President’s Message – May 2016

President’s Message – May 2016

It has been a very difficult week with the loss of such a significant contributor to our built environment. Romaldo (Aldo) Giurgola was very special to many, if not all, of our members and it is only natural to feel saddened. Our sincere condolences are passed on to Aldo’s family and closest friends. Aldo’s legacy is not only in his built work but through the influence he had on other local architects. I encourage you all to come together and share stories of the many warm moments you had in Aldo’s company.

Recently, at the Annual General Meeting, the proposals for changes to our governance were passed unequivocally. This significant change will see the formation of a board of directors, made up of national councillors and external specialists. This positive change will allow the national council to have a greater focus on membership, education, and advocacy.

We are delighted to welcome Jennifer Cunich into the role of CEO of the Institute. I had the pleasure of meeting with Jennifer briefly at the ACT Chapter recently and I believe her past experiences, combined with her enthusiasm and fresh perspective, will be very beneficial for the future of our organisation.

Chapter Council has supported the formation of a Gender Equity Taskforce in the ACT to promote the values of equity and diversity within the profession. The taskforce will be active and progressive. It will not meet for the sake of meeting, but will allow people to contribute when they can on areas that interest them. Our ambition is to develop a series of positive initiatives and articles that reflect on the ways practices in the ACT are achieving equity and diversity. We have many offices doing really good things. If you would like to share your story, please feel free to contact me.

Although it was a few weeks ago now, the National Conference is still providing me with energy. Many Canberran architects, graduates and students came together in Adelaide to be inspired by a diverse group of speakers that discussed the future of our profession and the direction that the built environment should take. And when the conference was over, we hit the numerous small bars that have rejuvenated the city. The beautifully crafted Pink Moon Saloon was a clear favourite of us architects. Google it – it’s amazing.

Rob Henry

ACT Chapter President