Changes to the Solar Envelope

Changes to the Solar Envelope

Draft Variation 346 – Residential Solar Access Provisions (DV 346) and the associated changes to the Planning and Development Regulation 2008 have been approved and commenced 7 September 2016.

On 1 August 2016 the Minister for Planning and Land Management approved the revised version of DV 346 which only applies key changes to the solar envelope and glazing requirements to blocks approved on or after 5 July 2013. The approved variation was tabled in the Legislative Assembly on 2 August 2016 and was passed on the 11 August 2016. Following this, on 23 August 2016 the Minister approved changes to the Planning and Development Regulation 2008 relating to exempt developments and construction tolerances in areas where V346 applies.

Documents in relation to V346 can be found through the following link:

Documents in relation to the changed regulations can be found through the following link:

The planning and land authority will continue to work with the community and industry with regards to a solution for suburbs established before 5 July 2013. Any policy changes for blocks approved prior to 5 July 2013 will be subject to a separate Territory Plan variation process and further consultation.

For advice on how these changes may affect current development applications, please contact the Gateway Team on 02 6205 2888 or at If you have any questions about the variation itself, please contact 02 6205 0864.