Category: breaking news

Time to take national action on building standards


More than a year since the Grenfell Tower fire in London that claimed 72 lives, the peak body for the architectural profession is calling on Australia’s building ministers to finally implement consistent, nationwide changes to improve safety and better protect people from the threat posed by poor compliance with building regulations.

The Australian Institute of Architects is urging the Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF) to adopt a range of recommendations aimed at improving compliance with the National Construction Code (NCC) when it meets tomorrow.

At their last meeting in April this year, building ministers from the federal, states and territory governments were presented with the findings and recommendations of the Building Confidence report. Commissioned by the BMF, and conducted by Professor Peter Shergold AC and Ms Bronwyn Weir, the independent report identified a range of issues with the implementation of the NCC including quality control and assurance, design, accountability, education and training, and auditing and enforcement practices.

Authors Peter Shergold and Bronwyn Weir made 24 recommendations aimed at improving NCC compliance and enforcement systems and establishing a national best practice model to strengthen its implementation.

Acting National President Richard Kirk said the Institute supports the report’s recommendations and believes they should be adopted by all states and territories to protect the interests of those who own, work, live, or conduct their business in Australian buildings.

‘The Grenfell tragedy demonstrated in the starkest and most distressing way the dire, indeed fatal, consequences of not properly regulating and enforcing compliance with the highest standards of building construction,’ Mr Kirk said.

‘We must learn and apply the lessons from Grenfell here for the safety of all Australians.

‘Like any other industry, building design and construction is constantly evolving and innovating, both in terms of practices but also the materials used. Our regulatory environment and the building practitioners who operate within it must keep pace with these changes.

‘With the emergence of non-traditional procurement methods, industry has lost the necessary clarity of responsibility of decision making around materials and building systems.

 ‘The NCC sets minimum requirements for the design, construction and performance of our buildings and should ensure all those involved in construction and its regulation understand and comply with the minimum requirements for health, safety and amenity in buildings.

‘The Shergold-Weir report identified widespread failures regarding compliance, performance requirements and design. It also showed public trust in the industry, especially relating to health and safety, was lacking.

‘The Institute backs every one of the report’s 24 recommendations and we urge all governments to adopt them without delay.

‘We welcome the separate measures various jurisdictions have already implemented, but this is a problem on a national scale, requiring a consistent, cohesive national response.

‘Architects are the most highly-qualified and comprehensively registered cohort of those involved in building and construction and we fully support this report. Our profession can play a vital role in the delivery of well-designed, safe and compliant buildings and our role should not be overlooked in a bid to cut corners and costs.’

The report notes inconsistencies between in NCC implementation and compliance across the states and territories and calls for an aligned approach across the board.

‘While Australia has a nationally-applicable technical standard for buildings, our federation provides for each state and territory to have its own laws governing the implementation of the NCC,’ the report states.

‘Some jurisdictions already have in place some of the things that we recommend. But all jurisdictions will have work to do to deliver the national best practice model proposed.’

Read the summary of the Shergold-Weir report and the impact of the recommendations on the architecture profession prepared by the Institute’s National Policy Manager Leanne Hardwicke here.

Winners of the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2018 International Chapter Awards announced

The Australian Institute of Architects has announced the winners of the 2018 International Chapter Architecture Awards at a special ceremony officiated by Australian High Commissioner to Singapore Bruce Gosper on Friday 20 July.

The Awards recognise projects located beyond Australia’s borders by members of the Australian Institute of Architects. From a field of 17 entries, the jury honoured six projects sited across Asia and the Pacific, including three in Singapore.

School-in-a-Box by Stephen Collier Architects was ‘the standout project’ for the jury, taking out the Award for Small Project Architecture.

‘The architects have responded to the challenges of the Papua New Guinea environment by creating an easily transportable pod or box, the contents of which create a pop-up school. Responding to the needs of people who have very little, the box includes a tent for shelter that allows for rainwater to be collected, solar panels to power laptops and a printer and plywood joinery for sitting and working.

‘The school in a box is an exemplar of how simple, thoughtful and useful design can positively influence communities and the environment, and have an influence way beyond an intended purpose,’ the jury said.

GreenhilLi’s New Wings at The Asian Civilisations Museum in Singapore received the Award for Public Architecture with the jury noting the relationship of the new works to the existing building.

‘The success of the elegant new architecture, with its soft metallic sheen, airy volumes and crisp titanium detailing, lies in its distinctive yet productive cooperation with the materiality, form and use history of its heritage partner. Notably no part of the heritage building has been erased or obscured, rather it provides a counterpoise to the new.’

BVN’s redevelopment of the Australian Embassy Bangkok won the Award for Interior Architecture with the jury lauding its ‘refined and evocative interior’ along with its connection to Australia’s landscape.

‘From the red sand of the desert to the cities along the coastal fringe, the Australian landscape forms an intrinsic part of our national identity. This connection between land and culture provides the conceptual framework for the Australian Embassy in Bangkok, creating a distinctively Australian space within an urban Thai setting.

The Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New) was presented to House 412 by Pulina Ponnamperuma + Robust Architecture Workshop. This home in Colombo, Sri Lanka which ‘positively contributes to the life of the street’ has also revealed ‘the potential for architecture to positively contribute to the social and economic development of a community’.

‘By being “technologically robust” and pushing for the visible and considered craft of various trades, the building is allowed to act as both a teaching ground and a positive example of technique thereby helping build capacity and understanding of what is possible in the local workforce,’ the jury said.

The four awarded projects are now in the running for the Jørn Utzon Award for International Architecture at the National Architecture Awards to be announced in Melbourne on 1 November 2018.

In addition to the four awards, the jury bestowed two commendations. One for Commercial Architecture to Kampung Admiralty by WOHA and one for Small Project Architecture which went to Bayshore Park Underpass also by GreenhilLi Architecture + Design.

At the ceremony, renowned Singaporean architect Dr Liu Thai Ker was presented with the 2018 William J Mitchell International Chapter Prize, awarded earlier in the year in recognition of significant contribution by an Australia-linked practitioner to architecture globally.

Considered the ‘architect of modern Singapore’, Dr Liu was born in Malaysia, but grew up and practises in Singapore ‘where he was influential in the conceptualisation and implementation of the urban structure and landscape the city-state’. He received his bachelor’s degree in architecture from the University of New South Wales in 1962 and was later awarded an honorary Doctorate (1995) from UNSW.

‘In the last 25 years, Dr Liu has served as a planning advisor for many municipal governments in China, and master planned more than 30 cities worldwide. His approach is “scientific” with an emphasis on evidence-based provisioning of basic amenities, transport and accommodation but an aspiration to thus enable intellectual and cultural life,’ the prize jury said.

Full list of winners:

Commercial Architecture
Commendation – Kampung Admiralty by WOHA (Singapore)

Interior Architecture
Award – Australian Embassy Bangkok by BVN (Thailand)

Public Architecture
Award – New Wings at The Asian Civilisations Museum by GreenhilLi (Singapore)

Residential Architecture – Houses (New)
Award – House 412 by Pulina Ponnamperuma + Robust Architecture Workshop (Sri Lanka)

Small Project Architecture
Award – School-in-a-Box by Stephen Collier Architects (Papua New Guinea)
Commendation – Bayshore Park Underpass by GreenhilLi (Singapore)

William J Mitchell International Chapter Prize
Dr Liu Thai Ker FRAIA – Morrow (Singapore)


Next generation of architects big winners at Tas awards

Several of the state’s up and coming practices have dominated the 2018 Tasmanian Architecture Awards. This year’s winners were announced at a ceremony at Westland Nurseries in Seven Mile Beach, with 21 awards and commendations handed out from a record 43 entries, featuring everything from public amenities and office fit-outs to new and adapted housing and bold and innovative tourist attractions and accommodation.

The big winners were some of the next generation architect practices, with three Hobart-based firms – Preston Lane, Taylor and Hinds Architects and Maguire + Devine Architects – taking home 11 awards between them.

Preston Lane scooped five awards, including three pinnacle named awards – the Alan C Walker Award for Public Architecture for the Kangaroo Bay Pavilion, the Edith Emery Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions) for Mawhera Extension and the Alexander North Award for Interior Architecture for 105 Macquarie Street Apartments. The practice also won an Award for Small Project Architecture for the Kangaroo Bay Pavilion and an Award for Interior Architecture for Jakadjari Hair.

Taylor and Hinds Architects’ work with the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania won three named awards – the Roy Sharrington Smith Award for Heritage for luwa, and the Colin Philp Award for Commercial Architecture and the Peter Willmott Award for Small Project Architecture for the wukalina walk standing camp, krakani lumi. Taylor and Hinds also won the prestigious James Blackburn Triennial Prize for the best residential architecture of the past three years, for their Lagoon House, and the practice’s co-director Mat Hinds won the 2018 Emerging Architect Prize.

Maguire and Devine also had a big night, with their Bruny Island Hideaway taking home three named awards – The Esmond Dorney Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New), The Barry McNeill Award for Sustainable Architecture and the COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture.

Other award winners included Circa Morris-Nunn Architects, which won an Award for Commercial Architecture for Hobart’s new waterfront hotel, Mac 01, Gilby + Brewin Architecture, which won an Award for Small Project Architecture for the Triabunna Gatehouse, and STUART TANNER ARCHITECTS, which took home an Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New) for Elms House.

The Award for Enduring Architecture went to the Friendly Beaches Lodge by Latona Masterman and Associates and Kwan Chak Law was awarded the SWT Blythe Student Prize for his project Sports Training and Research Centre.

The awards jury chair, Todd Henderson, described the 2018 entrants and winners as reflecting the quality Tasmanian architects bring to their craft and the exciting possibilities ahead as the state’s fledgling practices come into their own.

“The body of work presented at this year’s awards shows the depth and breadth of our young talent – it is innovative and bold, often completed on a modest budget with resourceful solutions and beautiful results. Our architects have the ability to create iconic Tasmanian architecture that sits comfortably in its context and their contribution to our built environment and tourism industry is invaluable.”

Award winners are included in a special lift-out in the Sunday Tasmanian on Sunday 8 July and all entries are on show at Hobart’s Brooke Street Pier until 19 July. Tasmanians are invited to vote for their favourite project in the annual people’s choice prize at the exhibition or online at

Full list of winners:

Commercial Architecture
The Colin Philp Award – krakani lumi by Taylor and Hinds Architects with the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania
Award – MAC 01 by Circa Morris-Nunn Architects
Commendation – Shorehouse Addition by JAWS Architects

Educational Architecture
Commendation – Helix – Scotch Oakburn College by birelli art+design+architecture

The Roy Sharrington Smith Award – luwa by Taylor and Hinds Architects with the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania

Interior Architecture
The Alexander North Award – 105 Macquarie Street Apartments by Preston Lane
Award – Jakadjari Hair by Preston Lane
Commendation – Kingston Beach Dental by BYA Architects

Public Architecture
The Alan C Walker Award – Kangaroo Bay Pavilion by Preston Lane
Commendation – Port Arthur Visitor Centre by Rosevear Stephenson

Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations & Additions)
The Edith Emery Award – Mawhera Extension by Preston Lane
Commendation – Willisdene House by Archier

Residential Architecture – Houses (New)
The Esmond Dorney Award – Bruny Island Hideaway by Maguire + Devine Architects

Small Project Architecture
The Peter Willmott Award – krakani lumi by Taylor and Hinds Architects with the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania
Award – Kangaroo Bay Pavilion by Preston Lane
Award – Triabunna Gatehouse by Gilby + Brewin Architecture

Sustainable Architecture
The Barry McNeill Award – Bruny Island Hideaway by Maguire + Devine Architects

Urban Design
Commendation – University of Tasmania City Apartments by TERROIR and Fender Katsalidis, in association

Enduring Architecture
Award – Friendly Beaches Lodge by Latona Masterman and Associates

COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture
Award – Bruny Island Hideaway by Maguire + Devine Architects

Chapter Prizes
The James Blackburn Triennial Prize – Lagoon House by Taylor and Hinds Architects
President’s Prize – Leigh Woolley
Emerging Architect Prize – Mat Hinds
SWT Blythe Student Prize – Sports Training and Research Centre by Kwan Chak Law

2018 NSW Architecture Award winners announced

The Australian Institute of Architects has announced the winners of the prestigious NSW Architecture Awards, including the first ever recipient of the NSW Architecture Medallion for ‘best in show’. Winning projects demonstrate design excellence, innovative thinking and among them are highly sensitive responses to the past as well as new visions of how we can live well, work well, learn and play well.

The winner of the Medallion is selected from recipients of the named award in each category. ‘There were several very strong contenders for the Medallion,’ said Andrew Nimmo, NSW Chapter President. ‘Ultimately, the jury chose a very worthy project, The Joynton Avenue Creative Precinct by Peter Stutchbury Architecture in association with Design 5 – Architects for the City of Sydney, which also took out the Greenway Prize for Heritage.’

A beautifully rounded project, The Joynton Avenue Creative Precinct is the result both of a potent collaboration between its architect and heritage architect, and of a client-architect relationship that allowed the investigation of the brief to deliver a memorable public facility and a suite of community buildings as part of the City’s wider urban program of place making.

Sulman Medal winner Punchbowl Mosque by Candalepas Associates emerged as another outstanding public architecture project. In its remarkable, sensuous ensemble of spaces, sound reflects and light and shadow play against the mosque’s concrete and timber forms to create a compelling sense of the sacred.

Residential awards and commendations this year demonstrated achievements of design excellence at modest scales across diverse housing types, through careful integration with the existing landscape and through explorations of how we might live with comfort and amenity in densely populated urban areas.

The small footprint of Peter Stutchbury Architecture’s Cabbage Tree House is a commentary on distended dwelling size, while the reminiscence of a forgotten Australian suburbia distilled in TRIAS’s first house project, Three Piece House, is a reminder that architecture is not dependent on large budgets or contextual appeal to be successful. Similarly, careful rethinking of small lots and compact apartment living distinguished winners in the additions and alterations and multiple housing categories.

The Aboriginal-owned and run Biripi Clinic in regional Purfleet was another modest project with a minimal budget that highlighted how architecture can be transformative at any scale. Cleverly stitching together a campus of buildings into a coherent precinct with a public presence, this important symbol of accomplishment and self-determination earned an Award for Commercial Architecture, the COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture and the NSW Premier’s Prize.

New approaches also featured among winning projects in educational architecture, which interpreted and responded to contemporary educational briefs with designs that facilitate flexible, collaborative teaching and learning environments.

‘The NSW Architecture Awards are a celebration of design excellence. Although they are unquestionably essential to its emergence, the realisation of design excellence depends on more than the architect’s talent and industry,’ said Andrew Nimmo. ‘Procurement – the ways in which and conditions under which an architect is engaged – plays a critical part in ensuring design excellence is brought to life.’

‘In recognising many of the winners tonight we are celebrating what good procurement practice can mean for architects, clients and for the wider community: beautiful, functional, holistically sustainable environments for living, working, learning, healing and culture.’

In total the jury bestowed 69 awards and commendations. Projects that received a Named Award or Award at the NSW Architecture Awards will now progress to the National Architecture Awards to be announced in Melbourne on Thursday 1 November.

The Institute congratulates all the practices that participated in the 2018 NSW Awards program and thanks this year’s jurors, who contributed their time and expertise with great generosity.

High resolution images and promotional summaries are available for download by registering at –

Download the Awards catalogue including jury citations

 Full list of winners:

NSW Architecture Medallion – Joynton Avenue Creative Precinct by Peter Stutchbury Architecture in association with Design 5 – Architects for City of Sydney

Commercial Architecture

The Sir Arthur G. Stephenson Award for Commercial Architecture – International House Sydney by Tzannes

Award – Barangaroo House by Collins and Turner

Award – Biripi Clinic by Kaunitz Yeung Architecture

Commendation – The Beehive by Raffaello Rosselli Architect with Luigi Rosselli Architects

Commendation – 333 George Street by Grimshaw with Crone Architects

Educational Architecture

The William E. Kemp Award for Educational Architecture – Macquarie University Incubator by Architectus

Award – St Patrick’s Primary School, Lochinvar – Stage 1 by SHAC

Award – UTS Blackfriars Children’s Centre by DJRD with Lacoste +Stevenson Architects

Commendation – The Waranara Early Learning Centre for the City of Sydney by Fox Johnston

Commendation – Bellevue Hill Public School by GroupGSA


Greenway Award for Heritage – Joynton Avenue Creative Precinct by Peter Stutchbury Architecture in association with Design 5 – Architects for City of Sydney

Award for Heritage Creative Adaptation – O’Connell Public by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects

Commendation for Heritage, Adaptive re-use – Goonoo Goonoo Station by TKD Architects

Commendation for Heritage, Adaptive re-use – Macaria Gallery by Dunn & Hillam Architects

Award for Heritage Conservation – The Westpac Long Gallery by Design 5 – Architects

Commendation for Conservation – Emmett Residence by Orwell & Peter Phillips

Interior Architecture

John Verge Award for Interior Architecture – 75 Myrtle Street Chippendale by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer Architects

Award – The Waranara Early Learning Centre for the City of Sydney by Fox Johnston

Award – NeW Space, University of Newcastle by Lyons + EJE Architecture

Commendation – Frasers Property Australia Head Office by BVN

Commendation – All Hands Brewing House by Maddison Architects

Commendation – Wine Cave by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Commendation – Grimshaw Architects Office Fit Out by Grimshaw

Public Architecture

Sulman Medal for Public Architecture – Punchbowl Mosque by Candalepas Associates

Award – Joynton Avenue Creative Precinct by Peter Stutchbury Architecture for City of Sydney

Commendation – Barangaroo Ferry Wharf by Cox Architecture

Commendation – Coogee Beach Centre by Brewster Hjorth Architects

Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations & Additions)

Hugh and Eva Buhrich Award for Residential Architecture – Laneway House by Jon Jacka Architects

Award – Bolt Hole by panovscott

Commendation – Italianate House by Renato D’Ettorre Architects

Residential Architecture – Houses (New)

Wilkinson Award for Residential Architecture – Cabbage Tree House by Peter Stutchbury Architecture

Award – Coastal Garden House by Neeson Murcutt Architects

Award – Three Piece House by TRIAS

Commendation – Killcare Beach Bush House by MORA – James Fraser Architect

Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing

Aaron Bolot Award for Residential Architecture – The Rochford by Fox Johnston

Award – The Triplex Apartments by Luigi Rosselli Architects

Award – Griffiths Teas by PopovBass

Award – Short Lane by Woods Bagot

Commendation – Inkmakers Place by Jensen Young

Small Project Architecture

Robert Woodward Award for Small Project Architecture – Treetop Studio by Aileen Sage Architects

Award – Montoro Wines Cellar Door by Source Architects

Award – The Beehive by Raffaello Rosselli Architect with Luigi Rosselli Architects

Commendation – Paper Bird by Plus Minus Design

Commendation – Laneway Studio by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Commendation – Islington Park by Curious Practice

Sustainable Architecture

Milo Dunphy Award for Sustainable Architecture – International House Sydney by Tzannes

Award – The Beehive by Raffaello Rosselli Architect with Luigi Rosselli Architects

Award – Joynton Avenue Creative Precinct by Peter Stutchbury Architecture for City of Sydney

Commendation – Coogee Beach Centre by Brewster Hjorth Architects

Commendation – Macquarie University Incubator by Architectus

Commendation – Cabbage Tree House by Peter Stutchbury Architecture

Commendation – Paper Bird by Plus Minus Design

Urban Design

The Lloyd Rees Award for Urban Design – Darling Harbour Transformation by HASSELL / HASSELL + Populous

Award – East Sydney Community and Arts Centre and Albert Sloss Reserve by lahznimmo architects with Spackman Mossop Michaels Landscape Architects

Award – The Connection – Rhodes by Crone Architects

Award – Day Street Apartments by Tzannes and Loftex

Enduring Architecture

Award – Sirius by Tao Gofers, NSW Department of Housing with Alexander & Lloyd Architects

COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture

Award Biripi Clinic by Kaunitz Yeung Architecture

Commendation – North Avoca Studio by Matt Thitchener Architect

Commendation – Barangaroo Ferry Wharf by Cox Architecture

NSW Chapter Prizes

NSW Premier’s Prize – Biripi Clinic by Kaunitz Yeung Architecture

City of Sydney Lord Mayor’s Prize – Barangaroo Ferry Wharf by Cox Architecture

Commendation – 333 George Street by Grimshaw with Crone

Commendation – ‘Reflection’ Memorial by Johnson Pilton Walker and Jess Dare

The Blacket Prize – St Patrick’s Primary School, Lochinvar – Stage 1 by SHAC

NSW Chapter President’s Prize – Deborah Dearing, President of the NSW Architects Registration Board

Emerging Architect Prize sponsored by AWS – Amelia Holliday and Isabelle Toland, Aileen Sage Architects

David Lindner Prize – Passive Security in Schools: Investigating alternative methods of achieving secure environments in schools by Jamileh Jahangiri, TKD Architects

Marion Mahony Griffin Prize sponsored by Bespoke Careers – Oi Choong, Context Landscape Design


High resolution images and promotional summaries are available for download by registering at –

The National Architecture Awards and respective state and territory Architecture Awards programs are run by the Australian Institute of Architects. Images and information are provided only for use in articles relating to the Institute’s Architecture Awards. The Awards program must be attributed as the Australian Institute of Architects’ National/State/Territory Architecture Awards.

All images must credit the Institute, the architect and photographer. Use in any other context is strictly prohibited without written permission from the submitting architect.

For media enquiries contact:

Kate Concannon

Advocacy and Communications Lead, NSW Chapter

Australian Institute of Architects

P. + 61 (2) 9246 4017  |  M. +61 (0) 406 306 447

2018 Chapter Architecture Awards

Congratulations to all winners in the 2018 Chapter Architecture Awards. Named Award and Award winners will now go into the running to be shortlisted for the National Architecture Awards to be held in Melbourne in November.

Learn more about the list of awarded projects via the media releases for each Chapter below: 











Stadium celebrated for defining Perth

Optus Stadium has been presented the most esteemed accolade, the George Temple Poole Award, at the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2018 WA Architecture Awards.

Designed as a joint venture by HASSELL, COX and HKS, the Stadium has been recognised as a city-defining architectural icon, offering a fan’s first experience for Western Australian sport and entertainment events.

“The Optus Stadium project excels as an outstanding example of a multi-sports and entertainment infrastructure, creating an iconic architectural entry statement to the city,” the jury said.

“The facade delivers the gravitas of a global city destination without sacrificing user experience. Visitors are drawn to the structure and reap the benefits of the thoughtful, holistic approach to arrival, navigation, experience and departure.”

Taking out five Named Awards on the night, Optus Stadium was also recognised with The Jeffrey Howlett Award for Public Architecture, The Wallace Greenham Award for Sustainable Architecture, The Mondoluce Lighting Award and The COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture.

Honouring excellence in the design and construction industry, the Awards were held on Friday, June 29 at the spectacular St George’s Cathedral.

The Cadogan Song School by Palassis Architects was the recipient of The Margaret Pitt Morison Award for Heritage as well as The Julius Elischer Award for Interior Architecture.

The jury were impressed with the deceptively simple yet elegant solution to an intricate puzzle. The project masterfully resolves the connection between three significant yet entirely separate heritage buildings, dealing with complex level changes and a technically challenging acoustic brief with simplicity and precision.

Amongst an impressive group of urban projects in the 2018 awards, the Scarborough Beach Pool by Christou Design Group was the recipient of The John Septimus Roe Award for Urban Design.

Providing a community-focused transition between urban and recreational landscapes, the pool enhances the public realm through the exceptional use of spaces, levels, technical requirements, services and views.

“The 2018 WA Architecture Awards demonstrate the versatility and accessibility of architects, their broad experience, and the contribution they make to the wider built environment,” said Suzanne Hunt, WA President, Australian Institute of Architects.

“Not only have we seen an impressive selection of larger public projects recognised in the awards this year, but on a smaller scale, the calibre of residential winners is a testament to the way in which architects incorporate quality design into our everyday lives.”

Defining Western Australia as an internationally recognisable destination is paramount to the future of the state, and as such, we were delighted to award Optus Stadium by HASSELL, COX and HKS the highest honour at this year’s Awards.”

All Western Australian Named and Architecture Award winners will progress to the Australian Institute of  Architects National Awards to be judged against the very best architectural works in the country.

Full list of winning projects:

Optus Stadium by HASSELL, COX and HKS

The Ross Chisholm and Gil Nicol Award for Commercial Architecture– Main Roads WA – Northam Office by TAG Architects
Architecture Award– Freshwaters by Paul Burnham Architect Pty Ltd
Commendation– Scarborough Beach Pool by Christou Design Group
Commendation– The Melbourne Hotel by The Buchan Group – Perth

The Hillson Beasley Award for Educational Architecture – Highgate Primary School New Teaching Building by iredale pedersen hook architects
Architecture Award– Wesley College Mildred Manning Science Centre by Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick
Commendation– Methodist Ladies College Junior Years by Cox Architecture
Commendation– South Metropolitan TAFE Murdoch Block T by Armstrong Parkin Architects

The Margaret Pitt Morison Award for Heritage– The Cadogan Song School by Palassis Architects
Architecture Award– St Francis Xavier Cathedral Precinct, Geraldton by John Taylor Architect
Commendation– Cue Community & Visitor Centre by Suzanne Hunt Architect & Stephen Carrick, Architects in Association
Commendation– Notre Dame University Student Hub by Cox Architecture

The Julius Elischer Award for Interior Architecture– The Cadogan Song School by Palassis Architects
Architecture Award– Roscommon House by Neil Cownie Architect
Commendation– Notre Dame University Student Hub by Cox Architecture

The Jeffery Howlett Award for Public Architecture– Optus Stadium by HASSELL, COX and HKS
Architecture Award– The Cadogan Song School by Palassis Architects

The Peter Overman Award for Residential Architecture – [Alterations and Additions]– orange ave by vittinoAshe
Architecture Award– Goldtree House by Hartree + Associates Architects
Commendation– King George by Robeson Architects

The Marshall Clifton Award for Residential Architecture – Houses [New]– 1437 Inside Outside House by Craig Steere Architects
Architecture Award– Blinco Street House by Philip Stejskal Architecture
Architecture Award– M+C Residence 6012 by Philippa Mowbray Architects
Architecture Award– Roscommon House by Neil Cownie Architect
Commendation– Armadale Crescent by Klopper and Davis Architects

The Harold Krantz Award for Residential Architecture – Houses [Multiple Housing]– The Bottleyard by MJA Studio
Architecture Award– Carrington Street by spaceagency architects
Commendation– St Ives Carine Village by HASSELL

The Iwan Iwanoff Award for Small Project Architecture – Cottesloe Lobby and Landscape by Simon Pendal Architect
Architecture Award– House A by Whispering Smith
Commendation– Hightide Hub by Harris Architects
Commendation– The Boatshed Market Wineloft by Matthew Crawford Architects

The Wallace Greenham Award for Sustainable Architecture – Optus Stadium by HASSELL, COX and HKS
Architecture Award– Yalgoo Avenue by Michelle Blakeley, Architect

The John Septimus Roe Award for Urban Design – Scarborough Beach Pool by Christou Design Group
Architecture Award– Highgate Primary School by iredale pedersen hook architects

Allendale Square by Cameron Chisholm Nichol

Colorbond® Award for Steel Architecture – Optus Stadium by HASSELL, COX and HKS
Commendation– Manatj Park, Perth City Link by iredale pedersen hook architects in association with Lyons Architects and Plan E landscape architects

Mondoluce Lighting Award – Optus Stadium by HASSELL, COX and HKS
Commendation– The Cadogan Song School by Palassis Architects

State’s best architecture honoured at Victorian Architecture Awards

Victoria’s leading architects have been honoured by the 2018 Victorian Architecture Awards, with education and public architecture projects dominating in multiple categories demonstrating their significance to the public realm.

Across 14 categories, a total of 66 awards were given including named awards, architecture awards and commendations from the 108 shortlisted projects. The awards were announced at a dinner hosted in Melbourne by the Victorian Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects on Friday 29 June.

The evening’s biggest winner was New Academic Street, RMIT University by Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects, taking home the prestigious Victorian Architecture Medal along with the Joseph Reed Award for Urban Design, The Henry Bastow Award for Educational Architecture, architecture awards for Interior Architecture and Sustainable Architecture and a joint winner of the Melbourne Prize.

The jury for the Urban Design category believe the project is vital in connecting the campus to the city and place an emphasis on the collaboration between architects involved in the project.

“The collaboration of architects involved in this project has been a highly effective way to bring diversity and richness, and to avoid the single author approach that often marks similar projects,” comments Jury Chair James Legge.

“Existing buildings from various eras have been excavated and incised to create arcade like connections and internal streets. The effect has been to stitch RMIT into the surrounding city fabric, allowing the public in and creating dynamic and engaging environments for the students and staff. The project provides a critical piece of urban design for this area of the city,” he continues.

Other big winners include Nightingale 1 by Breathe Architecture, Victorian College of the Arts former Mounted Police Stables by Kerstin Thompson Architects and Koondrook Wharf by TERROIR, all obtaining recognition across three categories.

Victorian Chapter President Amy Muir says Victoria is lucky to be home to such a diverse range of high quality architecture and is pleased to honour projects that show the best in the state.

“We are celebrating the significant contribution that architecture brings to the everyday lives of people and to the evolution of our cities and townships throughout Victoria. The awards also acknowledges the strong collaboration between clients and architects required to deliver carefully considered and robust buildings and public realm interventions. The projects included in the awards program define a broad and rich example of architecture within our state. It is wonderful to see these projects recognised and I extend my congratulations to all of our very deserving winners,” she says.

“Victorian’s understand the value of good design and the enormous benefits it brings to building engaged and resilient communities. The award winning architects are not prepared to accept the status quo and have worked incredibly hard to deliver outstanding contributions to our state’s architecture and infrastructure landscape.” she continues.

The Enduring Architecture Award, recognising structures over 25 years old that remain important in a contemporary context, was given to the Yarra Footbridge at Southbank, which ties into this year’s theme of the public realm.

Projects that received an architecture award or a named award will now progress to compete in the National Architecture Awards program. The shortlist will be announced by the Australian Institute of Architects in the coming months.

The full list of winners can be found below.

Residential Architecture – Houses (New)
27 entries / 16 shortlisted projects / 3 commendations / 3 architecture awards / 1 named award

Compound House | March Studio

Park House | Kerstin Thompson Architects
House on the Coast | Sean Godsell Architects
Towers Road House | Wood Marsh Architecture

Moonah Home | Bellemo & Cat
Humble House | Coy Yiontis Architects
Triangle House | Molecule Studio

Residential Architecture – New Jury
Robert McBride | McBride Charles Ryan (Chair)
Adriana Hanna | Kennedy Nolan
Scott Woodward | WOWOWA Architects

Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing
25 entries / 9 shortlisted projects / 2 commendations / 4 architecture awards / 1 named award

Nightingale 1 | Breathe Architecture

35 Spring Street | Bates Smart
Campbell Street | DKO Architecture and SLAB
Averi | Jackson Clements Burrows
C.F. Row | Woods Bagot

Parkville Townhouses | Fieldwork
Elwood House | Woods Bagot

Residential – Multiple Housing Jury
Ann Lau | Hayball (Chair)
Mark Austin | Austin Maynard Architects
Neil de la Coeur | Bird de la Coeur Architects

Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations & Additions)
50 entries/ 11 shortlisted projects / 2 commendations / 4 architecture awards / 1 named award

King Bill | Austin Maynard Architects

Hatherlie | Andrew Simpson Architects
The Kite | Architecture Architecture
Boneo Country House | John Wardle Architects
Station Street House | Robert Simeoni Architects

Dark Light House | MRTN Architects
Old Be-al | FMD Architects pty ltd

Residential Architecture – Alterations & Additions Jury
Graham Burrows | Jackson Clements Burrows (Chair)
Matt Rawlins | Figureground Architecture
Kristin Green | KGA

Small Project Architecture
30 entries / 8 shortlisted projects / 2 commendations / 2 architecture awards / 1 named award

Sorrento Visitor Centre | Workshop Architecture

Campbell Street | DKO Architecture and SLAB
Koondrook Wharf | TERROIR

Garden Wall (NGV Architecture Commission) | Retallack Thompson and Other Architects
Elgin Street Residence | Sonelo Design Studio

Small Project Architecture Jury
Juliet Moore | Edwards Moore (Chair)
Gumji Kang | NH Architecture
Ben Tole | ARM Architecture

Urban Design
14 entries /5 shortlisted projects / 2 architecture awards / 1 named award

New Academic Street, RMIT University | Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects

Koondrook Wharf | TERROIR
Deakin Link | watsonarchitecture+design

Urban Design Jury:
James Legge | Six Degrees Architects (Chair)
Emily Kilvington | NH Architecture
Tim Pyke | Baldasso Cortese

Heritage Architecture
14 entries / 8 shortlisted projects / 2 architecture awards / 1 named award

North Melbourne Terrace | Matt Gibson Architecture + Design

St Vincents Place Residence | B.E Architecture
Victorian College of the Arts former Mounted Police Stables | Kerstin Thompson Architects

Heritage Architecture Jury
Tim O’Sullivan | Multiplicity (Chair)
Sarah Bryant | Bryant Alsop Architects
Steffen Welsch | Steffen Welsch Architects

Commercial Architecture
17 entries / 5 shortlisted projects / 1 commendation / 2 architecture awards / 1 named award

Barwon Water | GHDWoodhead

Jackalope | Carr
Mercedes Me | Jackson Clements Burrows

GMHBA Stadium | Populous

Commercial Architecture Jury
Reno Rizzo | Inarc Architects (Chair)
Justin Noxon | Noxon Architecture
Emily Chalk | Kosloff Architecture

Interior Architecture
58 entries /12 shortlisted projects / 4 commendations / 4 architecture awards / 1 named award

Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Deepdene | Law Architects

Boneo Country House | John Wardle Architects
Monash University Learning and Teaching Building | John Wardle Architects
New Academic Street, RMIT University | Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, MvS Architecture, Harrison & White and Maddison Architects
Station Street House | Robert Simeoni Architects

Henry Street House | Eugene Cheah Architecture
Victorian College of the Arts former Mounted Police Stables | Kerstin Thompson Architects
Armadale Residence | Rob Mills Architecture & Interiors
Space & Time | Russell & George

Interior Architecture Jury
Maria Danos | Maria Danos Architecture (Chair)
Bianca Hung | Hayball
Nicholas Braun | Sibling Architecture

Public Architecture
11 entries / 4 shortlisted projects / 2 architecture awards / 1 named award

Bunjil Place | fjmt

Bendigo Hospital | Silver Thomas Hanley with Bates Smart
North Fitzroy Library and Community Hub | GroupGSA

Public Architecture Jury
Jane Williams | John Wardle Architects (Chair)
Suzannah Waldron | Searle x Waldron Architecture
Christon Batey-Smith | DesignInc

Educational Architecture
21 entries / 13 shortlisted projects / 1 commendation / 2 architecture awards / 1 named award

New Academic Street, RMIT University | Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects

The Geoff Handbury Science and Technology Hub, Melbourne Grammar School | Denton Corker Marshall
Monash University Learning and Teaching Building | John Wardle Architects
Victorian College of the Arts former Mounted Police Stables | Kerstin Thompson Architects

18 Innovation Walk Revitalisation Project | Kosloff Architecture + Callum Morton + MAP (Monash Art Projects)

Educational Architecture Jury
Jesse Judd | ARM Architecture (Chair)
Ben Milbourne | NAAU
Catherine Duggan | Peter Elliott Architecture + Urban Design

Sustainable Architecture
6 shortlisted projects / 1 commendation / 2 architecture awards / 1 named award

Nightingale 1 | Breathe Architecture

Barwon Water | GHDWoodhead
New Academic Street, RMIT University | Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects

North Fitzroy Library and Community Hub | GroupGSA

Sustainable Architecture Jury
James Staughton | Workshop Architecture (Chair)
Alix Smith | HASSELL
Jose Alfano FRAIA | Studio Alfano

Regional Prize
3 shortlisted projects
Koondrook Wharf | TERROIR

Regional Prize Jury
Emma Jackson | RMIT (Chair)
Nick Bourns | Lyons
Emily Watson | MAKE Architecture

COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture
4 shortlisted projects / 1 commendation / 1 named award

Bugiga Hiker Camp – Grampians National Park | Sean Godsell Architects

Unfolding House | Sibling Architecture

Alison Nunn | Alison Nunn Architects (Chair)
Michael Bouteloup | Bourke and Bouteloup Architects
Luca Vezzosi | John Wardle Architects

Melbourne Prize – Joint Winner
4 shortlisted projects
Nightingale 1 | Breathe Architecture
New Academic Street, RMIT University | Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects

Melbourne Prize Jury
Shelley Penn | Shelley Penn Architect (Chair)
Simon Knott | BKK Architects
Tania Davidge | OpenHAUS

Enduring Architecture Award
Yarra Footbridge at Southbank | Cocks Carmichael Whitford

Victorian Architecture Medal
New Academic Street, RMIT University | Lyons with NMBW Architecture Studio, Harrison and White, MvS Architects and Maddison Architects


A celebration of the personal – the 2018 SA Architecture Awards

30 June 2018

Every year the Australian Institute of Architects’ SA Architecture Awards sees projects of all budgets and sizes – in 2018 the projects with some of the most modest budgets, smallest footprints or most challenging parameters are architects’ own homes and workplaces.

Even more impressive is that each of these entries have received commendations or awards. As South Australian Awards Director Pippa Buckberry observes ‘architects are not only experimenting, exploring and stretching the boundaries of their craft but demonstrating the role we can all play by leading by example.’

The Darling Building by Williams Burton Leopardi (WBL), described by jurors as an ‘adaptive re-use poster project’ received two named Awards – the David Saunders Award for Heritage and the Keith Neighbour Award for Commercial Architecture. The project also won an Award for Sustainable Architecture, and The City of Adelaide Prize – People’s Choice. Its interior – WBL Studio – also received an Award for Interior Architecture. Designed by EH McMichael in 1916 the Darling Building had fallen into disrepair until WBL as part investor and key tenant rejuvenated the building to its current iteration as an alternative workplace offering within the city.

Larger scale projects including the Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences Building, the Adelaide Convention Centre Redevelopment East and The Royal Adelaide Hospital were awarded and commended for having worked hard with their scale and unavoidable monumentality to still engage with the public realm and focus on people through their interior design. As Chapter President Mario Dreosti noted ‘the projects have embraced architecture as a vehicle and a process to bring benefit which is greater than creation of the icon or the pursuit of client only benefit.’

In a pleasing symmetry Max Pritchard, LFRAIA received the Jack Cheesman Award for Enduring Architecture for the Pritchard House (1990), while his daughter Tess Pritchard received a commendation for her home in the Residential Architecture – Houses (New) and the Sustainable Architecture categories.

A total of 38 Named Awards, Awards and Commendations were presented on the night from a field of 69 entries. Named Award and Award winners will now progress to the National Architecture Awards to be announced in Melbourne in November.

Full list of winners:

Commercial Architecture
The Keith Neighbour Award for Commercial Architecture – The Darling Building by Williams Burton Leopardi

Educational Architecture
The Dr John Mayfield Award for Educational Architecture – St John’s Grammar School John Bray Centre for the Performing Arts by Walter Brooke
Award – Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences Building (AHMS) by Lyons
Commendation – Old Watulunga by Grieve Gillett Andersen
Commendation – Concordia College Nautilus Centre by Russell & Yelland Architects

The David Saunders Award for Heritage – The Darling Building by Williams Burton Leopardi
Award – Queen Adelaide Room by Swanbury Penglase

Interior Architecture
The Robert Dickson Award for Interior Architecture – GA House by Architects Ink
Award – WBL Studio by Williams Burton Leopardi
Award – Royal Adelaide Hospital by Silver Thomas Hanley DesignInc (STHDI)
Commendation – Melt by studio-gram

Public Architecture
The Jack McConnell Award for Public Architecture – Adelaide Convention Centre Redevelopment: East by Woods Bagot
Award – The Playford Tennis Centre by JPE Design Studio
Commendation – Royal Adelaide Hospital by Silver Thomas Hanley DesignInc

Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations & Additions)
The John Schenk Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations & Additions) – Millswood House by studio-gram with Kate Russo
Award – Bowden Bajko House by Davis + Davis Architects
Commendation – Timberland by sw-architects
Commendation – MH House by Architects Ink
Commendation – JR House by Architects Ink

Residential Architecture – Houses (New)
The John S Chappel Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New) – PR House by Architects Ink
Award – Cedar House by JPE Design Studio
Award – Hyde Park Townhouses by Con Bastiras Architect
Award – Aldgate House by Wood Marsh Architecture
Commendation – Tess and Michael’s House by Max Pritchard Gunner Architects

Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing
The Newell Platten Award for Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing – Ivy Apartments, WEST by Davis + Davis Architects

Small Project Architecture
The Marjorie Simpson Award for Small Project Architecture – 84 Halifax Street by Oxigen
Award – trop_Pods @ Robe by Troppo
Commendation – Sturt Street Office Home by Taylor Buchtmann Architecture
Commendation – Bird in Hand Block by sw-architects + Enoki
Commendation – UniSA Mobile Art Architecture and Design Studio (MAADS) by Design Construct, School of Art, Architecture and Design, University of South Australia

Sustainable Architecture
The Derrick Kendrick Award for Sustainable Architecture – trop_Pods @ Robe by Troppo Architects
Award – The Darling Building by Williams Burton Leopardi
Commendation – Last Stand by BB Architects
Commendation – Royal Adelaide Hospital by Silver Thomas Hanley DesignInc (STHDI)
Commendation – Tess and Michael’s House by Max Pritchard Gunner Architects
Commendation – Timberland by sw-architects

Urban Design
The Gavin Walkley Award for Urban Design – Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences Building (AHMS) by Lyons

The Jack Cheesman Award for Enduring Architecture Award – Pritchard House (1990) by Max Pritchard LFRAIA

COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture Award – Millswood house by studio-gram with Kate Russo


Chapter Prizes

City of Adelaide Prize
Award – 84 Halifax Street by Oxigen
Commendation – The Darling Building by Williams Burton Leopardi
Commendation – Queen Adelaide Room by Swanbury Penglase
Commendation – Urban Beach by Renewal SA on behalf of the Riverbank Authority
People’s Choice – The Darling Building by Williams Burton Leopardi

Sir James Irwin President’s Medal
Douglas Alexander, Flightpath Architects

Emerging Architect Prize
Alison McFadyen, Phillips/Pilkington Architects


AFP forensics facility takes out ACT’s top architecture award

The Australian Federal Police’s leading-edge Forensics and Data Centre designed by HASSELL was awarded the ACT’s Territory’s top architectural architecture award at the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2018 ACT Architecture Awards tonight.

HASSELL was presented the prestigious Canberra Medallion by the Minister for Planning and Land Management, Mick Gentleman for the AFP facility. This project also took out the top honour in the commercial category winning the John Andrews Award for Commercial Architecture.

Australian Institute of Architects (ACT) Jury Chair, Rob Henry, said for the first time, the new AFP building brings together 200 experts in digital, biological and chemical forensics, weapons intelligence and fingerprint and facial identification into one complex.

‘“This brief could so easily have succumbed to an explicitly defensive architecture. Instead, the Forensics and Data Centre extracts generosity and openness from a highly sensitive program to engender a collaborative and collegiate workplace and find a welcome ease of fit between organisation and built form,’” he said.

ACT Chapter President, Philip Leeson, said, ‘“‘wWe’ve had a record number of entries in this year’s awards, which is a promising sign that Canberra homeowners and business leaders see the benefit and return on investment achieved through architectural design. Many of the projects were commissioned by the private sector including a number of education buildings and several private residences.’”

The CSIRO’s new Black Mountain research facility, Synergy by BVN received multiple accolades winning the sustainable and public architecture categories with the Derek Wrigley Award for Sustainable Architecture and the Romaldo Giurgola Award for Public Architecture as well as an Award for Interior Architecture.

The redevelopment of Australia’s first fully enclosed shopping mall, Monaro Mall by Universal Design Studio and Mather Architecture was highly acclaimed by the judges receiving the JS Murdoch Award for Heritage, the W Hayward Morris Award for Interior Architecture, an Award for Commercial Architecture and the Robert Foster Award for Light in Architecture.

‘“An ambitious project, the practice team has successfully and sensitively restored, revealed, reinstated and re-imagined Monaro Mall’s heritage values, intent and finishes. Monaro Mall is now a light-filled and material-rich contemporary retail transformation which demonstrates the powerful potential of adaptive reuse of heritage buildings over demolition,” ,’ Rob Henry said.

On the residential architecture front, Swan by Collins Caddaye Architects, a bold home on a semi-rural property, seven years in the making, received the Malcom Moir and Heather Sutherland Award for Residential Architecture – Houses (New).

The Emerging Architect Prize was awarded to Shannon Battisson from The Mill: Architecture + Design. Robert Foster was acknowledged for his contribution to art and architecture through the Lifetime Contribution Prize.

A total of 38 Named Awards, Awards and Commendations were presented on the night from a record field of 58 entries. Named Award and Award winners will now progress to the National Architecture Awards to be announced in Melbourne on Thursday 1 November 2018.


Full list of winners:

Commercial Architecture
The John Andrews Award – Australian Federal Police Forensics and Data Centre by HASSELL
Award – Monaro Mall, Canberra Centre by Universal Design Studio and Mather Architecture
Commendation – Dairy Road (3.4) by Craig Tan Architects

Educational Architecture
The Enrico Taglietti Award – STEM Centre by Collins Caddaye Architects
Commendation – RN Robertson Building by CCJ Architects

The J S Murdoch Award – Monaro Mall, Canberra Centre by Universal Design Studio and Mather Architecture

Interior Architecture
The W Hayward Morris Award – Monaro Mall, Canberra Centre by Universal Design Studio and Mather Architecture
Award – St Christopher’s Precinct by Cox Architecture
Award – Synergy by BVN
Commendation – Capital Airport Group Office Fitout by Cox Architecture

Public Architecture
The Romaldo Giurgola Award – Synergy by BVN
Award – St Christopher’s Precinct by Cox Architecture
Commendation – High Commission of Samoa in Australia by Cox Architecture

Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions)
The Gene Willsford Award – Chowne Street House by PHILIP LEESON ARCHITECTS
Commendation – Puutalo House by
Commendation – TL House by Ben Walker Architects
Commendation – DC House by Ben Walker Architects

Residential Architecture – Houses (New)
The Malcolm Moir and Heather Sutherland Award – Swan by Collins Caddaye Architects
Award – Box House by Paul Tilse Architects
Award – Inset House by
Commendation – Moss River House by Cox Architecture
Commendation – Sawtooth House by

Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing
The Sydney Ancher Award – St Germain by Cox Architecture
Award – St Christopher’s Precinct by Cox Architecture

Small Project Architecture
The Cynthia Breheny Award – Phased Change House by Erin Owens | MAKO Architecture
Award – Kingston Boat Sheds by Tait Network
Commendation – Parents room, Monaro Mall, Canberra Centre by Mather Architecture

Sustainable Architecture
The Derek Wrigley Award – Synergy by BVN
Award – RN Robertson Building by CCJ Architects
Commendation – The Link by CCJ Architects

Urban Design
The Sir John Overall Award – Throsby Infrastructure by Tait Network
Award – ANU Pop-Up Reunion Village by OCULUS with Craig Tan Architects
Commendation – St Christopher’s Precinct by Cox Architecture

Enduring Architecture
The Sir Roy Grounds Award – St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Charnwood by Mitchell/Guirgola Thorp Architects

COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture
Award – Roberts Residence by formi building creators

Chapter Awards and Prizes
Canberra Medallion – Australian Federal Police Forensics and Data Centre by HASSELL
The Pamille Berg Award for Art in Architecture – Chowne Street House by PHILIP LEESON ARCHITECTS
The Robert Foster Award for Light in Architecture – Monaro Mall, Canberra Centre by Universal Design Studio and Mather Architecture
Architectural Professional of the Year – Remco Alexander de Vries, SQC Architecture
President’s Medal – Harold (‘Hal’) Guida, Guida Moseley Brown Architects
Clem Cummings Medal – Rachael Coghlan, CraftACT
Emerging Architect Prize – Shannon Battisson, The Mill: Architecture + Design
Lifetime Contribution Prize – Robert Foster
ACT Chapter Student Medallion – Joel Smith, University of Canberra
Daryl Jackson Alastair Swayn Graduate Prize – Joel Smith, University of Canberra
John Redmond Prize – John Roberts, University of Canberra

The top in the Territory announced at Northern Territory Architecture Awards

The Northern Territory’s best architecture has been celebrated at the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2018 NT Architecture Awards held on Friday 22 June in Darwin.

Named Award and Award winners now progress to the National Architecture Awards to be announced in Melbourne on Thursday 1 November.


Full list of winners:

Commercial Architecture
The Peter Dermoudy Award – Zuccoli Plaza by The Buchan Group

Public Architecture
The Reverend John Flynn Award – ASTC Garden Cemetery Chapel by Susan Dugdale & Associates

Small Project Architecture
The Yali McNamara Award – Charles Darwin University – ACIKE Ceremonial Space by Hodgkison

Enduring Architecture
Award – Bowali Visitors Centre, Kakadu by Troppo Architects

COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture Award – Kilgariff Entry & Fence by Susan Dugdale & Associates

Chapter Prizes
The Tracy Memorial Award – ASTC Garden Cemetery Chapel by Susan Dugdale & Associates
People’s Choice Award – ASTC Garden Cemetery Chapel by Susan Dugdale & Associates
President’s Prize – Sally Thomas AC
Emerging Architect Prize – Miriam Wallace, Susan Dugdale & Associates
Student Award – Katherine Mackay, Charles Darwin University