Quick Chat – October 2016

Quick Chat – October 2016



Shoba Cole


Where do you work?

May + Russell Architects


Current job title and function?

Job Title – Senior Architect

Function – Project Architect


Why did you choose architecture as a profession?

From a young age I would drive my parents crazy, forever creating shelters from sheets, boxes and chairs. And then endlessly drawing instead of doing my homework (or reading like my older sister). I think I was 13 (early high school) when I found architecture, at the time the idea that I could have a career filled with drawing and creating really set the fireworks off.

I guess the more important question is why have I kept with it, and the simple answer is that I love design, but the greatest buzz is when you work with the construction team to see your work being realised in the built form. Moreover, this profession is about collaboration and contributing to the community, which can be challenging but makes for an interesting day.


What are you working on now?

It’s been a crazy year with a number of projects ranging from a commercial project in the city, Geoscience Australia Childcare Centre and refurbishment of the Royal Hotel QBN.


Most challenging or interesting project you’ve ever worked on and why?

Canberra College Cares Facility has been my most interesting and rewarding project to date. The brief was to design a specialist education setting catering to the needs of pregnant and parenting young people as well as their children within a school based setting. A facility that provides a supportive and collaborative environment for this unique group of students who are endeavouring to complete their educational pathways. This meant that we were no longer looking at traditional educational models; the resulting place had to be both inviting, engaging and without barriers. We created a place that was much more than an educational setting, it was their home.

It was a pleasure working with this client group (Directorate, educators and students) in the delivery of this unique facility which belonged to all.


Who is your role model?

I don’t have role models in the true sense of a role model, but there are certain characteristics of a number of people who I find amazing and think to myself, if I try to be more like them, then at least I am trying to be a better person.


Any advice for young architects just starting their career?

Be passionate and never give up. Always fight for what you believe in, but understand that collaboration is the key to a successful project. And most of all look at every challenge as an opportunity.


What is your favourite piece of art?

My favourite is the Teacup Ballet by Olive Cotton. Beauty and drama created through the simplicity of an everyday object arranged in space utilising the play of light and shadow.


What do you see as one of the biggest issues facing the architectural profession?  

I found it hard to pick between the three main issues what I feel is the biggest facing our profession, so I have been brief in my response.

Professional services:

  • Ensure fair payment for services provided (Interactive tendering process).
  • Ensure continuity of the design architect through the construction stage.


  • Maintain a voice in our community regarding the direction of the built environment, our city, etc.

Professional Skills:

  • Utilising new technology – don’t be a slave to it or be limited by it. Ensure time to think and consider.
  • BIM – Ensure the profession embraces this tool in its entirety and not hand it over to others. Ensure across our profession we are strengthening our skills.


If you weren’t an architect, what do you think you would be doing?

I would be a photographer specialising in travel (total fantasy).

Here is my flicker page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/58493472@N07/page1


What is your most underrated talent?

Falling asleep within 20 minutes in any moving vehicle at the start of a journey.


What is the most used app on your phone?

Other than the map app, it would be Tetris.


What are you addicted to?

Chocolate (classic, but true)


What do you wish you were told before starting in this profession?

That sometime things go a bit crazy.


 The World needs more of laughter and mangos.

The World needs less of selfishness and pork.