Category: breaking news

Minister for Cities welcomed by architects

The Australian Institute of Architects joins other industry bodies in welcoming Prime Minister Rudd’s announcement for a Minister for Cities.

The Institute has lobbied for the creation of such a role for many years, through its own policy activities as well as through its involvement with bodies such as the Urban Coalition and ASBEC.

Australia is a highly urbanised nation and as our major towns and cities develop, we face a number of key challenges. From climate change, population growth and an ageing demographic, to an increasing demand for infrastructure, housing affordability pressures and traffic congestion, our cities need the right strategies, policies and processes in place to create a built environment that can sustain us into the future.

Institute CEO, David Parken, said ‘This is very welcome news. A federal champion is urgently needed to drive reforms that better connect urban policies and programs across all levels of government. This role in an expanded Major Cities Unit will bring much needed leadership and vision to the strategic planning of our cities and regions. The federal government must play a key role in ensuring our cities function as well as they can. The Institute urges the other parties to adopt similar strategies as well as to embrace a bipartisan approach, whatever the outcome of the election.’

The Institute recently surveyed the major Australian political parties about their commitment to key issues for the architecture profession, based on the Institute’s five policy priority topics, which include the creation of an Australian Minister for Cities position. The results can be read at

Entries now open for 2014 COLORBOND® Steel Student Biennale

Australia’s longest running prize for students of architecture, the COLORBOND® Steel Student Biennale is once again open for entries.

Established by the Australian Institute of Architects, the prize offers recent graduates and students the opportunity to win a cash prize of $8,000 and the chance to attend the 2014 National Architecture Conference in Perth.

Since 1985 the COLORBOND® Steel Student Biennale has acknowledged outstanding works of design by architecture students across Australia. The entries are judged by esteemed members of the profession on their resolution, exploration and communication of ideas, space, structure and materials, as well as their response to contemporary architectural issues such as the challenge of climate change.

The winner of the 2014 prize will be announced in front of leaders of the Australian architecture profession at the Australian Achievement in Architecture Awards held in March 2014. In addition to the $8,000 cash prize for first place, the ten shortlisted students will receive flights, tickets and accommodation to attend the 2014 National Architecture Conference in Perth, May 8-10.

The bi-annual competition closes 5pm AEST Friday 27 September and is open to Undergraduate or Masters students enrolled in an Institute recognised Australian architecture course in 2013 and to students who completed their course in 2012. Entries that have been previously submitted for the BlueScope Steel Glenn Murcutt Student Prize are ineligible.

The Australian Institute of Architects acknowledges the generous, ongoing support of BlueScope Steel in the recognition of students of architecture.

For more information on the prize, visit or contact or phone 03 8620 3877.



Australian Institute of Architects joins Australian Design Alliance

The Australian Design Alliance (AdA) is delighted to announce Australian Institute of Architects  as a new member. We look forward to working closely with the Institute on issues of mutual interest.

The thirteen peak bodies that make up the AdA represent a substantial constituency. The combined national membership of the member organisations is in excess of 140,000. Including architecture professionals, the design sector is made up of close to 500,000 practitioners.

The Australian Institute of Architects has a national membership of almost 12,000 professional architects, graduates and students.

CEO David Parken said “We welcome the opportunity to support the work of the AdA in promoting the value of design to the Australian community and their work in developing a design policy for consideration by governments at all levels.”

AdA Patron His Excellency Mr Michael Bryce AM AE said, “The Australian Institute of Architects were influential as an associate of the Australian Design Alliance from the outset and I am delighted that the Institute has now given the ADA such influential support by becoming a member of this important national body of design professions.

“Architecture is the fulcrum of our national design identity and this highly visible art form leads the way in so many other design endeavours, from furniture design, automotive design and urban design through interior, graphic and fashion design.

“These endeavours must be recognised as fundamental to our country’s creative identity as well as its economy.”

Chairman of the AdA, Mr Oliver Kratzer said, “On behalf of the board, I am delighted to welcome the Australian Institute of Architects to the Australian Design Alliance as full members.

The Institute is in excellent company, joining twelve other peak bodies which are united in their use of design and creativity in spearheading Australia’s cultural and commercial future.

The Institute’s commitment to the AdA gives additional depth and resonance to the voice of the creative industries.

The AdA’s existence and high calibre of membership is proof of the creative sectors maturity and growing importance to the economy.

We look forward to working more closely with the Institute’s National President Mr Paul Berkemeier, his CEO Mr David Parken and the Institute’s board on the issues that impact not just our organisations and members, but the sector and the nation as a whole.”

The AdA is advocating for a national framework for design that demonstrates the critical role design and design thinking play as enablers for innovation.

Our core objective is to see design-led innovation become an integral part of Australian business and industry and to ensure design is central to Australia’s future economic competitiveness.

There is now undeniable evidence that professional design plays a critical role in the development of internationally competitive products and services. Australia has some of the best designers in the world, capable of developing world-class products and services, however, there still remains a lack of understanding of the true benefits of design as a key driver of competitiveness in Australia.

AdA Members: Australian Craft and Design Centres; Australian Graphic Design Association; Australian Institute of Architects Australian Institute of Landscape Architects; Australian Network for Art and Technology; Australian Production Design Guild; Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; Council of Textile and Fashion Industries of Australia; Design Institute of Australia; Engineers Australia; Good Design Australia; National Association for the Visual Arts; Planning Institute of Australia -Urban Design Chapter.

Architecture SMEs get a helping hand in the digital realm

High-speed broadband, cloud systems and online business tools are just some of the services that will be available to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the architecture and construction industry following an announcement by Senator Kate Lundy for the Australian Services Roundtable (ASR) today.

A $500,000 Australian Government grant has been provided to the ASR to develop a series of customised digital business kits to help services firms get online to drive productivity and find new markets, with architects, engineers and related building industry specialists benefitting in phase one of the project.

Speaking at the launch, Australian Institute of Architects’ CEO and ASR Director David Parken was pleased that the Institute was able to partner with ASR, the peak national body for services industry organisations, in the first round, which will be delivered over the first year in the five year program.

‘This is an important initiative for the architecture industry, with 90 per cent of Institute members working in SMEs. Another significant factor is the reliance of the industry on digital technology such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Integrated Project Teams.

‘BIM is a major game-changer for the construction industry, allowing streamlined information flow between collaborators. This reduces doubling up on modelling and documentation and is therefore integral to the advancement and efficiency of the sector.

‘BIM and the associated Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) techniques currently being pioneered and employed rely heavily on high-speed internet in the delivery of large files on a daily basis. This transfer of information is not only happening on local projects but also overseas, with many local architects undertaking projects in the Asian market, an area of significant financial growth.

‘Construction is a major contributor to the Australian economy with approximately $200 billion of annual activity across the residential, commercial, engineering and infrastructure sectors; therefore, having an efficient and productive design sector is integral,’ Mr Parken said.

The digital business kits will provide much needed support and advice tailored for smaller practices to boost workflow following the recent slowing of the industry.

Click here to see BRW‘s coverage of this announcement.

Architects welcome first step against cap on self-education expense deductions

The Australian Institute of Architects welcomes the deferral of the introduction of reforms to self-education expense deductions until 2015 as announced by federal Treasurer Chris Bowen today.

This is the first step by the government to resolve the unfortunate policy originally proposed by former Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer, the Hon Wayne Swan MP on 13 April 2013, which would impose a $2000 cap on tax deductions for all work-related education expenses.

Institute CEO David Parken says ‘a 12 month deferral is a good first step by the government and will provide those opposing the cap additional time to develop accurate data on the negative effects of the policy’.

‘This cap will hurt many sectors of the economy through loss of productivity and many professionals will no longer be able to afford to keep their skills up to date. We believe economic modelling that is currently underway will reveal the devastating impact this policy could have.’

Scrap the Cap, an alliance comprising over 70 professional and industry organisations including the Institute, was formed in opposition to the proposal and has been proactive in its advocacy, meeting with government ministers and advisors in efforts to reverse the cap’s implementation.

‘The Institute remains committed to the Scrap the Cap Alliance and will continue to work with the group to coordinate our opposition to the proposed policy and are currently surveying our members to gather details on the real effect it would have on them, particularly in relation to undertaking Continuing Professional Development,’ Mr Parken said.

As an independent professional representative body for approximately 12,000 members nationally, the Institute believes the proposed reforms will negatively impact the professional development of the architecture industry and in turn the future quality of our built environment.

While the Institute supports sensible measures to address any ‘rorts’ under the current system we think the proposed cap is too blunt and doesn’t take into account the ‘public good’ derived from an individual’s investment (time and cost) in furthering their knowledge and skills in their chosen field.

The Institute has written to the federal government and the opposition, issued a media release and made a submission to the government’s consultation paper, where we have outlined our concerns about the proposed cap. We argued that it is imperative Australia continues to produce highly skilled, technically innovative architecture professionals that are internationally competitive, ensuring Australia’s contribution to the global economic and creative economies, and environmental sustainability. We pointed out that architectural practice, theory and research are continually evolving to meet the challenges posed by societal and climate changes.

Changes in technology, infrastructure, materials, and the rise in innovation, mean an architect by necessity must be multidisciplinary in both skills and scope. For example, architects undertake post professional study related to the practice of architecture including; urban design, sustainable development, urban policy and strategy, construction management, design innovation and environmental science.

We also pointed out that Australia has a rigorous system for accreditation of architects, incorporating (in most state jurisdictions) minimum continuing professional development requirements in order to retain registration as an architect. And in recognition of the importance of continuing education, the Institute has also introduced a new category of membership called A+, which requires a commitment to a minimum annual level of professional development be undertaken by all A+ members.

In addition, we are particularly concerned about the impact of these reforms on sole practitioners, small to medium practices, and practices located in rural areas where travel costs to access conferences are typically high. Typical costs for built environment-related conferences are in the range of $1500 excluding associated travel and accommodation, costs which increase greatly for rural and regional practitioners.

Entries open for the 2014 Dulux Study Tour

Dulux invites architecture professionals to apply for five exclusive places available on the 2014 Dulux Study Tour – a coveted program that inspires and fosters Australia’s next generation of emerging architectural talent.

Now in its seventh year, the 2014 Dulux Study Tour is a 10 day international tour, where the group will visit leading global architecture and design firms in some of the most architecturally-rich destinations.

Dulux General Manager – Trade Division, Phil White, said the Dulux Study Tour has a strong focus on supporting the ‘next generation’ of talent in the architecture and design industry.

“The Dulux Study Tour is an intense 10 day trip where recipients are immersed in architecture, visiting iconic buildings and firms, and spending important one-on-one time with notable heavyweights in the industry. They will eat, live and breathe architecture from day one of the Tour and will be guided by representatives from both the Australian Institute of Architects and Dulux,” White said.

All graduates of architecture, up to 10 years from graduation, from the tier-two or five-year Bachelor of Architecture degrees are eligible to enter the 2014 Dulux Study Tour.

Entry into the 2014 Dulux Study Tour is a two stage process. Stage one requires entrants to answer four questions that will determine a shortlist, which is selected by a panel of highly regarded professionals in the industry.

Shortlisted entrants will be notified to enter stage two, where a more detailed entry covering recent work needs to be submitted, with a judging panel to select the five Dulux Study Tour recipients.

2013 Dulux Study Tour recipient, Mel Bright, said the Dulux Study Tour has given her a new perspective on her own practice of architecture.

“The Dulux Study tour accelerated my growing sense of the possibilities for future directions in architecture. I’m sure this will resonate with me for many years,” said Mel.

Stage one entries close Thursday 19 September, 2013 and the five successful recipients of the 2014 Dulux Study Tour will be announced at the Australian Achievement in Architecture Awards in March 2014.

The Dulux Study Tour is a collaborative initiative between Dulux, the Australian Institute of Architects and EmAGN.

To find out more about the Tour and the criteria to enter, visit or the official Dulux Study Tour Twitter account,!/DuluxStudyTour.


Dulux 2014

Unrealised dreams come to life for 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale

A vault full of unique architectural also-rans will be created for the very first time for Australia’s exhibition at the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale.

From the ingenious to the downright curious – visitors will experience what could have been; an alternative architectural reality.

Augmented Australia 1914-2014 by Perth team felix._Giles_Anderson+Goad has been chosen as Australia’s contribution to the international celebration of architecture.

Keeping in line with Rem Koolhaas’s focus on historical importance and national identity, the team will bring 21 unrealised Australian projects to life through three-dimensional augmented models, images, voiceovers and animations; ten historical designs, ten unbuilt public buildings by contemporary architects and the new Australian Pavilion by Denton Corker Marshall which will then be under construction in Venice.

‘For every finished building there are countless designs that for whatever reason don’t eventuate and these masterpieces often remain hidden to the outside world,’ said Director of felix., Rene Van Meeuwen.

‘These lost projects provide a wealth of insight into architecture for an Australian setting from the past 100 years and are often more exciting than the end result.

‘This cabinet of architectural curiosities provides an opportunity to construct a bridge between architecture and the public by demonstrating the process, the hours and alternatives behind significant public works and a chance to give this archived material new life,’ he said.

The exhibition is constructed around augmented reality, activated with an app for smart devices, which provides a platform to capture the imagination of the public in an interactive, self-directed way.

‘Positioned between virtual reality and the real world, augmented reality has become a powerful and interactive tool, especially useful in showcasing architectural works,’ Mr Van Meeuwen said.

‘Visitors will be able to point their smart phone at the trigger images to open up a catalogue of virtual material allowing them to visualise, walk through and admire the scale and greatness of each project.’

A prototype of the augmented reality technology which will be realised as part of the Australian exhibition for the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale - Nervi Cathedral (1958) by Pier Luigi Nervi in New Norcia, Western Australia. Image by felix._Giles_Anderson+Goad.   Instructions: Download the ‘luminous’ app by felix.  from the app store for iPhones or Google Play for androids. Point the phone camera at the trigger image and wait for the augmented visual to appear.
A prototype of the augmented reality technology which will be realised as part of the Australian exhibition for the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale – Nervi Cathedral (1958) by Pier Luigi Nervi in New Norcia, Western Australia. Image by felix._Giles_Anderson+Goad.
Instructions: Download the ‘luminous’ app by felix. from the app store for iPhones or Google Play for androids.
Point the phone camera at the trigger image and wait for the augmented visual to appear.

Marker poles housing the trigger images will herald the Australian exhibition and provide the portal to the unrealised world, while the virtual content will be accessible in an online catalogue with 3D printing files available to allow the public to print or order their own 3D replicas.

Architectural historian Philip Goad will assist the team in selecting the noteworthy unrealised historical projects. Meanwhile, the ten contemporary works will be selected through an open call to architects with unbuilt public projects designed in the last twenty years for an Australian site. Rem Koolhaas has observed that ‘national identity has seemingly been sacrificed to modernity’. felix._Giles_Anderson+Goad are interested in this global trend and also in its rebuttal; entrants will need to define how their project relates to this, as well as to Koolhaas’s theme more generally. Submissions for unbuilt public projects can be made at

Augmented Australia 1914-2014 by felix._Giles_Anderson+Goad
Augmented Australia 1914-2014 by felix._Giles_Anderson+Goad


The exhibition is supported by Austral Bricks, Smeg, Zip Industries, IBL Limited, Café di Stasio and Architecture Media. In addition, the Institute gratefully acknowledges the support given by the Australia Council for the Arts.

For media enquiries and interviews contact:

Alexandra Cato
National Media and Communications Officer
Australian Institute of Architects
P. + 61 (3) 8620 3813

The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing almost 12,000 members across Australia and overseas. The Institute actively works to improve the quality of our built environment by promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design. Learn more about the Institute, log on to

IAC shortlists projects for International Architecture Award

Six projects from a field of twenty-six have been shortlisted by the International Area Committee’s 2013 Awards jury for the Australian Institute of Architects’ Jørn Utzon Award for International Architecture. The winner will be announced at the National Architecture Awards on Thursday 7 November at the Sydney Opera House.

Situated outside the state and territory jurisdictions of Australia, the unique projects span the globe from Russia to New Zealand, and include an art gallery in Japan’s snow country, mixed-use developments and a Californian family home.

The award for International Architecture acknowledges the work of Institute members living abroad and members undertaking commissions overseas.

Shortlisted projects for the International Architecture category are:

Project Architect Location
Australia House Andrew Burns Architect Niigata, Japan
Silver House Peter Stutchbury Architecture Cherepovets, Russia
Martin No.38 Kerry Hill Architects Singapore
387 Tamaki Drive Ian Moore Architects Auckland, New Zealand
28th Street Apartments Koning Eizenberg Architecture, Inc. Los Angeles, United States
Sobieski House Koning Eizenberg Architecture, Inc. South Pasadena, United States


The shortlisted projects will now be considered by the 2013 National Architecture Awards Jury led by Immediate Past President Shelley Penn and comprising WOHA Founder and Director, Richard Hassell; South Australian Government Architect, Ben Hewett; Director, Tribe Studio, Hannah Tribe and architectural editor, writer and critic, Justine Clark.

For images, descriptions and jury comments on the shortlisted projects visit

For media enquiries contact:

Alexandra Cato
National Media and Communications Officer
Australian Institute of Architects
P. + 61 (3) 8620 3813

The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing almost 12,000 members across Australia and overseas. The Institute actively works to improve the quality of our built environment by promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design. Learn more about the Institute, log on to

Conference captures the essence of practice in regional Australia

Spirit of Place – the inaugural Regional Architecture Conference – takes place on the 6 and 7 September in Cairns. This event focuses on the unique opportunities available to architects practising regionally, responding to the unique ‘spirit of place’.

The Creative Director of the conference is Stephen de Jersey, a practicing architect in the regional city of Townsville.

‘This conference gives architects a chance to pick up where the 2012 National Architecture Conference – Experience left off. That successful and acclaimed event started many conversations and we want these exchanges to continue, to evolve,’ says Stephen.

‘In recent times, the effect of distance has been dramatically changed with the advent of immediate communications systems as well as cost effective travel. Regional communities can now be serviced in a multitude of different ways; however, in many respects, responding directly to the uniqueness of a regional place is becoming increasingly at risk.

‘The aim of the conference is to excite and inspire the practice of architecture in regional Australia. Our country is in its infancy, and we believe that it will be of significant benefit to future generations for us to acknowledge and respond to the unique ‘spirit of place’.’

The conference features an illustrious set of keynote speakers, whose work responds to this mandate. In addition, there will be a rich range of associated tours and events that explore the extraordinary locality of the Cairns region.

Speakers include:

Robert Morris-Nunn – Circa Morris Nunn Architects, Tasmania
Hua Li – Trace Architecture Office, China
Alice Hampson – Alice Hampson Architect, Queensland
Fernando Menis – Fernando Menis Architects, Spain
Thomas Bailey – Room 11, Tasmania
Jorge Gracia – Gracia Studio, USA/Mexico
Stuart Harrison – Harrison White Architects, Victoria
Kevin Low – Small Projects, Malaysia
Don Watson – State Library of Queensland, Brisbane
Bronwen Kerr and Pete Ritchie – Kerr Ritchie, New Zealand
Adrian Iredale – Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects, Perth

Spirit of Place is the first in a biennial program of Regional Architecture Conferences, which will provide considerable opportunities for the Institute’s regional members.

Stephen de Jersey is Principal, Stephen de Jersey Architect, a practice that he established in 1994 in Townsville. Projects include health, religious, commercial and community projects and ‘adventurous tropical residences’.
Spirit of Place – 2013 Regional Architecture Conference is hosted by the Queensland Chapter, Australian Institute of Architects.

6 and 7 September, Cairns Convention Centre, Cairns.

For media enquiries contact:

Alexandra Cato
National Media and Communications Officer
Australian Institute of Architects
P. + 61 (3) 8620 3813

The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing almost 12,000 members across Australia and overseas. The Institute actively works to improve the quality of our built environment by promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design. Learn more about the Institute, log on to

Striking icon a winner in WA Architecture Awards

The Perth Arena by ARM Architecture & Cameron Chisholm Nicol – Joint Venture Architects has taken out the highest overall honour, the George Temple Poole Award, at the Australian Institute of Architects’ WA Architecture Awards.

Honouring excellence in the design and construction industry, the Awards were held at one of the state’s grandest examples of modernist architecture, the Perth Concert Hall.

Presented each year to the project judged most worthy of all the award winners in each category, the George Temple Poole jury viewed an impressive array of outstanding architecture in determining this year’s award.

’Visually the Perth Arena is a building that delivers an aesthetic unlike anything previously existing in Western Australia and regardless of whether it is revered or reviled it generates enormous interest and stands as an outstanding example of what architects contribute to the built environment,’ the jury noted in awarding the Perth Arena.

’The architects have delivered a building of great visual complexity, outstanding functionality, a building that has captured the imagination of the general public and delivers for Perth an iconic piece of public infrastructure.’

The Perth Arena also took home the Jeffrey Howlett Award for Public Architecture, the COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture and an Architecture Award in the Interior Architecture category.

Another major city development, Brookfield Place by HASSELL and Fitzpatrick + Partners, also featured prominently in the Awards taking out the Margaret Pitt Morison Award for Heritage, the John Septimus Roe Award for Urban Design and the Ross Chisholm and Gil Nicol Award for Commercial Architecture.

All Western Australian Named and Architecture Award winners will progress to the Australian Institute of Architects National Awards to be held in November.

Full list of winning projects:

Perth Arena by ARM Architecture & Cameron Chisholm Nicol – Joint Venture Architects

The Jeffrey Howlett Award for Public Architecture – Perth Arena by ARM Architecture & Cameron Chisholm Nicol – Joint Venture Architects
Architecture Award – Baldivis Secondary College by JCY Architects and Urban Designers
Architecture Award – The Office of the Premier and Cabinet Room by Cox Howlett & Bailey Woodland
Architecture Award – West Kimberley Regional Prison by TAG Architects iredale pedersen hook architects Architects in Association
Commendation – All Saints’ College Performing Arts Theatre by Parry & Rosenthal Architects
Commendation – Guildford Grammar School Catalyst Building by CHRISTOU Design Group Pty Ltd
Commendation – Dongara District High School by Bateman Architects in association with Design Inc

The Marshall Clifton Award for Residential Architecture – Campbell House by Kerry Hill Architects
Architecture Award – Forrest Street Residence by Chindarsi Architects and Osnat Harlap
Architecture Award – Ingemar by Kerry Hill Architects
Commendation – A Suburban Beach House by David Barr and Ross Brewin – Architects in Association
Commendation – Dress Circle Residence by Optimum Resource Architects
Commendation – Quindalup House by Banham Architects

The Peter Overman Award for Residential Architecture -Alterations + Additions – Fremantle Additions by Jonathan Lake Architects
Architecture Award – Claremont House by Pendal and Neille
Commendation – Paddington Street by Mountford Architects

The Harold Krantz Award for Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing – Lime Street by Formworks Architecture
Commendation – Fitzgerald Street Housing Development by JCY Architects and Urban Designers
Commendation – Building for Diversity by CODA Studio
Commendation – East Kimberley Development Package Transitional Housing for the Department of Housing by iredale pedersen hook architects
Commendation – Stockdale Lodge by Bernard Seeber Pty Ltd

The Margaret Pitt Morison Award for Heritage – Brookfield Place by HASSELL and Palassis Architects
Architecture Award – St George’s College – Chapel & Dining Hall by Palassis Architects
Commendation – WA Ballet Centre – Former WA Institute for the Blind by Sandover Pinder Architects
Commendation – The Office of the Premier and Cabinet Room by Cox Howlett & Bailey Woodland

The John Septimus Roe Award for Urban Design – Brookfield Place by HASSELL and Fitzpatrick + Partners
Architecture Award – Old Port of Arthur Head Reserve Upgrade by Donaldson+Warn Architects
Commendation – West Kimberley Regional Prison by TAG Architects iredale pedersen hook architects Architects in Association

The Ross Chisholm and Gil Nicol Award for Commercial Architecture – Brookfield Place by HASSELL and Fitzpatrick + Partners
Architecture Award – MG/GT Administration Building by CODA Studio and Mark Phillips Architect
Architecture Award – Shiro Izakaya Restaurant Pavillion by The Buchan Group – Perth
Commendation – 28 Troode Street by The Buchan Group – Perth

The Julius Elischer Award for Interior Architecture – John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School (JSRACS) Kindergarten – Beechboro Campus by Brooking Design Architects
Architecture Award – Perth Arena by ARM Architecture & Cameron Chisholm Nicol – Joint Venture Architects
Architecture Award – All Saints’ College Performing Arts Theatre by Parry & Rosenthal Architects
Architecture Award – The Office of the Premier and Cabinet Room by Cox Howlett & Bailey Woodland
Commendation – The Merrywell by Taylor Robinson
Commendation – BHP Billiton Workplace by HASSELL
Commendation – 0722 I Cedar House by Craig Steere Architects

The Iwan Iwanoff Award for Small Projects – Kings Park Education by Donaldson+Warn Architects
Architecture Award – Fremantle Additions by Jonathan Lake Architects
Architecture Award – Perth Zoo Entry Upgrade by Chindarsi Architects
Commendation – Coghlan Road by Klopper & Davis Architects
Commendation – The Deck – Café Lounge by The Buchan Group – Perth

The Wallace Greenham Award for Sustainable Architecture – West Kimberley Regional Prison by TAG Architect iredale pedersen hook architects Architects in Association
Architecture Award – one2six ashton by Sorensen Architects
Commendation – Baldivis Secondary College by JCY Architects and Urban Designers

Colorbond® Award for Steel Architecture – Perth Arena by ARM Architecture & Cameron Chisholm Nicol – Joint Venture Architects
Commendation – ECU Joondalup Rain Screen by T & Z Architects

Campbell House by Kerry Hill Architects

For media enquiries contact:

Detail Marketing Communications
Sarah Langley
WA Chapter publicist
0426 243 738

The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing almost 12,000 members across Australia and overseas. The Institute actively works to improve the quality of our built environment by promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design. Learn more about the Institute, log on to