NSW Chapter President

NSW Chapter President

Architects are proud of the role we play in modifying our built environment so that it continues to meet the needs of present and future generations. Our annual awards ceremony celebrates the positive achievements that the profession considers our peers have made in fulfilling that role in the community.

It was great to see so many friends and colleagues at Australian Technology Park two weeks ago. The vibe was very positive and upbeat. We were delighted that dignitaries such as Planning Minister Rob Stokes and Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore were able to join us for our ‘night of nights’. We certainly appreciate the public statements they have both made advocating the critical role of design in the future amenity and value of our denser urban environment.

Design thinking is the key to developing great projects and great places. We can look to the very best parts of our cities and towns to see this is true.

Architects have strategic and creative thinking ability.

Architects are the great generalists. And we claim this title with pride.

Architects are boundary‐spanners. We are the people that connect disparate professional disciplines and departments into a functioning, beautiful and cohesive whole.

Creativity and design thinking should be the bedrock of any process that is involved in planning for the future, whether it be buildings, streets, footpaths, street furniture and street art, public domain or planning and public policy.

I want to encourage governments at all levels – local, state and federal – to make better use of our skills.

They need to move architects up the value chain of decision-making to inject design thinking into the discussions and decisions that decide the future of our built environment.

That is why I have presented the President’s Prize in the two years of my tenure – Helen Lochhead in 2015 and Graham Jahn and Bridget Smyth this year – in recognition of people who have made substantial and excellent contributions to public life and the built environment. They are well qualified architects in their own right – but they have given up the individual pursuit of their talents to have a greater impact on the profession and on the quality of the built environment.

These recipients of the President’s Prize have achieved all of this as generalists and boundary-spanners, both within their organisations and in their dealings with people outside it.  They have provided long-term outstanding service to the community.


Shaun Carter
NSW Chapter President