NSW Chapter President

NSW Chapter President


Chapter Council Elections

I know this is the time of year that members are winding down and checking that their party gear is up to scratch. But as colleagues in a voluntary professional organisation, we have two of the most important tasks within the Institute that now require our attention – the Chapter Council election and entries for the 2015 NSW Architecture Awards.

The management and policy directions of the Institute depend on willing and capable Chapter councillors – but only if we as members make the right choices from the available candidates. The election process begins this month and continues until February next year.

I urge you all to vote carefully and responsibly in these elections. If you want the forward momentum and clear policy directions of the past few years to continue, make sure you exercise your democratic vote wisely.

2015 NSW Architecture Awards
Entries are now open for the 2015 NSW Architecture Awards. I strongly encourage you to enter all projects eligible for an award so that the breadth of recently completed projects across the state is recognised. In 2015 a new category for education buildings has been established. For more information on this exciting announcement and to enter the awards, please go to the awards segment in today’s e-news. The announcement of 2015 jury members will be made shortly.

City of Sydney Competitive Design Policy

The Institute supports the City of Sydney’s Competitive Design Policy, which is buttressed by the design excellence provisions of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan. Together they have created a procurement regime that has seen the quality of major city buildings and urban design projects rise substantially in recent years.

The Institute welcomed the opportunity to invite some architects who have participated in the competition process to discussions with the City’s Director City Planning, Development and Transport, Graham Jahn, last week. The conversation was wide-ranging and productive. We are currently putting together a series of observations and recommendations for consideration by the City.

Joe Agius