From the Chapter President

From the Chapter President

3 Feb

As many of you would be aware my presidential term comes to a close in the near future and for the first time in many years there will be more than one candidate and consequently an election. Combine this with the with the nomination of more people standing for Chapter Council than there are places available it suggests there is an increasing vitality and desire to engage with the profession from within the membership … Long may it continue.

Media Canberra Times articles – The ACT Government considering relaxing planning laws that prevent people from building houses that cast shadows over neighbour’s yards.
A great proportion of the effort to highlight the nonsense in the regulations has come from the insights and hard work done by our members over a period of time and was triggered to a certain extent by three articles in the Canberra Times on the same day (including being on the front page and focusing particularly on architects comments). Please follow the links to read. 

Advocacy and Policy
The ACT Government has invited the architectural community to comment on the Regulation of the Design practitioners in the ACT. The ACT Chapter has formed a Task group they include; David Clarke (Chair) supported by Tony Trobe, Catherine Townsend, Ben Walker, Murray Coleman and Sheila Hughes with policy support from the National office Richard Barton and Kylie Ruth. A meeting was held last week and it was agreed to have a representation at the Government consultation sessions and to prepare a collaborative response to Government in the form of a submission.

Additionally, we have been invited to report on the issues surrounding the current operations of the ACT Registration Board. Catherine Townsend and Alan Morschel in their capacity as ACT Registration Board members are preparing this report.

Both submissions are due on the 28 Feb and if any member would like to contribute to the process please contact the Chapter Manager.

Tony Trobe
ACT Chapter President