trade display focussed on showcasing NSW’s creative sector.  With thousands of visitors to the exhibition, the special NSW promotional afternoon and roundtable discussion proved to be very useful in exploring the challenges and opportunities for Australian architects practicing in China.

It is often difficult to measure the success of such events however I can report that the media attention was excellent with the Institute being interviewed several times for television, radio and online press. We distributed thousands of “Find-an-Architect” postcards and it would appear there is genuine interest in learning more about what Australian architects can offer, particularly in the area of sustainability.  Last week’s Chapter Council discussed how the Institute could assist members seeking to work internationally and it was generally felt that an article in Architecture Bulletin and a CPD session would be worthwhile.

On the topic of CPD, a reminder that the 30 June deadline is looming. There are several opportunities to attain your CPD points including this weekend’s event at Casuarina when the Country Division will present the highly successful session “Working Under a Cultural Icon: The Sydney Opera House” seminar.  For more information click here.

Finally don’t forget to book your ticket to this year’s NSW Architecture Awards on Thursday 26 June 2014  which is always a wonderful occasion to celebrate and connect with your peers and clients.

Roslyn Irons

NSW Chapter Manager

2014 NSW Graduate & Student Architecture Awards


The work of the state’s top architecture students and graduates has been recognised at the annual NSW Graduate and Student Awards announced by the Australian Institute of Architects NSW Chapter on Friday night (30 May).

Celebrating excellence in architectural scholarship, the winners of the NSW Design Medal, the NSW First Degree Design Prize, the Structural Innovation in Architecture Prize, and the Digital Innovation in Architecture Prize were announced as well as the winner of the Bangladeshi Architects in Australia Travel Bursary Scholarship. See full list below.

The Rafiq Azam Travel Bursary Scholarship includes economy return airfares and two weeks of accommodation in Dhaka, Bangladesh as well as work experience with renowned architect Rafiq Azam at his practice Shatotto.

In selecting the recipient of the Scholarship, the jury sought to identify a graduating student whose entry for the NSW Design Medal exhibited and explored an interest in some of the issues confronting Bangladesh such as urban planning, social and political concerns, water management and/or urban agriculture and food supply.

Alex Kibble from Tanner Kibble Denton Architects was this year’s jury chair and said that much deliberation was given to each of the nominated projects.

‘This year’s decision was no easier than any other. There was an exceptionally high standard of presentation – the accompanying books, models and objects are truly wonderful,’ he said.

‘The winners of this year’s Awards are the people who represent our future generation of architects and we acknowledge the great number of educators who have encouraged and assisted these students in the preparation of their entries and during their studies as well as their parents and peers who enable our future professionals to get through their courses and commence their careers,’ he said.

The jury for this year’s Awards comprised Alex Kibble, Tanner Kibble Denton Architects (jury chair); Joe Agius, NSW Chapter President/Cox Richardson; Dr Diego Ramirez-Lovering, Monash University; Matt Allen, Bates Smart; Michael Wiener, Mirvac Design and engineer, Mark Smith.

The Institute gratefully acknowledges the contribution of each of the NSW Graduate and Student Awards sponsors in their continued support of architectural education in the state: Mirvac Design (principal sponsor), the NSW Government Architect’s Office, fjmt, Crone Partners, Bates Smart and Lend Lease.


2014 NSW Graduate & Student Awards – Winners List

NSW Design Medal
Sponsored by Mirvac Design
Winner – Felix Saw, University of New South Wales

The NSW Design Medal recognises and celebrates excellence in design for a design project undertaken in the final year of the Master of Architecture degree. The recipient receives $7500, a certificate and one-year membership of the Australian Institute of Architects.

NSW First Degree Design Prize
Sponsored by Bates Smart
Winner – Nicolas Cheuk Hang Wong, University of Sydney

This prize is awarded to a student of architecture who has successfully completed their first three years of study. This prize identifies emerging design talent and encourages students to pursue their personal development through their second tier of study. The recipient receives $3000, a certificate and one-year membership of the Australian Institute of Architects.

Digital Innovation in Architecture Prize
Sponsored by NSW Government Architect’s Office
Winner – Oliver Bennett and Michael Fitzgerald, University of Technology Sydney

Created in 2011, this prize is for a project that demonstrates outstanding architectural design with computational, material and/or experimental engagement. The prize is given to an individual student or group of students for work done in their Design Studio during either year of the Masters program. The recipient receives $3000, a certificate and one-year membership of the Australian Institute of Architects.

Structural Innovation in Architecture Prize
Winner – James Moulder and Andrew Nicolle, University of Sydney

The recipient receives $3000, a certificate and one-year membership of the Australian Institute of Architects.

Bangladeshi Architects in Australia Travel Bursary Scholarship
Winner – Felix Saw, University of New South Wales

A travel bursary scholarship for a graduating student whose entry for the NSW Design Medal exhibits and explores an interest in some of the issues confronting Bangladesh including urban planning, social and political concerns, water management or urban agriculture and food supply. The recipient receives an economy return airfare and two weeks of accommodation in Dhaka, Bangladesh as well as work experience with renowned architect Rafiq Azam at his practice Shatotto.

Masters Graduate of the Year Prize
Sponsored by Crone Partners and fjmt
Poppy Bevan, University of Newcastle
Boris To, University of New South Wales
Chloe Rayfield, University of Sydney
Joshua Harrex, University of Technology Sydney

A prize for a student from each of the state’s universities to recognise those whose work has been outstanding in their final two years of their Master of Architecture degree. Each recipient receives $3000, a certificate and one-year membership of the Australian Institute of Architects.

First Degree Graduate of the Year Prize
Sponsored by Crone Partners and fjmt
Scott Terry, University of Newcastle
Sharryn Ann Bowman, University of New South Wales
Georgia Forbes-Smith, University of Sydney
David Hristoforidis, University of Technology Sydney

A prize for a student from each of the state’s universities to recognise those whose work has been outstanding in the first degree of their architecture studies. Each recipient receives $1500, a certificate and one-year membership of the Australian Institute of Architects.

Construction and Practice Prize
Sponsored by Lend Lease
Sacha Parkinson, University of Newcastle
Wade Stewart Cogle, University of New South Wales
Shane Jewell, University of Sydney
Joel Glynn, University of Technology Sydney

A prize for the student who receives the highest aggregate marks in the discipline area of Construction and Practice in the three years of the Bachelor of Architecture degree. Prizes given for each school of architecture. Each recipient receives $500, a certificate and one-year membership of the Australian Institute of Architects.

History and Theory Award
Jasmine Richardson, University of Newcastle
Maria Kathleena Vazques, University of New South Wales
Justin Cawley, University of Sydney
Christina Deluchi, University of Technology Sydney

An award for the student who receive the highest aggregate marks in the discipline area of History and Theory in the three years of the Master of Architecture degree. Awards given for each school of architecture. Each recipient receives $500, a certificate and one-year membership of the Australian Institute of Architects.

From the Chapter President

Negotiations with the Department of Finance and Services on the public sector procurement issue have been proceeding well in recent weeks. There is general agreement that the standard contract AS4122 with Amendment No 1 satisfies the requirements for architects and their clients. It also negates the warranty issue, which has been a major point of contention in recent years.

We also anticipate there will be progress on a simplified standard contract for small projects and a consistent and fair pre-qualification system; both of these reforms will assist smaller practices to compete more equitably for public sector work.

This week we farewell the Institute’s inaugural Droga Architect in Residence, Dr Carmen Fiol-Costa. During her stay, Dr Fiol-Costa has presented on her work in Spain and globally to audiences at the University of Sydney, here at Tusculum and at a host of other events. She has also worked with Dr Rod Simpson and his students on a number of urban design exercises. Dr Fiol-Costa’s final engagement is as keynote speaker at Wednesday’s sold out “Making Places That Matter” event at the MCA as part of this year’s Vivid Ideas program. We sincerely thank Dr Fiol-Costa for contribution to both the Institute and the profession during her time in Australia.

On Friday evening, students from all four universities will gather at Tusculum for our annual Student and Graduate Awards. This is an increasingly important event and celebration for students in the recognition of their work and ideas for the future of architecture. Congratulations to all the students involved, and to their teachers and their families. The exhibition of the winning students’ work will be on show at Tusculum until Friday 27 June.

Joe Agius
NSW Chapter President