From the SA Chapter President – July

From the SA Chapter President – July

ARCHITECTURE BY DESIGN PROTOCOLS …………………………………or algorithms

There was an interesting discussion coming out of the National Conference last month in regard to the stifling of design freedom resulting from design protocols affecting the vibrancy and life of the City, in particular to the ground and street realm.

As a profession, let’s consider:

Are design protocols:

  • stifling the quality of architecture….?
  • delivering better urban spaces….?
  • devoid of an emotional response, place, and that beautiful spontaneity of design….?
  • purely risk-averse….?

Have we lost that inherent freedom to conceptualise an idea by structuring design envelopes adhering to design protocols….?

How many design protocols are too many….

  • in conjuring economic realisation of projects and affordability in housing
  • to inhibit creativity….?

Are our design standards becoming “too high” and too restrictive to deliver affordable and social housing….?

Are there too many statutory and subjective planning overlays written by Planners and not enough referencing design by architects….?

Is the inherent token gesture to reference design an excuse to not formally acknowledge the profession… is “design” now so often used in design guidelines that it has lost much of its significance… designed by who….?… why is it that there is a reluctance to take the final step and acknowledge architects as part of the process… or are we just feeding our knowledge to others to design the built environment on our behalf….?

Are design protocols feeding the eventual delivery of design by algorithm….?

As we approach the release of the new Planning and Design Code in South Australia as the panacea for streamlining and offering clarity to the Development Approval Process, it is perhaps worthwhile to reflect on a few of these implications.

Just like we bemoan the takeover of many facets of the traditional architect procurement process to “managers”…………. then the last bastion we have is the concept and the idea, take that away, feed the design protocols into the programme, insert augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and presto…. approval by matrix…. without architects.

Farsighted, an over-reaction and bemoaning………………………………………. just asking?