From the NSW Chapter Manager

From the NSW Chapter Manager

November has been a very busy month with the Sydney office organising more than 20 events around the metropolitan area to celebrate architecture during the 7th Sydney Architecture Festival. The Festival is jointly organised with the NSW Architects Registration Board and this year featured Super Sydney, a voluntary community project that invited Sydneysiders to share their thoughts and ideas about what they consider to be important for the future of their metropolis. Make sure you view some of the fabulous ideas that came to light at The Festival generated substantial media interest for all the events and a report can be found by clicking here.

This month the Country Division organised an excellent seminar to acknowledge the 40th anniversary of the Opera House. Working under a Cultural Icon was held last weekend and more than 40 architects travelled from around the area to attend the event in Leura. We would like to thank everyone involved in helping to make these events possible.