Category: NSW enews

From the NSW Chapter


We are pleased to report that bookings for this year’s NSW Architecture Awards are the healthiest we’ve experienced in recent years.  If you are intending to attend this year’s awards presentation evening on Thursday 26 June, we recommend that you take advantage of the “early bird” bookings which close on Sunday 25 May, as numbers are strictly limited.

The inaugural ArchiMEET will be held at Fort Scratchley, Newcastle East this coming Friday 16 May 5:00pm.  The event will discuss ideas of how architecture works, both as an outside vehicle amongst a city or urban space, and also how, internally as architects, we work in practice to create great spaces. Adam Haddow from SJB will give some background to the Urban Design proposal for the GPT/Urban Growth site in Hunter Street Mall drawing on his research, observations, teaching and built practice, while Carey Lyons from Lyons Architecture will discuss how practice, internal processes and collaboration can influence the direction of architects and effectively impact the future of our city spaces.  Book now.

This year’s theme for the NSW Country Division conference is “Beyond the Edge of Architecture”. The conference will be held at Port Macquarie from Tuesday 30 September to Saturday 4 October.  Creative Director Chris Jenkins has assembled an impressive list of speakers including: Chris Bosse (LAVA); Sue Barnsley, Design Landscape Architect; Amelia Borg and Tim Morre, Sibling Design Collective; Rachel Smith (AECOM Transport Planner); Prof Keith Crews, University of Technology Sydney; and Chris Larcos, architect and lawyer. Bookings will open later in the month.

Finally a reminder that tomorrow night’s Tuesdays@Tusculum talk will be held at the Austral Brick Showroom at 50 Carrington, Street Sydney and NOT at Tusculum. The talk entitled Publicity & Publications – Media and Public Discourse will investigate ways in which practices engage in industry and public discussions around issues of architecture and urbanism through media, exhibitions and other activities.

Roslyn Irons

NSW Chapter Manager




From the NSW Chapter

28 April

The 2014 NSW Architecture Awards presentation evening will take place on Thursday 26 June. Tickets are now available for the presentation evening at the Early Bird Ticket Price of $175.50 until 26 May. This year we’re delighted to welcome Fenella Kernebone as our host for the event. Fenella is quickly becoming an honoured member of the architecture family. As well as discussing architecture and design with many of our alumni as presenter of ABC Radio National’s By Design program, she has also experienced what’s involved in the awards program as a member of last year’s jury for Residential Architecture – Houses. Please join us for what promises to be another memorable celebration of the best our profession has to offer to clients and the general public. The shortlist for this year’s Awards will be announced next Monday, 5 May.


Political leadership in architecture and design is a rare commodity in New South Wales. That’s why the Chapter is proud of our continuing mutually beneficial relationship with the City of Sydney. I look forward to welcoming Lord Mayor Clover Moore to present the second Lord Mayor’s Prize for quality public domain projects at this year’s NSW Architecture Awards ceremony. If there was any doubt about her commitment to quality architecture and public spaces then please take time to read this article she wrote recently for The Big Smoke.


I have previously mentioned my meeting with Finance & Services Minister Andrew Constance last year, in which I raised the vexed question of public sector procurement and the onerous and time-wasting procedures experienced practices have been forced to endure in recent years. Some practices have even decided to withdraw from bidding for interesting projects because of the difficulties in accommodating agencies’ excessive requirements.

I’m pleased to report that a start has been made on breaking this log jam during an initial meeting with an official from the Department of Finance and Services, and we expect to have several more discussions as we find common ground in tackling the key issues. It’s good to know the Department has also held several meetings with procurement managers with the aim of achieving greater consistency and reducing unnecessary red tape in the procurement process. I will keep you informed of progress as our discussions continue.

Joe Agius
NSW Chapter President

From the NSW Chapter

15 April


With the year in full swing the Chapter has been busily preparing for this year’s NSW Architecture Awards. The NSW Student and Graduate Awards will be judged in May, with the Awards presentation evening at Tusculum on Friday 30May. More than 30 students will be submitting entries into the top four Institute prizes, including the Digital and Structural Innovation Prize, the First Degree Design prize and the NSW Design Medal.  This year’s Architecture Awards attracted 178 entries and culminated in two wonderful days of architecture presentations at the end of March.

It is always a very difficult task for members of the juries to make their decisions as to which projects will be shortlisted with the year proving to be just as difficult given the quality of the projects.  The juries have now completed their visitations and are in deliberation as to which projects will be honoured at the Awards Presentation evening at Doltone House on Thursday 26 June.  A reminder to everyone, this is the highlight on our events calendar.  It is a fun-filled evening of celebration for everyone, not just the winners … so put it in your calendar now.  Tickets will be available online soon.

We are pleased to announce that the NSW Chapter web page has undergone a refresh to create a more navigable site.  The NSW home page will reflect the Institute’s home page with a rotating image at the top of the page and six main destination pages in the main body of website.  This should be live just after Easter.

Finally, a very Happy Easter to you and your families!


Roslyn Irons

NSW Chapter Manager

From the NSW Chapter President

31 March

Congratulations to all of our members who made presentations to the NSW Architecture Award juries on 21 and 22 March. The Awards program is not just about the recognition of excellence by our peers; it’s also our annual opportunity as a profession to demonstrate the value of our work to potential clients and the general public. We should all be proud of the general quality of architectural projects that is showcased through the program year after year.

The 2014 Venice Biennale is set to be fantastic highlight in this year’s calendar. The official opening is 5 and 6 June, with the Biennale running until the end of November. Augmented Australia will showcase unrealised projects from the past 100 years, using an app downloaded onto your smart device. Supporters and sponsors for this year’s event are still need. To register your interest please contact Monica Love at the NSW Chapter office.

While on the subject of major events, I encourage you to travel west this year to the Institute’s national conference Making in Perth on 8-10 May. Perth might be the most isolated capital city in the world, but it’s also the Australian city that’s closest to South Asia and Africa, so its frame of reference is unique and refreshing. Each session will be ‘anchored’ by leading Australian practitioners: Andrew Burns (making culture), Elizabeth Watson-Brown (making life), Emma Williamson (making connections) and Timothy Horton (making impact); they’ll be joined by more than a dozen international speakers.

As architects, we continue to advocate the value of design in creating economically vibrant, socially diverse and liveable cities. But as Vancouver urbanist Brent Toderian pointed out last week in his address at the Sydney Town Hall, our passionate advocacy doesn’t cut any ice with the hard-headed economic ‘rationalists’ who tend to be in charge of the decisions these days. We need verifiable numbers and reliable case studies if we are to have any impact in the corridors of power.

The Institute has recently joined forces with the Government Architects of NSW, Victoria and SA in funding an RMIT Value of Design research project. The project aims to review design value research and experience to date, and conduct a limited pilot case study, drawing on the experience of apartment buildings designed under SEPP 65 in NSW, to test a design value approach.

This month I’ve been pleased to welcome Barcelona-based architect and urban designer, Dr Carmen Fiol-Costa as the first Droga Architect in Residence; she took up her three-month residency in the Surry Hills Droga Apartment a few weeks ago. The Droga residency program is an Institute cultural exchange initiative fostering international collaboration and connections. Dr Fiol-Costa, an architect, urban designer and landscape architect, is the co-founder of Arriola & Fiol Arquitectes in Barcelona. An advocate for urban regeneration and the importance of the public realm in all architectural projects, her portfolio ranges from urban developments and housing projects to public furniture and lighting. A signature project of the practice is the 2007 Parc Central de Nou Barris in Barcelona, for which a series of ‘outdoor rooms’ was created in the leftover space between massive housing blocks built in the 1960s and ‘70s.

The residency program is the first initiative of the Australian Institute of Architects Foundation that will promote the benefits of architecture and design to the wider community through a national program of initiatives. Chaired by former Director of the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Edmund Capon AM OBE, the Foundation will focus on projects that positively impact our communities through architecture and design including exhibitions, scholarships and education programs.

The Foundation’s fundraising initiatives will include the launch of a Patrons program. Patrons will be our key allies in the development of a range of initiatives that draw architecture and design to the forefront of Australia’s creative consciousness, as well as educating the wider population about the benefits to be gained by good design.

Joe Agius
NSW Chapter President


From the Chapter

3 Mar

Congratulations to 2009 Institute Gold Medallist Ken Maher for his appointment as a member of the Institute’s National Council. At a local level I am pleased to welcome Shahe Simonian, as well as previous councillor Alex Kibble, who will join us from the NSW Chapter Council meeting on 4 March. Our sincere thanks also to outgoing councillors Emili Fox and Louise Nettleton for their contribution to Chapter Council and the committees of which they have been a part.

While clearly focused committees play a very valuable role in furthering the many interests of our members, it is also necessary to review the committee structure every few years to make sure we are getting the best value out of them. As a result of a recent review we have merged the Large Practice Forum with the Practice Committee. Key members will chair task groups around specific topics as and when they arise – the intent here is to ensure committees remain task and outcome orientated. This task-orientated model is similar to that implemented for the Design Culture Committee last year. I am confident this new structure will give the practice task groups a renewed sense of purpose. The chapter will also occasionally call for EOIs for committees to ensure membership remains fresh and engaged; all committee chair positions will  be considered annually.

Planning for the 2014 NSW Architecture Awards is well under way, with entries for this year’s awards closing next Tuesday 11 March. This is your opportunity to have your work recognised alongside others from across the state for projects completed by the end of December 2013. The presentation of the Newcastle Awards will take place this Thursday 6 March at Merewether Surfhouse.

If you haven’t attended any of the Chapter’s excellent Tuesdays@Tusculum talks for a while, make a late new year’s resolution and get along in 2014. Our curating teams are also drawn via an EOI process from our enthusiastic membership. There are two offerings this month on 11 and 25 March. See E-News for more information.

Joe Agius
NSW Chapter President


From the Chapter

17 Feb

Many of you are aware that the Institute is conducting a review of our committees around the country. National President Paul Berkemeier established the review last year and the task group is chaired by Peter Malatt (VIC) with Simon Scally (NT), Sally Bolton (SA) and David Holm (NSW) representing the membership along with Institute staff Greg Hughes (General Manager), Alison Cleary (VIC Chapter Manager) and Kylie Ruth (Government Relations Officer) assisting.

We thought this an opportune time to outline the NSW committees and the broadly detail the activities which they undertake on behalf of the membership. Committees are open to all members and in the coming weeks we will be calling for expressions of interest from members keen to become involved in them, especially from those members who may have expertise relevant to the various committees noted below. Take the time to read this brief summary and if you’d like more information please email me on or telephone (02) 9246 4005.

Built Environment Committee (BEC)
The BEC is responsible for preparing and promoting chapter policies on the built environment, planning and urban design, including submissions to government and industry enquiries, draft legislation and policies. It maintains a watching brief on major precinct developments and is the Chapter’s issues-based advocacy and media reference group.

Education Committee (EC)
The EC contributes to the formulation of Institute policy on the education of people, including children up to the point of attaining a prescribed qualification in architecture.  It reviews course recognition and accreditation, competency standards and the registration of architects, and provides advice on the implementation of policy.

Practice Committee (PC)
The PC focusses on issues affecting the practice of architecture in NSW e.g.: contracts, BIM and insurance to name a few.  There are also various review groups that undertake specific tasks on an “as and when required” basis.

Design Culture Committee (DCC)
The DCC is responsible for the creative direction of the Chapter’s cultural outreach program.  Within the committee there are various task groups that addresses specific programs such as the Architecture on Show program, the Tuesday’s at Tusculum series, the NSW Architecture Awards, the Chapter’s journal Architecture Bulletin and collaborative events such as the Sydney Architecture Festival. 

Continuing Professional Development Committee (CPD)
The CPD committee is responsible for designing the annual CPD program in line with the AACA competencies and the NSW Architects Registration requirements.

Heritage Committee (HC)
The Heritage Committee is responsible for adding to and maintaining the register of significant buildings in NSW. Additionally the committee advocates for the adaptive reuse or conservation of items on the register.  

Sustainability Committee (SC)
The SC holds forums to discuss and promote the importance of sustainability in architectural practice and to inform the Institute on issues affecting the profession.

Roz Irons
NSW Chapter Manager

From the Chapter President

3 Feb

2014 is shaping up to be a very busy year for the Chapter as we continue our advocacy and promotion of architecture and good design to both government and the wider community. In the latest edition of Architecture Bulletin, which should be with all of you by the end of this week, my President’s message contains a full update regarding some of the key areas of interest covered at my meeting late last year with NSW Minister for Finance and Services Andrew Constance. This includes the issue of public sector procurement on which I have written to him, at his request, outlining our concerns regarding current processes and our suggestions for improvement.

This year we also welcome new NSW Chapter Councillor Shahe Simonian as well as previous councillor Alex Kibble who will be rejoining the NSW Chapter Council. Our sincere thanks to outgoing Councillors Emili Fox and Louise Nettleton for their contribution to Chapter Council and the committees of which they have been a part.

Elections for the Institute’s National Council are now open and I encourage all members to take this opportunity to vote. A strong and experienced National Council is required in order to advance the mission and goals of the Institute to better serve members and promote architecture to the public.

The year has also started with the welcome news that four of our distinguished colleagues have become Officers in the General Division of the Order of Australia (AO): Louise Cox LFRAIA AO AM; Richard Johnson LDRAIA AO MBE; Peter Muller FRAIA AO and Deo Prasad FRAIA AO. Congratulations to you all and thank you for your ongoing service to the profession.

Planning for our biggest annual celebration of outstanding achievement in architecture, the 2014 NSW Architecture Awards, is well underway with entries for this year’s awards closing Tuesday 11 March. This is your opportunity to have your work and projects recognised alongside others from across the state so I strongly urge you to submit an entry for any projects completed before December 2013.

Joe Agius
NSW Chapter President

From the NSW Chapter

Jan 21

A very Happy New Year to everyone! The Sydney and Newcastle offices have been taking advantage of the quieter time in January to prepare for the coming year which promises to be a productive and exciting year for architecture in NSW with many new initiatives being launched. In particular, we are very pleased to announce that the NSW Architecture Archive, sponsored by the City of Sydney will be launched in March. Special thanks to Noni Boyd and volunteers Dianne Ramsay and Donal Carr for painstakingly cataloguing a plethora of documents on NSW architecture since 1907.

We have a great program of CPD events schedule in the coming months. If you are entering this year’s NSW Architecture Awards, this Thursday’s event ‘Getting your Project Awards-Ready’ is a must attend event.  On ‘The Year Ahead’ will assist you to position your practice to take advantage of the year ahead, and in February changes to SEPP and the Housing Code will be presented in time for their commencement on 22 February. Please click here to view the forthcoming CPD events.

We would like to say thank you to those members who submitted for the curatorial positions for Tuesdays at Tusculum and Architecture on Show and remind everyone that if you’d like to be more actively involved in the Chapter’s activities in Sydney, Newcastle or regional NSW please let us know, we’d love to have you on board.

Roslyn Irons
NSW Chapter Manager

From the Chapter President

3 December 2013

Public sector procurement
As part of a wide-ranging discussion recently with the new Minister for Finance & Services, Andrew Constance, I raised the difficulties encountered by practices because of onerous and conflicting requirements by government agencies. The Minister asked me to prepare a summary of the difficulties we encounter with the aim of reducing red tape and creating a fairer and more consistent public procurement system. That work is now being finalised for presentation to the Minister in the next fortnight.

Supporting the Venice Biennale
Two NSW practices feature in the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale Australian exhibition Augmented Australia. LAVA’s Tower Skin project and fjmt’s Museum of Contemporary Art project were chosen from over 130 entries around Australia, and will now be ‘virtually built’ with augmented reality technology. The Institute is very proud to be involved in the Biennale, but we can only get to Venice with the support of the industry. Sponsorship opportunities are available for practices through the Network Venice program, but the project will also welcome donations. Every donation over $2 is tax deductable and every cent counts.

Glebe Island Bridge
Two weeks ago the Institute made its submission on the future of this historic link between Pyrmont and Balmain/Rozelle. We commended the National Trust (NSW) on its nomination for the listing of the bridge on the State Heritage Register. Last week the Minister for Heritage, Robyn Parker, agreed to the Heritage Council’s recommendation to list the bridge on the State Heritage Register. The listing does not preclude sensible modifications that extend the life and usefulness of this engineering icon; its survival appears to be assured.

Seasons Greetings
As this is my last message to you for 2013, the NSW Chapter Council and I wish all members our best wishes for the festive season and productive opportunities for new work in 2014.

Joe Agius
NSW Chapter President

From the NSW Chapter Manager

November has been a very busy month with the Sydney office organising more than 20 events around the metropolitan area to celebrate architecture during the 7th Sydney Architecture Festival. The Festival is jointly organised with the NSW Architects Registration Board and this year featured Super Sydney, a voluntary community project that invited Sydneysiders to share their thoughts and ideas about what they consider to be important for the future of their metropolis. Make sure you view some of the fabulous ideas that came to light at The Festival generated substantial media interest for all the events and a report can be found by clicking here.

This month the Country Division organised an excellent seminar to acknowledge the 40th anniversary of the Opera House. Working under a Cultural Icon was held last weekend and more than 40 architects travelled from around the area to attend the event in Leura. We would like to thank everyone involved in helping to make these events possible.