NSW Chapter President

NSW Chapter President

Dear Members

As the NSW population grows the liveability and prosperity of the state will increasingly rely on the quality of its built environment and the design and integration of its infrastructure and transport systems.

The design professions are crucial to the delivery of productive, safe, vibrant, liveable and memorable environments. Architects are also key defenders of public access to publicly owned land and heritage assets.

During my term as President the NSW Chapter has engaged with politicians in relation to:

  • the planning system;
  • Greater Sydney Commission;
  • retention and adaptive reuse of public heritage assets; and
  • procurement of building projects by public agencies.

We continually advocate for the use of design skills and insights to create a better built environment for the whole community.

1.   NSW Chapter 2015 election platform

The forthcoming election on 28 March has given us the opportunity to crystallise our policy positions and to engage directly with the political parties. We want to work positively with the incoming government to achieve a well-designed built environment and a portfolio of enduring quality public assets.

Survey of political party policy positions

This week the Chapter will be seeking responses from the political parties to questions based on our Policy Platform.

Their responses will be published on our website.

Media release

The Chapter will issue a media release based on the policy platform and the responses of the parties towards the end of next month.

Brochure for members

The Chapter will prepare a brochure for members to use in conversations with their local candidates and other built environment professionals.

How you can get involved – starting a conversation about quality outcomes

This is advance notice that we will be encouraging members to engage in conversations with their local candidates and to discuss their party’s position on the issues raised in the brochure.

2.   NSW Chapter Election

A reminder that we also have an election of our own currently underway! Voting for NSW President and Chapter Council positions close at 4:00pm on Tuesday 10 February. I urge you to exercise your democratic right thoughtfully and send your votes to the Institute’s Company Secretary by the deadline.

3.   Australia Day Honours

Congratulations to Institute Life Fellow Richard Thorp, named Member of the Order of Australia yesterday. Educated at the University of Melbourne, Richard worked with Daryl Jackson and in London before entering the New Parliament House competition with Romaldo Giurgola and Ehrman B Mitchell. Richard was project architect for the building, managing a team of 150 architects. In 2002 he became Managing Director of Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp Architects, retiring from the practice in 2009. He has been President of the NSW Architects Registration Board since 2004 and is currently President of the Architects Accreditation Council Australia.

Joe Agius
NSW Chapter President