Time to get excited about the 2013 Dulux Study Tour!

With only four weeks to go until the 2013 Dulux Study Tour competition closes, it’s an opportune to find out all about what the tour is really all about! What do the winners see and

do on tour and what do they gain from it both personally and professionally?

Who better to tell you than the winners themselves!

The 2012 winners will be sharing their experiences in their home states at a specially hosted EmAGN event:

Anna Maskiell, Weian Lim and James Coombe
Monday 3 September, 6.30pm
Loop Bar, Meyers Place

Shaun Carter
Thursday 6 September, 6.00pm
Austral Bricks Showroom, 1/50 Carrington Street

Emily Outson joined by Peter Walker, winner of the 2012 Tasmanian Emerging Architect Prize
Tuesday 11 September, 7.30pm
TUG bar – Elizabeth St Pier

All events are free to attend so go on and see what all the excitement is about!

Don’t forget entries for the 2013 Dulux Study Tour Prize close on Wednesday 26 September