From the ACT Chapter President

From the ACT Chapter President

14 December 2016

A story is going around:

A client is asking architects and consultant teams to provide a concept design and a fee proposal for a significant building. The clients brief is subject to change. The architect teams fee is to be a fixed sum.

From the architects’ submissions, the client will select a few to work for many months with the client to develop their ideas. The ‘ideas’ of the few will be conveyed to ‘a preferred architect’. These few may be paid an unspecified sum for their time and intellectual effort.

The preferred architect will then be asked to prepare the design documentation for a development approval application by an independent authority related to the client. If the client and the authority agree that the design proposal is acceptable, then a contract for engagement may be issued and payment may be made.

This client may take your intellectual property, 1000’s of person hours of work and if warranted in their opinion may pay you an unspecified sum! If offered this work what will you do?

In winding up for the year, I want to give a big thank you to the many members who made substantial contributions to Design Canberra through 2 weeks of events – in many forums at Pavilion X, the kids ideas competition, the Open Offices expose, The Griffin Lecture and Radio Nationals “Big Ideas”.

Over the last two years I’ve attempted to address for the Institute and the profession many ongoing challenges which I ask you to continue advocating for, including:

  • building industry representations contending causation of cost to industry by architects errors in design documentation;
  • the business case for gender equity; and
  • balanced, fair terms of engagement, including the remuneration of architects.

Elections for office bearers are underway and I would encourage you to consider nominating yourself or encouraging someone you know who may have the skills, time and interest in being involved with the Institute. Chapter President and Councillors appointments for 2016 – 2017 are required to be:

  • an advocate for architect members and the improvement of the built environment through architecture;
  • the spokesperson for all members;
  • be responsible as a Director of the company trading as the Australian Institute of Architects;

Directors on National Council are required to:

  • ensure compliance with general and specific laws applying to the company’s operations; and,
  • exercise primary duty is to the members.

The duties of a Director can expand to include creditors including employees.

The design of buildings by architects is a highly contested role in Australia. We need our profession to:

  • practice architecture differently today than we did yesterday;
  • act in the interests of the community and all members without self-promotion and personal financial advantage.

As the year draws to a close, the Institute is set for new beginnings in advocacy, education and members services. After my role as President ceases in March 2016, I look forward to beginning new projects as a renaissance, like Renzo Piano because: “One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again.”

Thank you to the staff of the Institute for their enduring, and at times ‘onerous’ service to members. Please join me in thanking Leanne Hardwicke, Francesca Cooper and Taylor Keat for their truly valuable efforts on behalf of ACT members in 2015.

I wish you peace at Christmas and fulfilment in 2016.

Andrew Wilson