NSW Chapter Manager

NSW Chapter Manager

Dear Members

This will be my last message through the NSW e-news. Some of you may already have heard I am leaving my post as NSW Chapter Manager in mid-August. In my brief (yet sweet) time in this role, I have enjoyed meeting many of you at our events and other activities in the last year and sincerely thank those who have given up their time and knowledge to assist the Chapter.

This week, we have a busy agenda. We kick off with a Tuesdays @ Tusculum talk– Antecedence, followed by Wednesday’s  Gold Medal Tour talk at Tusculum with ARM founders Ian Mcdougall, Howard Raggatt. Stephen Ashton was the third founding member of ARM who recently passed and our sincere condolences go to his family, friends and colleagues. An EmAGN breakfast will be held the following morning and we urge you to come along and hear these interesting speakers. For our regional members, don’t forget to register and support  the upcoming ArchiMEET in Bowral – Keeping it Real on Friday 5 August. Details for all these events can be found in this edition of the eNews to register for all events.

We have had some challenges this year, including the closure of the Newcastle regional office, however I believe we are in a strong place now to move ahead and build a stronger, focused and more influential Institute.

I would like to wish members the very best and thank you again for your support and friendship over this past year. I also wish to thank our NSW Chapter President, Shaun Carter for his wonderful drive and enthusiasm and of course the fabulous NSW Chapter team who have all worked very hard to deliver our member services.

Thank you and farewell.


Audrey Braun
NSW Chapter Manager