Polish Pioneers Monument
This memorial honours the Polish Pioneers who settled in Launceston after World War 11 between 1947 and 1957. The support of the local community had been invaluable in giving these migrants many opportunities to advance themselves and allowing them a new life in their adopted state of Tasmania. This project is funded privately by the Polish Pioneers Foundation from the sale of the Dom Polski (Polish House) in 2013.
The monument itself is sited on either side of a public walkway connecting Launceston’s CBD to the Cataract George. It is positioned to encourage public engagement and interaction. There are bronze plaques located on each of the eight columns featuring educational dialogue about the monument and who the Polish pioneers were. This monument has been amazingly received by the community and schools have been seen visiting the site on educational excursions.
Consultant / Construction Team
Continental Builders Pty Ltd – Builder
Anjie Blair – Photographer