Caleb Lee

Caleb Lee

Any extra-curricular activities or hobbies?
Aikido, Harp, Jazz

If you couldn’t live without one thing what would it be?

Everyone has a good app idea. What’s yours?
One that blocks data – Enjoy your time with friends when you’re out!

What is the most played song/TV show/movie/album and why?
Album: Bill Evans Trio, Jazz sounds different every time

Do you take part in any activities outside of the Industry? E.g. Tutoring, teaching, mentoring, volunteering etc.
I volunteer for Spur Afrika, a non-for profit organization which supports children living in poverty in Afrika. I’m in a quartet and we play at events. Cello.

Favorite place or building in the world?
The Toilet or shower, it’s where all my ideas come from

What’s your dream job?
Research of space – to pursue a space which enhances an action or process of something. Space that brings understanding and changes human emotion.

What do you want to achieve in Architecture?
Something original

What do you love most about your city?
How diverse in form and ideas we have

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you move?