From the Chapter President – 16 May 2016

From the Chapter President – 16 May 2016

The Australian Capital Territory is defined by its landscape, its planning and its people. In order to maintain our landscape setting we are beginning to see beneficial change in planning strategies that are in turn leading to the transformation of our sociocultural environment. Urban renewal, density, diversity, sustainability, and public amenity are key development strategies projecting our city into the future, and it is within these strategic principles that architects can illustrate their multitude of talent.

The ACT Architecture Awards are an annual showcase of this immense talent within our local and interstate architectural community. Every project submitted represents the highest achievement from the individual or practice entering. It is a client’s willingness to achieve the best possible outcome, an architect’s dedication and passion for their work, and a contractor’s technical ability to deliver a significant piece of architecture, that defines the success of these projects. Take away just one of these key contributors in the gestation period and the result would be significantly different.

The diversity of project type entered in this year’s awards program demonstrates that architects remain focused on improving the quality of all elements within our built environment. From the mega scale design of a government office building to the finely crafted low budget house renovation, our architects are improving this city with ingenuity and place making at heart.

All entries are winners in their own right and our dedicated jury, led by Ann Cleary, have been hard pressed to select a collection that showcases this body of work with exemplarity. The jury must be commended for their devotion to the task at hand and their voluntary contribution to our Institute. Entrants, and their collaborators, must also be commended for sharing their outstanding achievements and contributing to the educational outcomes that this awards program offers.

We are also indebted to our team at the ACT Chapter office for their efforts in supporting this annual event. Thank you Leanne, Francesca, and Mai, along with many of our national office staff, for the energy you bring to this exhaustive process.

Whilst the future of our profession may be hard to predict, it is very clear that architects have the capacity to produce high quality outcomes for our city when given the mandate to do so. We must continue to honour our position as industry leaders, collaborate with our industry partners, and embrace future opportunities with passion and skill.

Rob Henry

ACT Chapter President