Quick Chat – January 2016

Quick Chat – January 2016


Name and photo: Annette Pogas


Where do you work? ArPM


Current job title and function? Architect. As I am currently the only person in the Canberra office my function is doing everything than needs doing. I’m also one of the EmAGN co-Chairs.


Why did you choose architecture as a profession? I grew up in an interesting house without a sheet of plasterboard in sight and where we never had to turn the lights on during the day. I think that’s where my fascination with how people live and interact with the built environment came from.
What are you working on now? Supportive housing projects, subdivision projects, Safety in Design reports 


Most challenging or interesting project you’ve ever worked on and why? Internal refurbishment suite of works at Alice Springs Hospital, particularly the Operating Theatres. The amount of coordination that goes into a hospital project where the facility has to remain operational throughout the entire construction program was fascinating.
Who is your role model? My grandparents. I couldn’t image moving half way around the world to a place you know nothing about and building a life.


Any advice for young architects just starting their career? Don’t be afraid to move out of a big city. It’s amazing what you can learn in a small town.

What is your favourite piece of art? Almost all of Degas ballerina sketches, and the sky in Van Gough’s Starry Night.


What do you see as one of the biggest issues facing the architectural profession?  Getting the public on side when it comes to the value of good design in a way that doesn’t make architects seem pretentious.


If you weren’t an architect, what do you think you would be doing? I’d love to be an astronaut and go into space. But equally I’d love to live somewhere in the country and spend all my days pottering in the garden.


What is your most underrated talent? I make excellent Koulourakia – Greek plait biscuits


What is the most used app on your phone? In summer it’s the cricket app and in winter it’s the AFL app.


What are you addicted to? My two new puppy dogs


What do you wish you were told before starting in this profession? Uni was sketch design. Welcome to everything else.


The world needs more people… who think before they speak – especially when they speak on the internet


The World needs less people… speaking on the internet