NSW Chapter Manager

NSW Chapter Manager


The NSW Chapter has had a very busy month in the wind down from the recent 2015 NSW Architecture Awards. Preparations are under-way for this year’s Sydney Architecture Festival, organized in collaboration with the Architect’s Registration Board, which this year will be held on 3-5 October. The Festival will continue to enable Sydney’s community to participate in and enjoy the architecture of Sydney – past, present and future – and promote the city as a focal point for quality architecture and debate. Working with Lucy Humphrey and Claire McCaughan of Archrival and John O’Callaghan as the event’s first ever Event Director team, we are developing an exciting public program – details of which will be announced very soon!

We are also pleased to announce we are taking Chapter Council on the road in September in conjunction with the Country Division conference in Bathurst (22-25 September) with the aim of bringing the Institute closer to its members. The Institute’s Networks are also part of this initiative, and network chairs will be attending Chapter Council on a rotational basis. Our first Chapter Council meeting on the road in May with IWAN (Inner West Architects Network) was a great success.

Peter Stutchbury will be delivering his Gold Medal Lecture in Sydney on Tuesday 25 August and also in Newcastle on 28 July. Due to a high demand for tickets we are organizing a larger venue for the Sydney lecture, and invite anyone interested in tickets to contact us on nsw@architecture.com.au to secure a place on our waiting list before further tickets are released. DARCH are also organizing a special EmAGN breakfast with the Gold Medallist for their members on Wednesday 26 August.



Audrey Braun
NSW Chapter Manager