From the ACT Chapter President

From the ACT Chapter President


Hello members! Thank you for choosing to read this message. As a result, you’ve gone into the draw to WIN A NEW CAR. I’m joking, but it got your attention right? Please keep reading……


Inquiry into Housing

The ACT government’s inquiry into housing is underway and there is an opportunity for the public to get involved. Refer to the below link. Submissions are due on 31st October 2017.

The ACT Chapter will be providing a submission on behalf of members and we ask that you contact us if you would like to assist. We are currently organising meetings with each MLA on the standing committee to talk through our position. Our key agenda is to promote affordability, diversity, and design excellence.

The ACT government has also released a discussion paper called “Towards a New Housing Strategy”. Refer to the below link. Again, you can help by filling in the survey.


ACT Chapter Housing Taskforce

The Housing Taskforce has been busy putting together information on exemplar projects that address diversity and affordability in housing through design. This document will be launched in conjunction with the ACT government’s Housing Summit on 17th October 2017.


Design CBR Festival 2017

We recently held our first workshop to organise events for this year’s Design CBR Festival in November 2017. There is a great list of things planned to both celebrate architecture and advocate for the use of local architects in the city building process. Keep an eye out for more details and please assist where possible. This is our greatest opportunity to interact with the public and support the growing design culture of this great city.


Thanks, Rob

14 August 2017