Quick Chat – 25 January

Quick Chat – 25 January

Name: Remco Alexander (aka Sander) de Vries

Where do you work?
SQC Architecture in Hawker

Current job title and function?
Project Architect

Why did you choose architecture as a profession?
As a kid, I spent a lot of time drawing. My most favourite things to draw were big masterplans of sporting facilities and large perspectives of buildings (this was obviously way before SketchUp). I would take hours constructing the vantage points, the horizon according to my height at the moment and how the shading would work at different times of the year. At some stage I figured that I should make a job out of it. I do sometimes regret that I don’t get to construct those great sweeping perspectives anymore.

What are you working on now?

Currently I am working two rather large jobs concurrently. One is a large extension to an existing Chapel, for which I am developing documentation towards BA and Tender. In the other project I’m working in the role of superintendent during construction of a new Community Facility in Holder.

Most challenging or interesting project you’ve ever worked on and why?
Back in the Netherlands, I worked on a living unit for low care patients and one carer on a 200m2  block. I just started a business with a friend and this was our first and last commission. We had to learn a lot, and also find a way around a bucket load of site and architectural restrictions.

Who is your role model?

I am a very big fan of Hans Kollhoff. His design reflect a very strong brick tectonic language. Best examples of this are the Kollhoff Turm at the Potzdamer Platz in Berlin or the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Justice building in the Hague in the Netherlands. Most of his building display a very strong anchoring to the site and use brick to accentuate the tectonic workings of the buildings.

Any advice for young architects just starting their career?
Be accurate in everything. A line is not just a line, a rectangle is not just a form. Keep wondering, keep asking questions and make sure you keep learning from the answers.

What is your favourite piece of art?

There’s quite a few, one of my favourites is from Anish Kapoor, called ‘Descent into Limbo’. At first sight it looks like there is a big black disc placed on a concrete floor in a small room. On closer inspection, you find that what you perceived as a disc, is actually a big gaping black hole seemingly without end. But in actual fact it is a dark globular cavity beneath the floor—so dark that it is no longer possible to distinguish any perspective or space in it.

What do you see as one of the biggest issues facing the architectural profession?

There are many big issues that I like to bring attention to, for instance; the new types of procurement that make architects do a lot of work for no money, or the value that our clients attach to the work we do. But the biggest issue that we are facing at the moment is workplace inequality. Almost 50% of architecture students are female, yet just a little over 10% are partners in firms later on in life. Why are so many women leaving the profession? And what can we do about this?

If you weren’t an architect, what do you think you would be doing?

I would like to say something else creative, but I really like the balance of creative and analytical thinking in architecture. Right now I would say that I probably would be pursuing a career as scuba diving instructor or just a full time traveller writing largely unsuccessful blogs.

What is your most underrated talent?

Knowing when I didn’t filter the words coming out of my mouth and feeling embarrassed about it.

What is the most used app on your phone?

SIMCITY – Build it

What are you addicted to?

I’m absolutely addicted to seeing my little family grow in to a cool, rough and tumble team who gets to enjoy all the fun and creative facets that life has to offer.

What do you wish you were told before starting in this profession?

That only labourers make less money than you do!

The world needs more…………………


The World needs less of ………………….

Inequality! Life is a party and we should celebrate every day! Rather than trying to limit other people’s enjoyment at the same party.