From the Chapter

From the Chapter

17 Feb

Many of you are aware that the Institute is conducting a review of our committees around the country. National President Paul Berkemeier established the review last year and the task group is chaired by Peter Malatt (VIC) with Simon Scally (NT), Sally Bolton (SA) and David Holm (NSW) representing the membership along with Institute staff Greg Hughes (General Manager), Alison Cleary (VIC Chapter Manager) and Kylie Ruth (Government Relations Officer) assisting.

We thought this an opportune time to outline the NSW committees and the broadly detail the activities which they undertake on behalf of the membership. Committees are open to all members and in the coming weeks we will be calling for expressions of interest from members keen to become involved in them, especially from those members who may have expertise relevant to the various committees noted below. Take the time to read this brief summary and if you’d like more information please email me on or telephone (02) 9246 4005.

Built Environment Committee (BEC)
The BEC is responsible for preparing and promoting chapter policies on the built environment, planning and urban design, including submissions to government and industry enquiries, draft legislation and policies. It maintains a watching brief on major precinct developments and is the Chapter’s issues-based advocacy and media reference group.

Education Committee (EC)
The EC contributes to the formulation of Institute policy on the education of people, including children up to the point of attaining a prescribed qualification in architecture.  It reviews course recognition and accreditation, competency standards and the registration of architects, and provides advice on the implementation of policy.

Practice Committee (PC)
The PC focusses on issues affecting the practice of architecture in NSW e.g.: contracts, BIM and insurance to name a few.  There are also various review groups that undertake specific tasks on an “as and when required” basis.

Design Culture Committee (DCC)
The DCC is responsible for the creative direction of the Chapter’s cultural outreach program.  Within the committee there are various task groups that addresses specific programs such as the Architecture on Show program, the Tuesday’s at Tusculum series, the NSW Architecture Awards, the Chapter’s journal Architecture Bulletin and collaborative events such as the Sydney Architecture Festival. 

Continuing Professional Development Committee (CPD)
The CPD committee is responsible for designing the annual CPD program in line with the AACA competencies and the NSW Architects Registration requirements.

Heritage Committee (HC)
The Heritage Committee is responsible for adding to and maintaining the register of significant buildings in NSW. Additionally the committee advocates for the adaptive reuse or conservation of items on the register.  

Sustainability Committee (SC)
The SC holds forums to discuss and promote the importance of sustainability in architectural practice and to inform the Institute on issues affecting the profession.

Roz Irons
NSW Chapter Manager