Hi there and welcome back to the uni semester!
My name is Danny Brookes and I’ll be representing you as SONA president this year. It’s a privilege to be involved in this student organisation and I hope you too see benefit in the many local and nationwide events that we organise.
We have new SONA reps at each of our universities this year. They have plenty of energy and will be organising some great initiatives – so make sure you get involved. I’d also like to say a big welcome to our new National Manager Georgie Greenland, she’ll be keeping us organised and on-budget throughout the year!
If you have any great ideas for SONA this year I’d love to hear from you.
Until next time!
representatives from across Australia to attend a training workshop in Melbourne. Our reps learnt about the range of SONA initiatives we’ll be introducing in 2012, and we also planned a calendar of events.