NSW Chapter President

NSW Chapter President


In my final message for the year, in addition to wishing all our members a safe and enjoyable holiday break, I am reviewing the key highlights of my first year as your President.

I am particularly pleased to see progress on the gender equity issue, which I consider one of the highest priorities during my term. The Champions of Change program was established seven months ago and is a key factor in achieving change that is positive, real and lasting.

Taking Chapter Council on the road has enabled me to connect with many more members; I am grateful to so many of you for taking this opportunity to let Chapter councillors know of your concerns. Your participation in these sessions reveals the widespread passion held by our members for our professional organisation.

The future of the Government Architect’s Office has required considerable attention. The new focus on the office’s strategic role advising government on design excellence at all levels is welcome. But this ambition can only be realised if it has the staff numbers and expertise to fulfil these demands.

The profession in NSW is the fortunate beneficiary of SEPP 65, the only design legislation in Australia. With the gazettal in June of the amended SEPP and the greatly improved Apartment Design Guide, we also benefit from a bi-partisan approach to the issue of apartment design.

Similarly, the announcement of the Greater Sydney Commission was welcome news, although I am still concerned that design has not been addressed in any of the material released by the government to date.

UrbanGrowth NSW has made the first move towards the revitalisation of the Bays Precinct. The Institute will be watching the bidding process for the development of the White Bay power station locality with considerable interest.

These and many other issues will keep us fully occupied in the year ahead.

I wish you all season’s greetings and a prosperous and productive new year.

Shaun Carter
NSW Chapter President