NSW Chapter Manager

NSW Chapter Manager

Dear Members

The last Chapter Council meeting held on the 2nd November was a very productive one and a number of initiatives were discussed for 2016. One of the activities Chapter Council wishes to conduct is a thorough review of our existing committees and task forces, their objectives and achievements. A review will also be conducted on existing terms of reference and re-drafting these to ensure committees and task forces have clear guidelines and remain relevant.

Nominations will be open soon for Chapter Council elections. There are four positions available for nomination on Chapter Council. Do consider nominating if this is of interest. Please look out for more information on the nomination process.

We still have an event-packed agenda for the remainder of the year, despite the wind-down. This week, we will be running the Foundations Program for emerging architects,  a series of professional development workshops assisting new architects set up their own business. This will be followed by NSW Emerging Architect Prize Winner Q&A with Brendan Murray (JPW) on Tuesday 17 November at 6.30pm.
Peter Stutchbury will be presenting his AS Hook Address at Tusculum this Thursday 19 November at 6pm.This promises to be a fascinating insight into Stuchbury’s life, work and his perspective on the state of our profession. WE hope to see you there!

As always, I welcome your feedback and  comments – Audrey.braun@architecture.com.au
Audrey Braun
NSW Chapter Manager