Final words from the 2011 Alumni group

Dulux Study Tour

On the 14th May 211 at Changi airport, Singapore, all five recipients of 2011 Dulux Study Tour met as a group for the first time since being announced as the winners at the AAAA in Perth March 24.
The tour started in London on the 16th May, with an architectural walking tour guided by the enthusiastic and knowledgeable Architect Ken Allison, of Archigram fame. Ten days and a thousand miles later, in Copenhagen, the tour concluded at the Danish Architecture Centre, with a cocktail reception attended by Mr James

Choi, the Australian Ambassador to Denmark.

The intervening ten days introduced us to a full complement of architects, architecture, business styles, management styles, procurement styles, design styles, studio styles, beer and ham styles. From the mind blowing ‘access all areas’ tour of the Sagrada Familia, to negotiating the bike paths of Copenhagen; from the rigour of the offices of David Chipperfield, to the laid back office environments in Barcelona – what we experienced is hard to put into words. The dialogue sparked from these experiences filled every day from sun up to sun down – regularly extending into the wee hours of the morning. We look forward to sharing and continuing these discussions with our peers back in Australia; and to collectively digest what it means for all of us back here in Oz.

Highlights? Well, as every night, we finished off our last night sharing our thoughts and reflections over food and wine. There was a consensus that the high point of the trip was the site visit to Sagrada Familia – and being able to take back with us a piece of history (literally! stone tile shards from the towers. Perhaps reincarnated into rings and pendants?!). Above all, the most unexpected and pleasant highlight was the respect, fun and chemistry generated amongst the crew (and our ever-reliable hosts). Undoubtedly, this has lead to firm and longstanding friendships that will lead to collaborations and support in the future. In conjunction with the DST Alumni events held annually, this may very well be the greatest legacy of the tours; cementing a firm support network that will undoubtedly lead to tangible, positive changes in the profession in the years to come. Watch this space.

Each day felt like a week of ordinary life; a creative celebration full of adventures, and inspiration. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience.

Our greatest thanks to our Mother Hen Bernadette from the Institute – that iPad was a stroke of genius. To Uncle Phil and Jason from Dulux for your support, wisdom and friendship – karaoke has never been so much fun. Finally, our thanks to Davis Langdon Australia for your support, warm reception and for opening up so many practice doors to our curious minds to probe.

Carly Barrett, Jefa Greenaway, Brendan Murray, Yuri Dillon & Christina Na Heon Cho – 2011 Dulux Study Tour Alumni