NSW Chapter President

NSW Chapter President

Dear Members

Positive change requires lobbying and advocacy over a number of years. Much of the work of an individual President is just one link in a chain of discussions, submissions and correspondence that both precedes and follows them.

A case in point is our work with the Association of Consulting Architects and Consult Australia in encouraging more consistency and fairness in the procurement of architectural services across the breadth of the public sector. I’m convinced we will get there in the end, but it’s work that requires energy and determination over a long time frame.

Regarding the City of Sydney, our interests are more specific and short-term. While the Institute fully supports the objectives and positive outcomes of the Competitive Design Policy, we are convinced that it could achieve more equitable outcomes for the participating architects.

Late last year I was pleased to attend two roundtable discussions, organised for members who had participated in the City of Sydney’s competitive design process by Institute Life Fellow Graham Jahn, Director of City Planning, Development and Transport. As a result of those discussions, and to recognise in particular the current mismatch between the fees paid to participating practices and the deliverables required, we will shortly commence a research project with the City. This will involve the collection of data from practices that have participated in City competitions over the past two years to help to determine an appropriate range of fees and deliverables for the competition process.

As this is my last message to you as NSW President, I want to take this opportunity to thank Chapter Council, our committees and you, the members, for your support during my term. It’s also appropriate to thank all the Chapter staff, and especially the NSW Manager, Roslyn Irons, for their enthusiasm and hard work, much of which goes unnoticed and unacknowledged – ironically the supreme accolade for an efficient and well run office!

I hope I have made a positive contribution to the advancement of the profession over the last two years. I look forward to handing over to Shaun Carter as incoming President. I’m sure he will distinguish himself in the role as he develops new strategic directions with the staff and incoming councillors.

Thank you and farewell.

Joe Agius
NSW President