NSW Chapter Manager

NSW Chapter Manager


Welcome to your regular weekly e-newsletter and a brief introduction from me as your new NSW Chapter Manager. My role with the Chapter commenced last week, and I am very exciting to be joining the Institute at this time. The scale of excellent work, projects, partnerships and active member networks in the NSW Chapter means I have much to get to up to speed with over coming weeks, and thank you to all those that have welcomed me into the fold already. Those I am yet to meet I look forward to speaking with at upcoming events and council meetings, and hearing about your ideas and important work on the array of initiatives the Institute is currently working in.

2015 Student Awards
Last Friday saw our annual Graduate & Student Awards at Tusculum, which was an outstanding success. More than 130 people attended to hear the winner announcements and awards presented, followed by celebratory drinks, food and networking in the courtyard. Winners of the Awards will each present their work in their ‘Five Minutes of Fame’ Tuesdays@Tusculum talk on Tuesday 9 June. More details of the award winners and their upcoming talk included in the later in the enewsletter.

2015 NSW Architecture Awards
I was lucky enough on my first day as Chapter Manager to visit Sydney’s iconic Town Hall, as part of a venue visit for the NSW Architecture Awards Presentation night. Tickets for the event on Thursday 2 July are on sale and, though early bird discounts have now finished, discounted tickets are still available for group bookings of 10 or more. I hope that many of you will be able to attend to celebrate both you and your colleague’s successes at this special event. By the look of the plans this year promises to be a real showstopper!

Please feel free to contact me at audrey.braun@architecture.com.au with any suggestions or comments you may have.

Audrey Braun
NSW Chapter Manager