Category: ACT enews

From the Chapter President

28 Jan

Typology display village
In response to the frustration with the limitations imposed by some current planning controls in the ACT, and in an effort to explore housing typologies which will be more in tune with the aspirations of the ACT community, the Chapter has been promoting a concept to design and construct a demonstration project containing several alternative house/unit types not commonly seen in Canberra.

The proposal has received significant support from within Government in the form of LDA, ACTPLA …and also including Minister Corbell himself. The proposal is to design and construct up to (say) 12 to 15 homes, across a variety of types, preferably in a central accessible location to meet the following criteria;

•    To explore suitable new housing types for infill sites,
•    To do so outside of the current regulatory control environment, so as to test and explore the validity of the new typologies.
•    To educate and broaden the Canberra community’s perception of what a house or home might be.
•    To explore avenues for alternative approaches to more affordable housing.
•    To be the basis for consideration and implementation of more flexible planning controls.
•    To promote the value of architecture and design to the community

It is intended to hold some form of design competition to design, build and market contemporary homes that respond to the needs of all levels within the emerging Canberra market without the normal planning controls inhibiting innovation. Part of the competition criteria will be that there will be mandatory involvement of a registered architect.

This will be a rare chance to demonstrate what architects believe the markets are crying out for, at a premium infill site, without being hamstrung by the current planning controls. It time for us to be an agent for change, to push the envelope!

Light rail competition
Some members who may have missed the members Christmas party would also have missed an exciting initiative. The big announcement of the night was the official launch of a design ideas competition for a Canberra Light Rail station with a trip for two to the Venice Biennale among the great prizes up for offer.  The competition is for ACT Chapter members exclusively including architects, graduate architects and students of architecture.

For more information please visit

As many of you would be aware my presidential term comes to a close in the near future and for the first time in many years there will be more than one candidate and consequently an election. Combine this with the with the nomination of more people standing for Chapter Council than there are places available it suggests there is an increasing vitality and desire to engage with the profession from within the membership … Long may it continue.


Tony Trobe
ACT Chapter President



From the Chapter President

I recently attended a Pecha Kucha night in Braddon run by Tate Waddington Architects. The vibrancy of this evening indicated to me that there is a potent interest in a broad range of design matters across the whole spectrum of disciplines in the capital. Although this event was well supported by architects it was not however an Institute organised event.

The event itself seemed to be a great networking opportunity, particularly for young architects and students and it would be a great coup for the chapter if some of this manifest energy could emanate from within the Institute rather than perhaps being seen as a counterpoint to it. The Institute should never be seen as a club for employers but as a touchstone for all those who have a connection to the profession.

With this in mind it should be noted that within the next few months there will be an opportunity for the membership to elect new chapter Councillors and it would be of great benefit to the Institute if these spots were competed for by energetic and passionate architects. To all to see some of the buzz and energy that was evident at the Pecha Kucha night overlaid onto the core activities of the chapter would be a rising tide lifting all boats. I would encourage some of the younger members of the Institute who in the past may not have considered putting their hands up for an elected position to seriously consider it this time around.

The position of the chapter president will also become vacant soon. There is no mandate that says the candidate should come from within the current round of chapter Council members. I would encourage all members to approach the chapter with any suitable suggestions into whose hands this important role could possibly be placed.



Tony Trobe, ACT Chapter President


From the Chapter President

Last week Glen Murcutt attended a president’s lunch at the chapter and in the evening went on to feature in a ‘Michael Parkinson’ style interview with our own Annabelle Pegrum as part of the contemporary speaker series at the National Gallery. This was a sell-out. Given this success it makes it clear that given the right exposure the public have a significant appetite for architecture and design. We, as a profession just need to continue to provide it.

We seem to be claiming a toehold within key media outlets including: the Canberra Times Relax magazine on Sundays, a weekly president’s column on Saturdays and biweekly ABC interviews with Alex Sloan on 666; it would be great to be able to build on these.

To keep the momentum with these initiatives however we do need the active involvement of chapter members so I would greatly encourage all members to think about potentially becoming involved. The Canberra Times Relax represents incredible value for the promotion of practices; particularly for anybody working in the domestic sphere. It is surprising to me that we struggle to find suitable candidates to participate.

I personally am always searching for contributors to the weekly column in the paper; all that is required here is that for ‘guest of the week’ to come up with 450 words on a topic that they are passionate about in ‘question-and-answer’ format. This is a very simple process and an easy vehicle pass comment on a wide variety of design issues. It is also very visible platform for us as a profession to keep architecture at the vanguard of the news cycle.

This is a plea for more members to step forward.

Tony Trobe
ACT Chapter Manager

Shared Services Procurement

The quarterly Shared Services Procurement Roundtable is an opportunity for Institute members to discuss a range of issues regarding ACT Government procurement practices and issues with key senior SSP representatives.  David Clarke has been representing the Chapter on this Roundtable for some years, and is looking to broaden the attendance profile.  If you have issues to raise and/or an interest in government procurement strategies, please contact David at to arrange attendance.

Thursday 22 Aug at 2pm 
Level 2 Annex Large Meeting Room

Women dominating the tradie scene

Canberra’s all-female tradie group: bricklayer Susie Walsh, landscape and construction estimator Verity Alexandra, hydraulic consultant Rebecca Sweeting, structural consultant Kayleigh McNabb, project manager Gabrielle Ruiz and architect Cassandra Keller.

Read more.

Solar House Day


Solar House Day Lecture and Expo
How to build a climate appropriate house in Canberra
‘Lessons from the past – information for the future’
Wed 14 Aug, 5pm-7.30pm
National Library of Australia
Speaker: Andreas Luzzi – LAROS TECHNOLOGIES
FREE EVENT (Drinks and nibbles provided)

Solar House Day tour
Come join us on a bus tour to view our region’s best climate appropriate energy-efficient homes from the past to the present”
Sunday 18 August 2013 8.45 for 9am-12noon (lunch)1pm-5pm
LAROS Technologies 2/5 Bodalla Pl, Canberra ACT 2609
1.Thorn Place, Jigsaw Housing/Curtin
2. Wootton House, TT Architecture /Chifley
3. Wakool house, Trevor Lee Architect/Fadden
1 Flannery House, Rob Henry, Philip Leeson Architect /Wamboin
2. Box House, Rob Henry Architect/Wamboin
3. Stone House, Strine Design/Bungendore
4. Bywong House, Jigsaw Housing/Bywong
Click here to register for the full day
Click here to register for Urban only
Click here to register for Rural only

Other events

City To Lake Forum
Wednesday 7 August 5pm-7.30pm
ACT Chapter, 2A Mugga Way, Red Hill
Presented by Ian Wood-Bradley
City to the Lake is a transformational project being developed within the City Plan and is integral to realising the City’s potential as we embark on our second century. RSVP to More info here.

Lunchbox Session 2: Certification Hotspots
Wednesday 14 August, 12.30-1.30
ACT Chapter
Speakers: John Mihaljevic from Certified Building Solutions and Dean McPherson from AMC Projects
Let’s cut through the red tape and review the most common non compliances on projects and traps for young players from the perspective of a Building Certifier and Architect. RSVP to

2013 Contemporary Australian Architects Speaker Series
Wednesdays 4-25 September doors 5.30pm for a 6pm start
National Gallery of Australia, James O Fairfax Theatre
4 Sep – Glenn Murcutt
11 Sep – Clare Cousins, Clare Cousins Architects
18 Sep – Peter Maddison, Maddison Architects
25 Sep – Renato D’Ettorre, Renato D’Ettorre Architects

From the Chapter

This week the Small Chapter Committee hosted a lunch with Ken Hungerford and Natalie Watson of ACT Metropolitan Certifiers talking to the new requirements for BA documentation for class 1 and 10 residential buildings. In particular they clarified the requirements and highlighted the problems with the current cottage construction in the ACT. The general feeling ranged from indignation to pragmatic acceptance of the new requirements whilst most conceding that the new measures will do little to improve the quality of residential buildings, although, value in sharpening up the standard of documentation submitted to certifiers for Building approval. Moving forward, a working group was formed to work up a generic specification that responds directly to the new BA Documentation.

On Wednesday we would encourage all members to attend a presentation at the Chapter by Ian Wood-Bradley on the proposed City to the Lake is a transformation being developed within the City Plan.  Great opportunity for members to hear and discuss the merits of the proposed project that is likely to have a major impact on our city.

Robyn Stone
ACT Chapter Manager

ACT Chapter news

ACT Chapter news


The ACT Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects produces a fortnightly e-newsletter:

4 Feb
18 Feb
5 Mar
18 Mar
2 Apr
17 Apr

ACT Chapter ENews Archive:





Celebration of the century – winners announced at 2013 ACT Architecture Awards

The winners of the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2013 ACT Architecture Awards have been revealed tonight, Saturday 22 June, at the National Arboretum.

The territory’s highest honour, the Canberra Medallion, was awarded to a commercial building ‘exemplifying common sense architectural solution and good design with an underwritten commitment to creating complementary public space within the realm of related agency buildings’.

2 & 4 National Circuit Precinct by Fender Katsalidis. Image by John Gollings
2 & 4 National Circuit Precinct by Fender Katsalidis. Image by John Gollings

Fender Katsalidis received the prestigious award for 2 & 4 National Circuit Precinct.

‘A clear and sensitive introduction of new commercial architecture into the heritage-listed former patents office and a brown field site that creates a comfortable and inviting space consistent with the aim of increasing urban density around the parliamentary triangle,’ stated the jury.

The project was also recognised with the Sir John Overall Award for Urban Design.

The venue of the 2013 ACT Architecture Awards, Village Centre – National Arboretum Canberra by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer was recognised by the jury with the Romaldo Giugola Award for Public Architecture.

‘Through the application of distinctive materials and a curvilinear form that displays subtle empathy with surrounding landforms, the architects have ensured that the National Arboretum will become one of Canberra’s most notable iconic buildings.’

Village Centre - National Arboretum by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer. Image by Brett Boardman
Village Centre – National Arboretum by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer. Image by Brett Boardman

A house that ‘is elegant, beautifully detailed and bespoke’ has taken out the top residential architecture – houses award.

Produced by a father and son team of owner, architect and builder, Knobel House by Anthony Knobel Architect received the Malcolm Moir and Heather Sutherland Award for Residential Architecture and the ACT Sustainability Award.

‘The close quarters to the neighbours on all four boundaries is forgotten in this beautiful and remarkably private home,’ the jury reflected.

The W Hayward Morris Award for Interior Architecture and the InLite Light in Architecture Prize were awarded to St Mary Mackillop College Chapel by Collins Caddaye Architects for ‘an absolute transformation from a dark and internal space, to a naturally-lit and beautiful place for inquiry and contemplation’.

St Mary Mackillop College Chapel by Collins Caddaye Architects. Image by Stefan Postles
St Mary Mackillop College Chapel by Collins Caddaye Architects. Image by Stefan Postles

Canberra College Performing Arts Centre by BVN Donovan Hill received the COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture and Gallery House by Philip Leeson Architects took home the Art in Architecture Prize.


Full list of winning projects:


Art in Architecture Prize

Winner – Gallery House by Philip Leeson Architects


BCA Certifiers Mervyn Willoughby-Thomas Renovation Award

Winner – Dickson House by Marcus Graham Architect

Commendation – Roberts House by Dennis Formiatti Architect


Canberra Medallion

Winner – 2 & 4 National Circuit Precinct by Fender Katsalidis


COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture

Award – Canberra College Performing Arts Centre by BVN Donovan Hill


Commercial Architecture

Award – EAST Hotel by Cox Architecture

Award – 4 National Circuit Precinct by Fender Katsalidis


Education Prize

Winner – St Joseph’s Early Childhood Learning Centre by Paul Barnett Design Group


Enduring Architecture

Award – Parliament House by Mitchell Giurgola and Thorp 1988


Heritage Architecture

Award – 2 National Circuit by Fender Katsalidis


InLite Light in Architecture Prize

Winner – St Mary Mackillop College Chapel by Collins Caddaye Architects


Interior Architecture

W Hayward Morris Award for Interior Architecture – St Mary Mackillop College Chapel by Collins Caddaye Architects

Award – 2 National Circuit by Fender Katsalidis

Award – EAST Hotel by Cox Architecture


Public Architecture

Romaldo Giugola Award for Public Architecture – Village Centre – National Arboretum Canberra by Tonkin Zulaikha Greer

Award – Canberra College Performing Arts Centre by BVN Donovan Hill

Award – St Clare’s College Trade Training Centre by Collins Caddaye Architects

Award – The Australian National University ‘National Computational Infrastructure Facility’ by METIER3 Pty Ltd


Residential Architecture – Houses

Malcolm Moir and Heather Sutherland Award for Residential Architecture – Houses – Knobel House by Anthony Knobel Architect

Award – Gallery House by Philip Leeson Architects

Commendation – Rodway House by TT Architecture


Residential Architecture – Multiple Housing

Commendation – Bridge Point by Colin Stewart Architects


Small Project Architecture

Named Award – Roberts House by Dennis Formiatti Architect

Commendation – Krawarree House by Strine Design

Commendation – O’Connor Additions by Allan Spira Architect


Sustainable Architecture

ACT Sustainability Award – Knobel House by Anthony Knobel Architect


Urban Design

Sir John Overall Award for Urban Design – 2 & 4 National Circuit Precinct by Fender Katsalidis

Award – Manuka Oval Sport Lighting by Cox Architecture

Award – The Realm Precinct by Colin Stewart Architects

Projects that received a Named Award or an Architecture Award now progress to the 2013 National Architecture Awards to be announced in Sydney on 7 November.



For media enquiries contact:

Alexandra Cato

National Media and Communications Officer

Australian Institute of Architects

P. + 61 (3) 8620 3813

The Australian Institute of Architects is the peak body for the architectural profession, representing almost 12,000 members across Australia and overseas. The Institute actively works to improve the quality of our built environment by promoting quality, responsible and sustainable design. Learn more about the Institute, log on to