Day 9- Copenhagen

Our last official day of the tour :(

BIG Bjarke Ingels Group
Their minimalist office is overtaken with large scale models 1:5000 to 1:1. Their designs are extra-ordinary, visionary, some realised, some conceptual. They are currently in the process of documenting their first North American Project in Manhattan, a highrise residential tower. A warped parabola”esque” form with internal courtyard, sticking out like a sore thumb within the straight edge conventional shapes of the big apple. Also recently established; an Industrial Design department,designing custom furniture and fittings for their buildings and for mass production. BIG’s shanghai expo pavilion created a public uproar in Copenhagen,when they dared to propose moving their treasured Little Mermaid statue to the pavillion for the duartion of the expo. Now safely back home, we make a little detour to visit Copenhagen’s second most visited tourist attraction before our next stop.

Municipality of Fredriksberg. We are briefed by a Social/human geographer/Branding Consultant, Urban Designer, Landscape Architect and Architects on the visions for the municipality. They have a sincere

interest in the development of their city. Identification of Urban development areas are considered not only on Physcial development, but more importantly on social redvelopment. Importance is placed on spatial planning and dialogue with stake holders and their invovlement goes beyond council obligations. We hop on bicycles and ride through the city to a current re-development zoned area for a first hand look at their visions.

Our last site visit is to Jorn Utzon’s Bagsvaerd community church with his son Jan Utzon. Having met both Jan and Jeppe, we now have a slight understanding of what kind of character Jorn Utzon would have been. We all gasp as we enter what looks like an industrial building on the outside, to an aesthetically pleasing and softly day lit interior. The heavy concrete structure is delicately detailed, edged in a white stained pine; as an aura of light penetrates into the building through hidden crevasses. A new Piano had been commisioned in same whited stained pine and Jan invites Brendan and Christina to play, concluding our study tour with a piano recital in Jorn Utzon’s church!

As the night falls in Copenhagen, we relax with drinks at the Danish Architecture Centre (DAC) with the Australian Ambassador and new Danish friends. 

We finished off our last night like every other night, sharing our thoughts and reflections over food and wine. There was a consensus on the high point of the trip as being the site visit to Sagrada Familia and being able to take back with us a piece of history (literally! stone tile shards from the towers. Perhaps reincarnated into rings and pendants?!)

Each day felt like a week; a creative celebration full of adventures, and inspiration. Our greatest thanks to our Mother Hen Bernadette from the AIA, and Uncle Phil and Jason from Dulux, for your wisdom, and friendship.

A group text message received as we part, reflects all our thoughts…

“Ladies and Gents. It was the greatest of honours to share these last two special weeks with you. Needless to say, I count you all amongst the closest of friends and most talented of minds i’ve had the pleasure to know. I look forward to a lifetime shared together. The future looks bright. Bon vovage all- see you in the anitpodes!”