Hobart College is a spacious campus located in a bushland setting on the suburban fringe. The college received funding to refurbish and upgrade the science suite of specialist learning areas to provide a safe, high quality learning environment. The work involved the refurbishment of six laboratories and five new maths classrooms over two levels, as well as provision of new staff offices, communal spaces and amenities. The interior concept is a celebration of science, with an ‘outward-looking’ approach reflecting the global outlook and connectivity of scientific research. Spaces were reconfigured in close collaboration with the head of the department to bring science and mathematics together, providing an environment conducive to quality teaching and learning, which encourages collaborative inquiry. A new DNA-inspired spiral staircase connects the two floors, creating a symbolic heart for the block. Patterns on the floor represent the interconnectivity and ever-changing nature of science. The northern face of the building was broken open to provide a sunny student space with a visual connection to the broader landscape setting. The addition of external sunshading has reduced the heatload on the building to create a stimulating learning environment and a flexible and engaging space for students.
Structural, electrical, lighting, mechanical, hydraulic, services consultant – JMG
Cost consultant – WT Partnership
Photographer – Jasmin Latona
Building surveyor – pitt&sherry
Builder – Tascon Constructions