Quick Chat – March

Quick Chat – March


Tony Trobe

Where do you work?

TT Architecture

Current job title and function?

Director and Immediate past President of Australian Institute of Architects (ACT Chapter)

Why did you choose architecture as a profession?

Because failed at Chemistry but had interest in both Science and Art.

What are you working on now?

Mostly Residential projects. Some very stimulating with lovely clients.

Most challenging or interesting project you’ve ever worked on and why?

1997 Autonomous of energy house made from mud brick winning a national environmental award. 

The brief for this house was for a building with the highest possible environmental credentials. It is of mud brick and recycled timber construction, is independent of the electricity grid, and is powered by a large photovoltaic system. The hose has high thermal mass, all materials are recycled with low VOC, bio-septic waste etc. It and was complex as everything was nonstandard and innovative of its time.

Who is your role model?

Clem Cummings

Any advice for young architects just starting their career? Seek advice from experienced architect who are usually happy for you to learn from their mistakes.

What is your favourite piece of art?

Own photos of places I have visited if that counts as art? Ie Tassie

No real favourites but quite like Geoffrey Smart amongst many others

What do you see as one of the biggest issues facing the architectural profession?

Lack of relevance, pathetic pay for the time spent in training, seeming disinterest in design by the public.

If you weren’t an architect, what do you think you would be doing?

Am argumentative and full of bullshit so maybe a Barrister? (also like the income idea)

What is your most underrated talent?

Am pretty good at colouring in …and am mostly between the lines!

What is the most used app on your phone?

Am on the wrong side of the digital divide. Although I love gadgets am pretty useless at technology;

But these are on front page;

flashlight to find my keys, ‘find my phone’ for obvious reasons, Wiki so I can know absolutely everything about nothing, the compass, Oz Weather, IMDb, maps, 

What are you addicted to?

The usuals of wine followed by chocolate whilst I watch sport, …did I really say that?

What do you wish you were told before starting in this profession?

You will never be as rich as a plumber.

The world needs: more education.

The World needs: less people.