Quick Chat – ACT Chapter November

Quick Chat – ACT Chapter November


Name and photo:

Nathan Pauletto

Where do you work?
C3 Church Monash (currently studying in graduation semester of Bachelor of Arts in Architecture).

Current job title and function?
Media Director – I produce print, digital and video media, and manage a team of volunteers to do so.

Why did you choose architecture as a profession?
I was always interested in art, maths, science and sculpture, so I saw architecture as the perfect blend – to be able to physically make something.

What are you working on now?

I’m working on completing my bachelor’s degree.

Most challenging or interesting project you’ve ever worked on and why?
Probably everything I do each semester at uni! The closer I am to finishing my degree the less I realise I know.

Who is your role model?

My grandfather – he migrated from Italy in the 40’s to build a better life for himself. He was a builder who worked on the SnowyHydro scheme, and other projects around Canberra.

Any advice for young architects just starting their career?
Remember that it gets harder before it gets easier!

What is your favourite piece of art?

‘The Kiss’ – Gustav Klimt

What do you see as one of the biggest issues facing the architectural profession?

Apathy and lack of awareness of the problems facing architects, and also of the opportunities that they may be missing. This applies to everyone, not just architects.

If you weren’t an architect, what do you think you would be doing?

Something involved with traditional art – painting or sculpture.

What is your most underrated talent?

Music – playing the piano accordion.

What is the most used app on your phone?


What are you addicted to?


What do you wish you were told before starting in this profession?

Remember that it gets harder before it gets easier!

The world needs more… architects.

 The World needs less… politicians.

16 November, 2015