From the ACT Chapter President – 4th April 2018

From the ACT Chapter President – 4th April 2018

Let me introduce myself as the new president of the ACT Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects. My name is Phil with an ip Leeson. I grew up in the country and moved to Canberra in 1981 to study architecture at the Canberra College of Advanced Education as a mature aged student. Peter Freeman, a Canberra based architect was on the thesis review panel and offered me a job on the day I presented my project. I worked with him for the next nine years until 1996 when I opened my own office. Here I am, 22 exciting years later with a staff of 11.

There’s been a long line of very capable architects who have taken on this role and whilst its not one I seriously contemplated or sought, I was happy to accept the nomination, albeit with some trepidation. I shouldn’t have worried as we have a terrific executive director and staff who are guiding me diligently through the system.

Our immediate past president Rob Henry was arguably one of the most enthusiastic and energetic presidents we’ve seen in recent times. This is no criticism of others who have taken on this task but is a heart felt acknowledgment of and thanks for his efforts from me and on behalf of the ACT Chapter and members. He achieved much in his two years at the helm and was ably assisted by a very capable Council and many dedicated volunteers.

I have taken on this role at the same time as the Institute adapts to a new model of leadership. Rather than an architect led Council, we have:

A Board of Directors comprising nationally-elected members and expert Independent Directors;

  • A member-elected National Council with representatives from each state and territory;
  • A revitalised executive team including a new CEO.

In addition, the Institute is now operating under a new governance structure that sets out the roles and responsibilities of the respective parties. And whilst many of you know this, there others who are only vaguely aware of what it all means. So, a brief summary – The Institute is a not-for-profit, public company limited by guarantee which is established to be, and to continue as, a charity. Its principle purpose is, as one would expect, to advance the cause of architecture through: A) Education, B) Culture and C) Social or public welfare. Interestingly, under B) you will find the following: by (i)  acquiring forming,  and  maintaining  Art  and  Scientific  Libraries  and Museums. I am keen to know more.

Furthermore there is a new Constitution; a new Chapter Council Charter; and new Rules for Chapter Committees and groups operating within Committees. For instance, the rules establish protocols for lobbying industry and government agencies.

If this were not enough for your new President to get his head around, there is the newly adopted “Strategy 2018 – 2020”. The Strategy is based on the three pillars of Education, Advocacy and Practice and sets out a clear vision and mission for the Institute. More of this in future columns.

I am looking forward to engaging with members, industry and the community and to meeting with members at the wide range of events on offer in the forthcoming the year. I would also like to attend committee meetings early in the year and as time allows to better understand the full range of activities of the Chapter.

Philip Leeson