From the NSW Manager – Jan 16

From the NSW Manager – Jan 16

A Happy New Year to you all and welcome to 2016.

This year will be a time of adjustment for the NSW Chapter, but I believe that from the recent changes we will see a positive refining and streamlining of our resources. This refinement will allow the NSW Chapter to run in synch with the other Chapters and for a new approach to our programming on a state level.

This month at the Chapter is our time to plan for the year ahead, and this week we are running a planning  session focused on event ideas and scheduling. As announced last year, the Institute is redeveloping its business model  to ensure continued service to members and future sustainability. This means that the ways in which we provide services to our members will also need to change.

The Newcastle and Country Division will continue to operate and support for the divisions will be taken up by the NSW Chapter and the broader organisation – more details relating to this will be announced soon.

I will be keeping you all updated on any further amendments to the running of the Chapter and am, as always, available to answer any queries from members.

Audrey Braun

NSW Chapter Manager