NSW Chapter Manager

NSW Chapter Manager

The NSW Chapter is currently in awards mode and  has been our major focus for the last few weeks. The Graduate and Student Awards were held at Tusculum on 27 May, and was an outstanding success. The quality of  work and the submissions were very high and demonstrated the high levels of excellence evident in our students and graduates of architecture. A wrap-up of the winners and commendations can be found on our website. Congratulations to all  winners and nominees.

We would also like to thank our sponsors Mirvac Design, Crone, FJMT, Jacobs, Bates Smart, Lendlease Design and TURNER for their tremendous support of this program.

On 1 July, the NSW Architecture Awards will be held at Sydney Technology Park. We are very excited about the new, revised format for the evening,  which includes a sit-down dinner and other improvements. The night will feature Judith Lucy as MC, and with her acerbic wit and humour will make the Awards an entertaining night. Table of 10 bookings are now open, so please get in quick as tables will fill fast.  We look forward to seeing you there, celebrating NSW’s success in architecture with your colleagues and friends.

Members will be aware the new CEO, Jennifer  Cunich has commenced with the Institute. Jennifer will also be visiting all state chapters in the coming weeks, including coming to Tusculum this week and attending the NSW Chapter Council Meeting on 7 June.

Upcoming federal election and  policy

Please watch out for communication from us with a call to action asking you to contact your local candidates to ask a few questions about their position on issues of importance to the profession. We have created a members-only webpage here with resources and information on our policy.
Audrey Braun
NSW Chapter Manager