From the NSW Chapter

From the NSW Chapter

28 April

The 2014 NSW Architecture Awards presentation evening will take place on Thursday 26 June. Tickets are now available for the presentation evening at the Early Bird Ticket Price of $175.50 until 26 May. This year we’re delighted to welcome Fenella Kernebone as our host for the event. Fenella is quickly becoming an honoured member of the architecture family. As well as discussing architecture and design with many of our alumni as presenter of ABC Radio National’s By Design program, she has also experienced what’s involved in the awards program as a member of last year’s jury for Residential Architecture – Houses. Please join us for what promises to be another memorable celebration of the best our profession has to offer to clients and the general public. The shortlist for this year’s Awards will be announced next Monday, 5 May.


Political leadership in architecture and design is a rare commodity in New South Wales. That’s why the Chapter is proud of our continuing mutually beneficial relationship with the City of Sydney. I look forward to welcoming Lord Mayor Clover Moore to present the second Lord Mayor’s Prize for quality public domain projects at this year’s NSW Architecture Awards ceremony. If there was any doubt about her commitment to quality architecture and public spaces then please take time to read this article she wrote recently for The Big Smoke.


I have previously mentioned my meeting with Finance & Services Minister Andrew Constance last year, in which I raised the vexed question of public sector procurement and the onerous and time-wasting procedures experienced practices have been forced to endure in recent years. Some practices have even decided to withdraw from bidding for interesting projects because of the difficulties in accommodating agencies’ excessive requirements.

I’m pleased to report that a start has been made on breaking this log jam during an initial meeting with an official from the Department of Finance and Services, and we expect to have several more discussions as we find common ground in tackling the key issues. It’s good to know the Department has also held several meetings with procurement managers with the aim of achieving greater consistency and reducing unnecessary red tape in the procurement process. I will keep you informed of progress as our discussions continue.

Joe Agius
NSW Chapter President