EDG May 2016 News

EDG May 2016 News

NCC 2016 changes

The National Construction Code (NCC) 2016 came into effect on 1 May, commencing a three year cycle. In welcome news, proposals that did not proceed to the 2016 edition included the energy efficiency verification methods:

  • JV2 Stated value
  • JV3 Reference building for class 2 buildings.

In response to industry feedback (see EDG Oct 15 news), the ABCB intends to consult more widely with industry on these items.

Changes of interest to EDG readers include:

  • Fire-protected timber (Timber mid-rise), Vol.1 (also refer EDG Feb 16 news)
  • Visibility in an emergency, exit signs and warning systems, Vol.1, EP4.1 – clause notes sufficient ‘visibility’ (not limited to lighting to allow for new and innovative products)
  • Ventilation, Vol 1 & 2, FV4.1 & V2.4.5 respectively – a new verification method provided as a means for verifying that a building ventilated with outdoor air has suitable indoor air quality
  • Design requirement for floor edge insulation, Section J, Vol.1.

With a continued focus on performance based design, the term ‘performance solution’ has replaced ‘alternative solution’.

For further detail, refer the list of amendments, Vol.1 and Vol.2

Proposals for change for the NCC 2019 are open from now until 1 Sep 2017 and public comment will be taken from 1 Feb 2018 to 13 Apr 2018. If you have any comments you would like the Institute to put forward on your behalf, please forward them to policy@architecture.com.au

NCC Section J and Commercial Building Facade Design – 2016 update‘, EDG 86 MS, May 2016 has updated EDG 82 ‘BCA Section J and Commercial Building Facade Design’ to reference the NCC 2016.

A presentation on ‘Simulating Section J‘ will be held by the WA chapter, 22 Jun, Perth.