From the NSW Chapter President

From the NSW Chapter President


The Planning Minister, Brad Hazzard, introduced revised planning bills into the NSW Parliament two weeks ago. This followed a confidential briefing in which Department officers explained to me how some of the Institute’s key concerns with the previous version of the legislation had been addressed.


One of the improvements is a balance between economic growth and sustainable development in the objects of the Act; there is also now a specific commitment to ‘promote health, amenity and quality (my emphasis) in the design and planning of the built environment’.


In the previous bill the Heritage Council’s approval powers had been taken over by the Director-General of Planning; in the new bill the ‘one-stop-shop’ remains but the Director-General is required to follow the advice of the Heritage Council except where there is unreasonable delay or conflicting advice with another agency.


While these are encouraging signs of responsiveness to the Institute’s concerns, we are under no illusions that vigilance will be required when the details of how the legislation will work are developed as the regulation is drafted by the Department. We expect to be fully involved in this important process.


I have already written to the Minister supporting his changes, while emphasising our need to be engaged in the next stage. The Coalition for NSW Planning Reform, of which the Institute is a member, is also writing to MPs advocating their support for the revised bills.


The Institute has long been an advocate for community-based strategic planning. This legislation is our best opportunity yet to realise that goal.

Watch this space!



Joe Agius, NSW Chapter President