Other events

Other events

City To Lake Forum
Wednesday 7 August 5pm-7.30pm
ACT Chapter, 2A Mugga Way, Red Hill
Presented by Ian Wood-Bradley
City to the Lake is a transformational project being developed within the City Plan and is integral to realising the City’s potential as we embark on our second century. RSVP to act@architecture.com.au. More info here.

Lunchbox Session 2: Certification Hotspots
Wednesday 14 August, 12.30-1.30
ACT Chapter
Speakers: John Mihaljevic from Certified Building Solutions and Dean McPherson from AMC Projects
Let’s cut through the red tape and review the most common non compliances on projects and traps for young players from the perspective of a Building Certifier and Architect. RSVP to act@architecture.com.au

2013 Contemporary Australian Architects Speaker Series
Wednesdays 4-25 September doors 5.30pm for a 6pm start
National Gallery of Australia, James O Fairfax Theatre
4 Sep – Glenn Murcutt
11 Sep – Clare Cousins, Clare Cousins Architects
18 Sep – Peter Maddison, Maddison Architects
25 Sep – Renato D’Ettorre, Renato D’Ettorre Architects