NSW Chapter Manager

NSW Chapter Manager

Dear Members

Last week I announced my resignation as Manager of the NSW Chapter, to take effect on 2 April. I will be returning to the health services industry as State Manager for the NSW & ACT Faculty of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, based in North Sydney.

I leave the Institute after seven and a half years, having achieved most of what I set out to do when I arrived. The NSW Chapter now has a very strong member base of over 3,300 members and the CPD and talks programs are attracting attendances of more than 5,700 – that’s 1.7 events for every member. Our outreach program to the general public – Architecture on Show – embraces 20 metropolitan councils and similar events are held around the state in association with Country Division events.

It has been a privilege to be involved with such a creative and engaged membership during my time here. Each of the four Presidents I have worked with – Deborah Dearing, Brian Zulaikha, Matthew Pullinger and Joe Agius – has brought immense energy and commitment to the many tasks demanded of them. I am still amazed that they manage to do any architecture at all during their terms of office!

I’m sure my successor will be pleased with the strong office team I have engaged during my time as Chapter Manager. All are focused on delivering the best possible services for you, the members. I am confident that commitment will continue from the moment I leave.

Thank you and farewell

Roslyn Irons