Message from the Qld Chapter President

Message from the Qld Chapter President

Shane Thompson FRAIA


It’s been sometime since I have written a message to members, and as we approach the end of the year it’s been an opportunity to reflect on the activities of the Queensland Chapter in particular. It is often the lament of many who are in office that so much of the very important work undertaken and achievements can go unrecognised, and so it is the case with the Queensland Chapter executive team, Chapter Council and the hard working Committees. In particular I want to highlight to you what I consider some very worthwhile endeavours resulting in the foundations of a more active and public exposure for architects in the community. I consider these to be particularly important in times where the real value of our work to our clients and the wider community remains undervalued.


This year we have inaugurated an annual Architecture Week program of events based around World Architecture Day. Although modest in its initial ambitions this year, with its great success we hope to grow this program in years to come, coinciding with the Government Architect’s Office Open House program to a wider public audience. Our new biennial Regional Architecture Conference also kicked off with a fantastic program in Cairns. For me and many who attended it was one of the most memorable conferences ever. We have also been working strongly on our advocacy to the State Government on the need for a Design Policy and improved procurement processes and this has also been an important focus of the Government Architect. I’m pleased to advise that we have had good hearings from the Minister, who has been particularly responsive, and whilst work is still in progress, all indications are that our advice has been well received and our papers on these matters are proving an important reference. We also launched the inaugural Built Environment Meets Parliament in Queensland this year with 4 industry partners. The importance of quality design and the role of architects was a major discussion point of the day. At the next National Council meeting in December, we will consider a major proposal from the Qld Chapter that there is a need to provide better advice, develop industry standards and more adequate tools to members for non-traditional and partial services forms of client agreements.


A focus on alternative career models and the design work of women in the profession will be a focus a program being developed by Libby Watson-Brown for the Qld Chapter and with the Emerging Architects and Graduates Network (EmAGN) now a firm part of the Institute we anticipate more CPD programs relevant to this group as well as supporting this generation in the development of activities more relevant to their needs. There is so much more that has been achieved or is planned that time and space do not permit, but some other key highlights include;


  • A new short film highlighting the achievements of Gold Coast Architects over the last 30 years to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of their Regional Awards
  • Our Design Dividend Campaign
  • Our active participation in the Governments’ new Queensland Plan
  • Many of our Regional Groups have been more active in their local advocacy with local government representatives and in reviewing and advising local government on new planning initiatives
  • A detailed review and major submission on the new Central City Masterplan and the new Cityplan for Brisbane with many members involved
  • Our participation and support for the “Bridge to Bridge” Urban Design workshop considering the redevelopment of the William and George Streets in Brisbane
  • Major editorial comment on contemporary Architectural practice and the William Street precinct in the Courier Mail.


I trust that I will see some of you soon at the President’s Dinner where we will recognise the career achievements of many colleagues, student achievements and in the Presidents Awards major contributions by others to our profession and architecture.


Best wishes, Shane Thompson.