News from the ACT Sustainability Committee… Response to Discussion Paper on ACT Climate Strategy

News from the ACT Sustainability Committee… Response to Discussion Paper on ACT Climate Strategy

News from the ACT Sustainability Committee.
Response to Discussion Paper on ACT Climate Strategy

During 2017, the ACT Government conducted three stakeholder meetings dealing with the development of strategy for greenhouse gas reduction policy from 2020 – 2050.  The stated goal of the government is to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, with interim targets being set for 2025, 2030, 2040 and 2045.  Members from the Sustainability Committee represented the Institute at these meetings, which were, on the whole, very productive.

The second stage of the ACT Climate Action Plan will see stationary power reduced to a net zero emissions level by 2020, thus eliminating the single largest emissions source – electricity generation – from the mix of emissions-production activities in the ACT.  This has been largely achieved by commissioning dedicated renewable energy generation facilities – wind power resources located in South Australia and local solar farms located in the southern parts of the Territory at Royalla and Hume – and integrating these into the local supply network.

The task for the immediate future will be to address the remaining areas where the ACT still has a high emissions profile, these being transport (public and private), gas use and waste generation.  The Sustainability Committee, in cooperation with the Planning Committee, are currently working on a response to the Discussion Paper ACT’s Climate Strategy To A Net Zero Emissions Territory.

The Building Industry, and Design Professions in particular, have both an opportunity and responsibility to contribute to the emissions reduction strategy in the coming years and decades.  Many decisions we take on a day-to-day basis have a direct effect on gas use, waste production and transport emissions.  The Sustainability Committee would welcome any contributions from members with ideas about meeting the targets.  Background information, including technical modelling of possible pathways,  is available from the ACT Government <Your Say> website (www.yoursay.  Submissions close on April 9th.

In closing, don’t forget this year’s Solar House Day, which has been confirmed for the 29th July, with the seminar taking place on 25th July.  Please give some consideration to participating in this valuable public education event.  It only takes an hour or two of your client’s time and is generally great fun for all involved.  We are currently looking for homes to feature in this upcoming 2018 Tour, so please put any and all projects forward for consideration.